Model-Based Systems Engineering2015HT
Course plan
No of lectures
42 hours
Recommended for
Ph.D. students and practitioners in engineering and/or computer science.
The course was last given
New course
After the course, students should be able to:
• Describe how products and services from different technical areas can
be integrated into a system.
• Describe basic concepts in Systems Engineering.
• Specify and analyze system requirements.
• Design and model a system architecture.
• Use a modeling languages such as Modelica and/or SysML to describe a
small systen.
• Model, analyze, simulate, and optimize a system.
• Plan implementation of a system.
• Validate a system.
• Perform environmental and lifecycle design and management of a system
General undergraduate level knowledge in engineering, mathematics, programming languages and programming.
Lectures integrated with interactive exercises, a few small project assignments, and a medium-sized project on modeling and optimizing a hybrid vehicle.
This is an introductory course in systems engineering with emphasis on model-based systems development, design, and analysis using tools. The course include general methods which are useful within a range of system engineering domains, e.g., computer science, software engineering, machine design, electrical engineering, vehicular systems, aerospace applications, transport systems, project management, lifecycle design and analysis, Product/Service Systems.
The course will use a set of resources on theoretical se well as practical
matters pertaining to Systems Engineering.
• Dickerson, Charles, and Dimitri N. Mavris. Architecture and Principles
of Systems Engineering. Auerbach Publications. 2010.
• ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard. Systems and software engineering -
System life cycle processes ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 First edition 2015.
doi: 10.1109/IEEESTD.2015.7106435
• Peter Fritzson. Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation
with Modelica 3.3. Wiley-IEEE Press, 2015.
• The DrModelica Interactive Electronic Notebook, downloadable from as part of OpenModelica
• Selected publications on lifecycle management, requirement
formalization and verification such as
◦ Bras, B. (2009) Sustainability and product life cycle management –
issues and challenges, Int. J. Product Lifecycle Management, 4(1/2/3): 23–48.
Peter Fritzson, IDA/Software and Systems
Lars Eriksson, ISY/Vehicular Systems
Kristian Sandahl, IDA/ Software and Systems
Petter Krus, IEI/Machine Design
Tomohiko Sakao, IEI/Environmental Technology and Management
Ola Leifler, IDA/ Software and Systems
Lena Buffoni, IDA/ Software and Systems
Bernhard Thiele, IDA/ Software and Systems
Erik Herzog, Saab, invited lecturer
Peter Fritzson
Joint project assignments on modeling, verification and simulation,
including the medium-sized course project on modeling and optimizing a hybrid
vehicle, and individual oral examination on theoretical matter and project
assignments at the end of the course.
It is possible to get 1-2 extra credits for a small project of your own choice
People who already know Modelica can/should skip the two Modelica course days
and the associated theoretical matter. However, to compensate, they should
suggest a small project or related theoretical matter of their own choice, to
be approved by the course leader.
The course will be open for PhD students from several departments at LiU, most notably IDA, ISY, and IEI.
Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies