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Dynamic software documentation


[1] Erik Berglund. Communicating bugs: Global bug knowledge distribution. Information and Software Technology, Elsevier, 2004. in press, accepted.
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[2] Erik Berglund. Designing electronic library reference documentation. Journal of Systems and Software, Elsevier, 68(1):65-75, 2003.
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[3] Erik Berglund. Library Communication Among Programmers Worldwide. PhD thesis, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, 2002.
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[4] Henrik Eriksson, Erik Berglund, and Peter Nevalainen. Using knowledge engineering: Support for a java documentation viewer. In Proceedings of The 14:th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE.02), Ischia, Italy, July 15 - 19 2002.
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[5] Erik Berglund and Michael Priestley. Open-source documentation: in search of user-driven, just-in-time writing. In Proceedings of SIGDOC 2001, Santa Fe, NM, October 21-24 2001.
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[6] Erik Berglund. Writing for adaptable documentation. In Proceedings of IPCC/SIGDOC 2000, Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 24-27 2000.
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[7] Erik Berglund and Henrik Eriksson. Dynamic software component documentation. In Proceedings of The Second Workshop on Learning Software Organizations, in conjunction with the Second International Conference on Product Focused software Process Improvement, Oulu, Finland, June 20 2000.
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[8] Erik Berglund. Use-oriented documentation in software development. Licentiate thesis. Linköping Studies in Science and Technology, School of Engineering at Linköping University. Department of Computer and Information Science, ISBN: 91-7219-615-7, 1999.
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[9] Erik Berglund and Henrik Eriksson. Intermediate knowledge trough conceptual source-code organization. In Proceedings of The 10:th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 98, San Francisco Bay CA USA, June 18-20 1998.
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Page responsible: Henrik Eriksson
Last updated: 2018-01-28