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FORTES: Fault Tolerant and Secure Embedded Automotive Systems

Principal investigator: Zebo Peng
Members: Professor Nahid Shahmehri
Zebo Peng
Christian Vestlund
Partners: Volvo
Funding agency: SSF
Related projects: Methods and Tools for Secure Software
SHIELDS: Detecting known security vulnerabilities from within design and development tools
Keywords: software security, software engineering, intrusion detection, automotive software


This project deals with the development of design techniques for fault-tolerant and secure embedded systems for automotive applications.

The research conducted at ADIT will address two security aspects: is how to prevent the introduction of security vulnerabilities in automotive software; and how to address security failures at run-time.

This project deals with the development of design techniques for fault-tolerant and secure embedded systems for automotive applications. In particular, the following three workpackages will be carried out:

  1. Development of software-based fault tolerance techniques for handling transient faults in systems under strict timing and QoS constraints; analysis and integration of novel fault models typical for next generations integrated circuits used in automotive applications; and integration of fault tolerance techniques, in the global context of system level analysis, design and optimization.
  2. The second workpackage, which is the responsibility of ADIT, will address two security aspects. One is how to prevent the introduction of security vulnerabilities in automotive software. The other is to address security failures at run-time by developing mechanisms to detect and handle them.
  3. Development of a flexible middleware layer that is responsible for resource allocation and handles tasks generated as response to detected faults, security threats, and potentially unexpected processor and bus loads at run-time. This middleware will have the overall responsibility of maintaining the required global QoS, reliability and security.

The results of the research activities will be integrated together in a demonstrator which simulates the execution of automotive applications in a multiprocessor architecture with various communication channels.

For more information about FORTES, visit the FORTES homepage.


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Page responsible: Nahid Shahmehri
Last updated: 2009-06-23