Aspects of Scientific WritingFDA025, 2005VT
Course plan
No of lectures
Seven sessions (7 * 3 hours)
Recommended for
All doctoral students at IDA/HMI.
The course was last given
Fall 2004.
To provide the basic skills needed for reading, writing and presenting scientific work (journal papers, monographs, presentations). This includes guidelines for structuring written and oral presentations, as well as for critical reading.
Good working knowledge of English.
The seven 3-hour sessions will be used to gain experience with the principles of scientific reading and writing. The first five sessions will use examples taken from the open literature. The last three sessions will focus on the participants' own research.
The seminars will take the form of guided analyses and discussions of a number of selected scientific papers, and use these to illustrate essential points relating to reading, writing and presentation. Course participants are required to read through a number of selected papers and discuss their analysis during classes. Course participants are encouraged to suggest examples of papers that they consider particularly good or bad. The papers need not be within their own area of interest or expertise. Course participants shall also practice giving a presentation of their own research.
Swales & Feak (1994). Academic writing for graduate students. The University of
Michigan Press.
Lindstedt, I. (2002). Textens hantverk. Om retorik och skrivande.
Erik Hollnagel.
Erik Hollnagel.
Active presence during (almost) all seminars. A short report (< 1 page) from each seminar + a four page paper presenting each participant's own research and illustrating the benefits of good scientific writing.
5 credits.
Page responsible: Anne Moe