EventsSummer SchoolsSwedish INTELECT Summer School on Low Power Systems on Chip INTELECT Summer School on Multiprocessor Systems on Chip Pictures from 2003 WorkshopsStringent Workshop on Low Power Design, Linkoping 2006-05-12, kontaktperson Christer Svensson.Signal Processing Circuits and Systems for Communication, Linkoping 2005-12-07, kontaktperson Christer Svensson. Hardware Platforms for Future Networks, Stockholm 2003-11-21, kontaktperson Dake Liu. LNA workshop, Linköping 2003-11-03, kontaktperson Stefan Andersson. PhD defenses2007:October 30 2007 at 10:15 in Visionen Sriram Vangal will defend the thesis "Performance and Energy Efficient Network-on-Chip Architectures". Wim Dehaene, Katholieke Universiteit, Belgium is the opponent. October 16 2007 at 10:15 in Visionen Alexandru Andrei will defend the thesis "Energy Efficient and Predictable Design of Real-Time Embedded Systems". Prof. Lothat Thiele from Swiss Federal Institute of Technolgy, Zurich, Switzerland is the opponent. June 15 2007 at 13:15 in Visionen Linnéa Rosenbaum will defend the thesis "On low-complexity frequency selective digital filters and filter banks". May 10, at 13:15 in Key1, Erik Backenius will defend the thesis "Reduction of Substrate Noise in Mixed-Signal Circuits". Prof. Kjell O. Jeppson from Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Göteborg, Sweden is the opponent. May 11, at 13:15 in Visionen Erik Säll will defend the thesis "Implementation of Flash Analog-to-Digital Converters in Silicon-on-Insulator CMOS Technology". Dr. Bengt E. Jonsson, ADMS Design AB is the opponent. June 8th, at 10:15 in Visionen Anders Nilsson will defend the thesis "Design of programmable multi-standard baseband processors". Dr. Gerhard Fettweis, Vodafone chair professor, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany is the opponent. 2006: December 15, at 13:15 in Visionen, Jonas Carlsson will defend the thesis "Contribution to Asynchronous Communication Ports for GALS Systems". Prof. Juha Plosila, University of Turku, Finland is the opponent. October 27, at 10:15 in Visionen, Stefan Andersson will defend the thesis "Multiband LNA Design and RF-Sampling Front-Ends for Flexible Wireless Receivers". Dr. Marc Tiebout, Infineon, Villach is the opponent. 2005: December 16, at 13:15 in Visionen, Sorin Manolache will defend the thesis "Analysis and Optimisation of Real-Time Systems with Stochastic Behaviour". Professor Sharon Hu, University of Notre Dame, USA is the opponent. September 29 at 13:15 in Visionen, Eric Tell will defend the thesis "Design of programmable baseband processors" (Abstract) Dr Béatrice Philibert, Texas Instruments, Nice, France is opponent. June 7 at 13:15 in C3 Magnus Karlsson will defend the thesis "Implementation of Digit-Serial Filters". May 20 at 13.15 in Visionen (Hus B) Gert Jervan will defend his thesis "Hybrid Built-In Self-Test and Test Generation Techniques for Digital Systems". May 19 at 13:30 Visionen (Hus B) Ola Andersson will defend the thesis "Modeling and Implementation of Current-Steering Digital-to-Analog Converters" May 18 at 13:15 Key1 (Keyhuset) Henrik Ohlsson will defend the thesis "Studies on Design and Implementation of Low-Complexity Digital Filters". April 15 at 13.15 in Visionen (Hus B) Daniel Wiklund, Computer Engineering will defend his doctor´s thesis "Development and Performance Evaluation of Networks on Chip", (Abstract). Opponent is Lars Svensson from Chalmers. 2004: December 12 at 10.15 in Visionen (Hus B) Kalle Folkesson, Electronic Devices will defend his doctor´s thesis "ADC Modeling from a System Perspective and Design of RF-Sampling Radio Receivers". Opponent is Georges Gielen from Leuven. June 1 at 13:15 in Visionen (Hus B) Darius Jakonis, "Direct RF Sampling Receivers for Wireless Systems in CMOS Technology" (Abstract) 2003: June 16 at 15:15 in Visionen (Hus B) Paul Pop, "Analysis and Synthesis of Communication-Intensive Heterogeneous Real-Time Systems" Lic. presentations2007:Feb 20 at 10:15 in Glashuset Henrik Fredriksson, Electronic Devices, will present his licentiate thesis "Equalization Techniques for Multi-Gb/s Multidrop Buses." Tord Haulin, Xelerated, Stockholm, Sweden is the opponent. 2006: Nov 13 at 13:15 in Alan Turing Viacheslav Izosimov will present his thesis "Scheduling and Optimization of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Embedded Systems". Dr. Anton Cervin, Lund University, Sweden is the opponent. May 30 at 13:15 in Glashuset Sriram Vangal will present his thesis "Performance and Energy Efficient Building Blocks for Network-on-Chip Architectures". Dr. Viktor Öwall, Lund University, Sweden is the opponent. May 12 at 10:15 in Plank Mattias Olsson will present his thesis "Contributions to Frequency Offset and Time Delay Estimation". Dr. Jonny Holmberg, Omicron, Sweden is the opponent. May 11 at 13:15 in Visionen (Hus B) Kenny Johansson will present his thesis "Low Power and Low Complexity Constant Multiplication Using Serial Arithmetic". Dr. Süleyman Demirsoy, Altera European Technology Centre, United Kingdom is the opponent. April 11 at 13:15 in Glashuset, Behzad Mesgarzadeh will present his thesis "Circuit Techniques for On-Chip Clocking and Synchronization". Lirong Zheng, KTH, Stockholm is the opponent. March 28 at 13:15 in Glashuset, Martin Hansson will present his thesis "Low-Power, Multi-GHz Circuit Techniques for On-chip Clocking". Professor Per Larsson-Edefors from Chalmers, Goteborg is the opponent. 