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TDDE18 Programming (C++)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

I did not complete my lab before hard deadline, what should I do?
Complete your lab and when it is scheduled next year you go to that session(s) and demonstrate. If your lab is replaced with a new lab, do the new lab instead.
I did not pass the computer exam and I'm leaving Sweden soon, can you help me please, I'll do anything!
You are asking the wrong question to the wrong person at the wrong time. You should instead ask Yourself what You can do to pass the exam with certitude. You should raise this question to yourself at the beginning of the course. And you should think of how the teachers can support you during the quest for knowledge. The computer exam will be the only way to pass as long as I'm examiner.
On the exam I think there was a mistake with the correction of my solution. Can you look at it again?
Yes. I can. Send me a mail after the exam.
I have this personal problem ..., Can you consider me as a special case for grade 3?
If you have some kind of disability you should read about special needs and contact a coordinator and ask them to organize special support for you. Unless the request come from them I'm unable to help.
What if I miss a deadline?
You have to remember to meet that deadline the next year the course is given. It's not possible to do it sooner.
Can I get extended deadline because <insert your reason here>?
In general: No. Unless you supply proof of illness or attending a funeral or similar. It involves to much work to administer deadline extensions for every second student. Use our time to learn more instead of requesting personal benefits. If your delay is due to faults on our side (illness, schedule changes...) we will adjust deadlines without you asking.
I could not attend lab N, can I demonstrate later?
Yes. As long as it is before the hard deadline and on scheduled time.
How can I select this course?
Register for the course in student portal or fill in the "Change of courses" form, get the signature from Director of Studies, and hand in to your study coordinator.
I need your signature on my "Change of courses" form. Can I get it?
No, you do not need my signature. You need the signature from the Director of Studies. Read the Important section. Hand your form to "studerandeexpeditionen".
I can not log on to the computers. What should I do?

You have to be registered to at least one IDA-course to be able to log on. Register to the course at once:

Option 1.

  • Register for the course in student portal.
  • You can log on the next day.

Option 2. (If option 1 is not available.)

  • Fill in the form "Change of Courses".
  • Hand in to "Studerandeexpeditionen" in E-building.
  • They will pass the form to the director of studies (+1 day).
  • He/She will check the information, sign and pass back (+1 day).
  • Fetch form from "Studerandeexpeditionen" in E-building.
  • Hand in to your study coordinator.
  • He/She will verify you can attend and hand on to registration office (+1 day).
  • Registration office will enter your details in computer system (+1 day).
  • The computer system will distribute your registration to IDA over night (+1 day).
  • Now you can log on.

N.B. It is a lengthy process. You will have to allow at least one work day on each step. (It may be possible to speed up by leaving your form directly at director of studies office. The rules on his door, if any, apply at all times.)

I arrived late and missed a lot, what should I do?
Catch up! Talk to other students, read the course homepage and look at the schedule (on course homepage) to determine what you missed. When you know what you missed and made a catch up plan, talk to assistant to get it approved.
Do I need to buy the book?
Yes. If you are not sure of your knowledge and skill, you probably need a book to support your learning.
What is obligatory to attend?
Seminars are obligatory by default. Your other studies here are your own responsibility, you have to do all the difficult choices whether to attend or not. If anything is obligatory we will tell you.
Can I do the labs at home?
See answer to "Can I use my own computer?".
Can I use my own computer?
If you have the skill and knowledge to set it up without help. Course personnel do not have time to support issues appearing on personal computers. We only support the lab computers. You may only demonstrate solutions on our computers.
My question does not appear here, or the answer was not helpful at all, what do I do?
Send a mail observing the rules for mails to the examiner and explain your question.

Page responsible: Sam Le
Last updated: 2017-08-06