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Service design

FDA182, 2005VT

Status Archive
School Computer and Information Science (CIS)
Owner Stefan Holmlid

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Course plan

No of lectures

will be specified later

Recommended for

PhD students interested in design methods and theories in the emerging design domain of service design. Typically, students from HCI, interaction design, informatics, service development, economic information systems, could participate.

The course was last given

New course


The objectives are to cooperatively
- create an overview of methods for Service design and develop a framework of methods for Service design
- create an overview and insights into Service design research and the possibilities for doing research on or with Service design
- understand and compile the critique towards Service design, as well as the critique it directs towards its neighboring fields



The course is planned as an extended workshop, where the group cooperatively and individually research, develop and define service design and its methods through constructive and analytic work.


Service design is a relatively new field of design. It is a natural development beyond the design and development of products, with a focus on the character of services. A traditional example is the train trip viewed as a product or as a service, with touch-points and service evidence, etc.
The literature with design focus is scarce. Some work on method development have been performed during the last few years, but there is little consensus on frameworks or scope of methods or process steps. Therefore, the possibilites to systematically perform research within the field of Service design relatively small. Furthermore, several research subjects with different degrees of relative maturity are regarded to be important components within the field of Service design, e.g. informatics, economy, marketing, industrial design, interaction design.
During the course we will review the Service design field through different perspectives provided by literature from several domains, and review the methods proposed to perform successful design of good services.


will be specified later


Stefan Holmlid
possible guests: Birgit Mager, Hans Frisk, Lavrans Lövlie


Sture Hägglund


The examination is based on active participation and on individual examination of the students' contribution to the collaborative learning process, complemented with a critique of the area Service design.


5 credits


The course will be given during the later part of spring 2005.

Page responsible: Anne Moe