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FDA127, 2004HT

Status Archive
School National Graduate School in Computer Science (CUGS)
Division ADIT
Owner Nahid Shahmehri
Homepage href="http://www.ida.liu.se/~juhta/CUGS-Comm/

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Course plan


24 hours (Schedule see http://www.ida.liu.se/cugs/CourseSchedule).

Recommended for

Graduate students in electrical engineering, computer engineering, or computer science

The course was last given

Fall 2003


The course focuses on techniques and issues associated with contemporary networks, that is, advanced network architectures, mobile and wireless networks, and multimedia information and networking. Important keywords: traffic analysis, simulation, routing, quality of service.

The course goal is to provide the course participants with sufficient knowledge of theory and tools in order to do a project involving the analysis, simulation and reporting of a research-relevant networking issue.

The participants will be provided with the opportunity to develop skills necessary to conduct academic research in the field of computer networks.


Basic course in computer networks, such as TDTS41 Computer Networks.


+ Traffic and load analysis; network performance and simulation

+ Wireless networks (implying mobility)
o ad hoc networking techniques
o MAC protocols: CSMA, MACAW
o cellular/radio: GSM/GPRS, UMTS/WCDMA, WAP
o home networks: infrared, Bluetooth

* Location management and context awareness
* Routing protocols: BGP, IGP, RIP, etc.
* Mobile IP and IPv6x
* Multimedia networking, QoSx
* Peer-to-peer networking
* Network management: SNMP, MIB, etc.
* Security: firewalls, IPsecx, access methods, evaluation methods
* Network architectures: internet exchange points, DMZ nets
(de-militarized zone networks and relation to political routing)


The course consists of lectures, a two-person networking project, seminar presentations of projects, reading assignments, and laborations.

See course schedule.

The place for the course is Stiftsgården Vårdnäs (2004-06-17).


Hassan, M. & Jain, R. (2004), High Performance TCP/IP Networking: Concepts, Issues, and Solutions. Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-127527-8.
in addition: research papers

Note: The textbook above is new (2004-04-28/JT).


Juha Takkinen ADIT/IDA/LiU

Guest lecturers: Mats Björkman, MDH, and Frida Eng, ISY/LiU


Nahid Shahmehri


The course is a "crash course," with obligatory attendance at two different occasions in September and October.

In addition to the obligatory attendance, the course participants will do an project assignment and write a short paper, with deadline in November.

See also course schedule.


3 credits


The course is an intensive course consisting of 2-3 day sessions (usually 2-3 sessions) at the study centre/university. The course has no admission fee, but course participants (or the groups they belong to) pay for travel and any food and accomodation. (For students registered with CUGS, the research school will pay for food and accomodation.) More information about this is available at <http://www.ida.liu.se/cugs/>

Course web page


Other information

Guest lecturers: Mats Björkman, MDH, and Frida Eng, ISY/LiU.

Page responsible: Anne Moe