DF12900 Database Systems
CORE course in CUGS

Organization and work method

There are 2 intensive contact periods. The contacts are organized in the following way.

The course starts with an overview lecture introducing the scope of the course, the course content and the work method.

The course content is divided into a number of topics. A group of participants is responsible for a topic. This topic group reads the basic material on the topic and searches for interesting articles. Based on this the topic group holds an introductory presentation on the topic. After the presentation the other participants read suggested papers and discuss the topic in smaller groups. The discussions are guided by predefined questions provided by the topic group. Each discussion group presents a summary of the discussion and this is used in the final discussion moderated by the topic group. A topic session takes about 2.5 hours including 20-30 min presentation, exercises/questions and summary discussion.


contact period 1
- introduction to the course
- semi-structured data
- integration models for access to heterogeneous information sources

contact period 2
- object-oriented and extended relational database systems

Checklist for topic groups


Individual take-home exam. (ca 1 week full-time work)