Mats Gustafsson -- Curriculum Vitae

All cities mentioned below are located in Sweden.

Personal data

Born 1961 in Eskilstuna. Moved to Linköping in 1982 and have lived there since, with the exception of a longer stay in Härnösand in during 1994 and 1995.


1981. Graduated senior high school natural science program.
1981/82. 10 month military service.
1982-85. Mathematics studies, Linköping University
1990-95. Computer science studies, Linköping University
Dec 1995. Master of Science diploma in Computer Science, Linköping University
1996-. Ph.D. studies, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University


1980. Machine attendant, ASSA Stenman AB, Eskilstuna
1985-90. Programmer and system administrator, S&S Systemutveckling AB, Linköping
Nov 1994-Dec 1995. System administrator, Härnösands kommun (municipal government)
1996-. Ph.D. student, Dept. of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University
Mats Gustafsson <>
Last modified
22-Jul-96 10:54