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TDDE18 Programming (C++)


In this course we are going to use Git for submitting your lab work. It is crusial that you know the basic git command and how git works. If you need a refresher on git you can check out Try Git. When submitting you need to tag your work. By giving your commit a tag our server will recognize your commit as a submission. You can check your tags in one of two ways. The first one is by starting a terminal, go into your lab folder and enter:
git tag
This will show you which tags you have in your repository.

Another way to do this is by using Visual Studio Code with Git Tags addon installed. When you do a submit you will name your tag
where X is a number and for every subsequent submission X will be increasing. It is ok to do multiple submissions and only the newest one will be corrected. Do not that a submission after deadline will be seen as a late submission.

How to submit your lab

The way to submit your work is by using git. Either by using git in terminal or using git in Visual Studio Code. You submit your work by commit your work and push it to the server. Then you use the following command:

The first time you submit you need a one time password from an assistant!

git tag -a SUBMISSION_1 -m ""
git push --follow-tags
where xxxxxx is the one time password

Page responsible: Christoffer Holm
Last updated: 2017-09-17