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TDDD39 Perspektiv på informationsteknologi

Infosök: Vem ska man tro på?

Inför laboration i informationssökning

Titta på reklamfilmen med flodhästar från Media Smart.

Följande definitioner kommer från Urban Dictionary:

  • google-fu
    A measure of one's level of skill in using the Google search engine in order to find needed (usually worthless) information.
    My Google-Fu is better than your Google-Fu.
  • google hand
    The measure of one's ability to rapidly locate information on the internet using Google.
    I just asked Jim about a rare breedd of guinean banana slug. He had some links form me in a couple of minutes. Damn is his Google hand strong!

Sidansvarig: Ola Leifler
Senast uppdaterad: 2013-08-23