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Hardware/Software Codesign of Embedded Systems

FDA186, 2005HT

Status Archive
School Computer and Information Science (CIS)
Division ESLAB
Owner Zebo Peng
Homepage http://www.ida.liu.se/~zebpe/codesign

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Course plan

No of lectures

24 h

Recommended for

Graduate students in Computer Science and Computer Systems

The course was last given

The course has ceratin overlapping with the CUGS course on Real-Time and Embeddded Systems


The objective of the course is to present techniques for the
concurrent design, or co-design, of embedded systems that are
dedicated to specific applications and consist of tightly coupled
hardware and software components. It will discuss modern design
methodologies with an emphasis on early design phases, not covered by
traditional methods, including modeling, verification and system-level
synthesis. It will also discusses the topics of embedded real-time
systems, and power related issues at the system level.



The course will be given in intensive forms in order to make
it easy for external students from other universities to attend.
The schedule will be coordinated with the ARTES++ graduate school.


* Embedded systems and their design. Characteristics and requirements
* System-level design-flow
* Architectures and platforms for embedded systems
* Component and platform-based Design
* Models of computation and specification languages
* Performance analysis and co-simulation
* Software synthesis and code generation
* System-level power/energy optimization
* Optimization techniques for design space exploration


Ahmed A. Jerraya, Jean Mermet, editors: "System-Level Synthesis," Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999.

Research articles to be distributed.


Petru Eles and Zebo Peng


Petru Eles and Zebo Peng


Term paper.


5 points


Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies