729G86 Language Technology
Course introduction
Welcome to the course! This introductory lecture introduces you to language technology as an application area and to the content and organization of the course, and reviews some basic concepts from the area of text segmentation.
- Slides: Course introduction
- Detailed information about the course organisation and examination is available on this site!
Learning objectives
At the end of this unit you should be able to explain and apply the following concepts:
- ambiguity, combinatorial explosion
- tokenization, normalization, stop word
- word token, word type
Topic 1: Text classification
Text classification is the task of categorizing text documents into predefined classes. This unit will introduce you to text classification and its applications. You will learn how to evaluate text classifiers using standard validation methods and get to know the Naive Bayes classifier, a simple but effective probabilistic model for text classification.
Learning objectives
At the end of this unit you should be able to explain and apply the following concepts:
- accuracy, precision, recall
- Naive Bayes classifier, log probabilities
- maximum likelihood estimation, additive smoothing
At the end of this unit you should be able to perform the following procedures:
- evaluate a text classifier based on accuracy, precision, and recall
- apply the classification rule of the Naive Bayes classifier to a text
- estimate the probabilities of a Naive Bayes classifier using maximum likelihood estimation and additive smoothing
- 1.1 Introduction to text classification (video)
- 1.2 Evaluation of text classifiers (video)
- 1.3 Text classification with Naive Bayes (video)
- 1.4 Learning a Naive Bayes classifier (video)
Teaching session 2023-01-24 (slides)
Naive Bayes and Sentiment Classification, chapter 4 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), sections 4.1–4.5, 4.7–4.8
Topic 2: Language modelling
Language models predict which sentences are more or less probable in a given language. This unit focuses on n-gram models, which have a wide range of applications such as predictive text input and machine translation. You will learn how to apply, estimate, and evaluate n-gram models. The last part of this unit introduces the concept of edit distance.
Learning objectives
At the end of this unit you should be able to explain and apply the following concepts:
- n-gram model, unigram, bigram
- maximum likelihood estimation, additive smoothing
- perplexity, entropy
- Levenshtein distance
At the end of this unit you should be able to perform the following procedures:
- learn an n-gram model using additive smoothing
- evaluate an n-gram model using entropy
- compute the Levenshtein distance between two words
- simulate the Wagner–Fisher algorithm advanced
- 2.1 Introduction to language modelling (video)
- 2.2 Probabilistic language models (video)
- 2.3 Learning probabilistic language models (video)
- 2.4 Evaluation of language models (video)
- 2.5 Edit distance (video)
- 2.6 The Wagner–Fisher algorithm (video) advanced
- N-gram Language Models, chapter 3 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), sections 3.1–3.5.2
- Minimum Edit Distance, section 2.5 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021)
Topic 3: Part-of-speech tagging
A part-of-speech tagger is a computer program that tags each word in a sentence with its part of speech, such as noun, adjective, or verb. In this lecture you will learn how to evaluate part-of-speech taggers, and be introduced to two methods for part-of-speech tagging: hidden Markov models (which generalize the Markov models that you encountered in the lecture on language modelling) and the multi-class perceptron.
Learning objectives
At the end of this unit you should be able to explain and apply the following concepts:
- part of speech, part-of-speech tagger
- accuracy, precision, recall
- hidden Markov model
- multi-class perceptron, feature window
At the end of this unit you should be able to perform the following procedures:
- evaluate a part-of-speech tagger based on accuracy, precision, and recall
- compute the probability of a tagged sentence in a hidden Markov model
- simulate a part-of-speech tagger based on the multi-class perceptron
Slides: Part-of-speech tagging
- 3.1 Introduction to part-of-speech tagging (video)
- 3.2 Evaluation of part-of-speech taggers (video)
- 3.3 Part-of-speech tagging with Hidden Markov Models (video)
- 3.4 Part-of-speech tagging with multi-class perceptrons (video)
- 3.5 The Viterbi algorithm (slides, videos) advanced
- Part-of-Speech Tagging, chapter 8 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), sections 8.1–8.4.4
- The Viterbi Algorithm, section 8.4.5 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021) advanced
Topic 4: Syntactic analysis
Syntactic analysis, also called syntactic parsing, is the task of mapping a sentence to a formal representation of its syntactic structure. In this unit you will learn about parsing to two target representations: phrase structure trees and dependency trees. The central model for the parsing to phrase structure trees is that of a probabilistic context-free grammar. For parsing to dependency trees, you will learn about the transition-based dependency parsing algorithm, which is also used by Google.
Learning objectives
At the end of this unit you should be able to explain and apply the following concepts:
- phrase structure tree, dependency tree
- probabilistic context-free grammar
- transition-based dependency parser
At the end of this unit you should be able to perform the following procedures:
- learn a probabilistic context-free grammar from a treebank
- simulate a transition-based dependency parser
- 4.1 Introduction to syntactic analysis (video)
- 4.2 Context-free grammars (video)
- 4.3 Parsing with probabilistic context-free grammars (video)
- 4.4 Transition-based dependency parsing (video)
- Constituency Parsing, chapter 13 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), section 13.1
- Statistical Constituency Parsing, appendix C of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), sections C.1, C.3
- Dependency Parsing, chapter 14 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), sections 14.1–14.4 (excluding 14.4.1 and onwards)
- Constituency Parsing, chapter 13 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), section 13.2 advanced
- Statistical Constituency Parsing, appendix C of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), section C.2 advanced
Topic 5: Semantic analysis
In this unit you will learn about word senses and the problems they posed for language technology, as well as about two important problems in semantic analysis: word sense disambiguation and word similarity. For each task you will learn about both knowledge-based and data-driven methods, including the popular continuous skip-gram model used in Google’s word2vec software.
Learning objectives
At the end of this unit you should be able to explain and apply the following concepts:
- word sense, homonymy, polysemy
- synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, hypernymy, WordNet
- Simplified Lesk algorithm
- word similarity, distributional hypothesis, co-occurrence matrix
At the end of this unit you should be able to perform the following procedures:
- simulate the Simplified Lesk algorithm
- compute the path length-based similarity of two words
- derive a co-occurrence matrix from a document collection
- 5.1 Introduction to semantic analysis (video)
- 5.2 Word senses (video)
- 5.3 Word sense disambiguation (video)
- 5.4 Word similarity (video)
- Vector Semantics and Embeddings, chapter 6 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), sections 6.1–6.4
- Word Senses and WordNet, chapter 18 of Jurafsky and Martin (2021), sections 18.1–18.5, excluding 18.4.2
Page responsible: Marco Kuhlmann
Last updated: 2023-01-14