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Schedule for all current courses

Week 09    
Wed 26/02 10-17
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods

prel. Ada Lovelace, hus B, Campus Valla
Thu 27/02 10-12
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods

KY31, Key-huset, Campus Valla
Thu 27/02 13-17
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods

KY34, Key-huset, Campus Valla
Fri 28/02 09-12
Sequential Monte Carlo Methods

KY34, Key-huset, Campus Valla
Fri 28/02 13-15
Critical Perspectives on AI

Week 10    
Mon 03/03 
Recent Topics in Automated Planning

Herbert Simon, building E
Tue 04/03 13-15
Human-Computer Interaction Research

Allen Newell, E-building (and Teams)
Week 11    
Mon 10/03 
Recent Topics in Automated Planning

Herbert Simon, building E
Tue 11/03 
Advanced Computational Statistics

John von Neumann, building B, Campus Valla
Wed 12/03 
Advanced Computational Statistics

John von Neumann, building B, Campus Valla
Fri 14/03 13-15
Critical Perspectives on AI

Week 12    
Mon 17/03 
Recent Topics in Automated Planning

Herbert Simon, building E
Tue 18/03 13-15
Human-Computer Interaction Research

Allen Newell, E-building (and Teams)
Fri 21/03 13:30
Current topics in Design Research and the Public Sector (spring 2025)

Week 13    
Mon 24/03 
Recent Topics in Automated Planning

Alan Turing, building E
Week 14    
Mon 31/03 
Recent Topics in Automated Planning

Herbert Simon, building E
Tue 01/04 
Advanced Computational Statistics

online, Zoom
Tue 01/04 13-15
Human-Computer Interaction Research

Allen Newell, E-building (and Teams)
Wed 02/04 
Gamification and Serious Games in Research and Practice

Donald Knuth, building B
Week 15    
Mon 07/04 
Recent Topics in Automated Planning

Herbert Simon, building E
Tue 08/04 13-15
Human-Computer Interaction Research

Allen Newell, E-building (and Teams)
Fri 11/04 13-15
Critical Perspectives on AI

Fri 11/04 13:30
Current topics in Design Research and the Public Sector (spring 2025)

Week 16    
Mon 14/04 
Recent Topics in Automated Planning

Herbert Simon, building E
Tue 15/04 
Advanced Computational Statistics

online, Zoom
Week 17    
Tue 22/04 13-15
Human-Computer Interaction Research

Allen Newell, E-building (and Teams)
Wed 23/04 
Gamification and Serious Games in Research and Practice

Donald Knuth, building B
Fri 25/04 13-15
Critical Perspectives on AI

Week 18    
Tue 29/04 
Advanced Computational Statistics

online, Zoom
Week 19    
Tue 06/05 13-15
Human-Computer Interaction Research

Allen Newell, E-building (and Teams)
Fri 09/05 13-15
Critical Perspectives on AI

Fri 09/05 14:40
Current topics in Design Research and the Public Sector (spring 2025)

Week 20    
Thu 15/05 
Advanced Computational Statistics

John von Neumann, building B, Campus Valla
Fri 16/05 
Advanced Computational Statistics

John von Neumann, building B, Campus Valla
Week 21    
Tue 20/05 13-15
Human-Computer Interaction Research

Allen Newell, E-building (and Teams)
Fri 23/05 13-15
Critical Perspectives on AI

Fri 23/05 
Gamification and Serious Games in Research and Practice

Donald Knuth, building B
Week 22    
Fri 30/05 13:30
Current topics in Design Research and the Public Sector (spring 2025)

Week 23    
Tue 03/06 13-15
Human-Computer Interaction Research

Allen Newell, E-building (and Teams)
Week 24    
Mon 09/06  -
Thu 19/06  
Cybersecurity Organizational Principles

Charles Babbage, building B
Fri 13/06 13-16
Critical Perspectives on AI


Page responsible: Anne Moe