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Introduction to Markov decision processes

FDA171, 2004HT

Status Archive
School National Graduate School in Computer Science (CUGS)
Division TECH-OU
Owner Lars Karlsson

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Course plan


Two lectures/exercises; approx 8 h ex each. Takes place in Örebro.

Recommended for

Potentially interesting for all CUGS students, but in particular relevant for those working with systems that need to interact with physical environments or other agents.

The course was last given

New course.


To obtain a basic understanding of what a Markov decision process is and how it can be used.


Basic knowledge in probability theory and optimization.


The course gives an introduction to Markov decision processes, which is a tool for optimal decision making in situations where the outcomes of the decision-making system's actions have a stochastic element. MDPs are used in computer science, control, biology, economics and a number of other fields. More specifically, the course adresses:

* Markov Chains

* Markov Decision Processes

* Solving MDPs: value iteration and policy iteration

* Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs)

* Applications: CS (planning, learning etc), control, biology, economy, and so on.


Intensive course


Martin L. Puterman: Markov Decision Processes: Discrete Stochastic Dynamic Programming, Wiley-Interscience, 1994. ISBN: 0471619779.

Lecture notes and articles.


Lars Karlsson


Lars Karlsson


Home assignment.


2.5 credits

Organized by

AASS, Örebro university


Schedule: prel October-November, 2004. The course is given in Örebro.

Page responsible: Anne Moe