2005: November 14 at 10:15 in Alan Turing, Anders Larsson will present his thesis "System-on-Chip Test Scheduling and Test Infrastructure Design". Professor Shashi Kumar from Jonkoping University is opponent. August 26 at 13:15 in Glashuset, Leif Lindgren will present his thesis "Topics on CMOS Image Sensors". Christer Jansson, Infineon Technologes AG is opponent. June 8 at 10:15 in Visionen (Hus B), Anders Nilsson will present his thesis "Design of multi-standard baseband processors". Viktor Öwall, Lunds universitet is opponent. April 28 at 13:15 in Visionen (Hus B), Abdil Rashid Mohamed, Embedded Systems Lab., will present his licentiate thesis: "High-level Techniques for Built-In Self-Test Resource Optimization". 2004: December 14 at 10.15 in Algoritmen, Peter Caputa, Electronic Devices, will present his licentiate thesis: "Design of Efficient High-Speed On-Chip Global Interconnects". June 2 at 13:15 in Alan Turing(Hus E) Mikael Olausson ,"Hardware for Speech and Audio Coding". 2003: December 12 at 13:15 in Alan Turing(Hus E) Daniel Karlsson"Towards Formal Verification in a Component-based Reuse Methodology". December 12 at 13:15 in Visionen (Hus B). Emil Hjalmarson "Studies on Design Automation of Analog Circuits - The Design Flow" and Robert Hägglund "Studies on Design Automation of Analog Circuits - Performance Metrics" September 16 at 13:15 in Visionen (Hus B) Linnéa Rosenbaum, "Contributions to low-complexity maximally decimated filter banks". June 13 at 13:15 in Visionen (Hus B) Henrik Ohlsson, "Studies on implementation of digital filters with high throughput and low power consumption". June 10 at 13:15 in Alan Turing (Hus E) Traian Pop, "Scheduling and Optimisation of Heterogeneous Time/Event-Triggered Distributed Embedded Systems" Stringent meetings2007:October 1, 2007 at 10:15 in Alan Turint Professoor Sandip Kundu, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA "Design for Manufacturability"(Abstract) Jan 19 at 10.15 in Glashuset Dr. Ted Johansson, Infineon Technologies Nordic AB, Kista, Sweden "nm-CMOS PAs for short-range communications" 2006: May 31 at 10.15 in Visionen Dr. Peter Olanders from Research Management / Strategies for Radio Networks, Ericsson, Sweden "The mobile data rate race - what is the price?" May 10th at 13.15 in Visionen Professors Erik Larsson, Mikael Skoglund and Peter Hände, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan Stockholm, Sweden 1) Overview of Activities at Communication Theory Lab (Erik Larsson, Mikael Skoglun) 2) Characterization and Measurement of Radio Front Ends (Peter Hände) April 21 at 13.15 in Visionen Jim Nordin and Emil Hillung from Summit, ISS Group "System Design Tools" 2005: December 16th at 10:15 in John von Neumann, Professor Sharon Hu, University of Notre Dame, USA, "Exploiting Dynamic Voltage Scaling to Schedule Jitter-Constrained Real-Time Tasks". October 21, 13:15 in John von Neumann, Dr. Bjorn Fjellborg, Ericsson AB, Sweden, "An Industrial Perspective on Technological Challenges in Deep Sub-Micron Design"(Abstract) September 29, 13:15 in Donald Knuth Dr. Maurizio Palesi, Universita' di Catania, Italy "Some Key Issues in Embedded System Design"(Abstract) September 29 at 09:15 in Glashuset, Dr Béatrice Philibert, Texas Instruments, Nice, France "Baseband signal processing for future base stations" August 26 at 15:00-17:00 in Glashuset Professor Vojin Oklobdzija, UC Divis, IEEE distinguished lecturer "Low-Power Design and Optimization of CMOS Digital Circuits". June 20 at 11:00 in Visionen, Dr. Lian Yong, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering National University of Singapore "The Development of Wireless Biomedical Sensors" (Abstract) June 2 at 10:15 in John von Neumann, Xinli Gu and Bill Eklow, Cisco Systems, Inc. May 27 at 13:15 in Donald Knuth Nicola Nicolici and Adam Kinsman, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University Canada, "Embedded deterministic test of digital integrated circuits"(Abstract) May 20 at 10:15 in John von Neumann Prof. Paulo Teixeira from IST/INESC-ID, Portugal, "From Defect-level to System-level testing: Research at INESC-ID" (Abstract) March 1 at 15:15 in John von Neumann Prof. Franco Fummi from Universita` di Verona, Italy, "SYMBAD - Formal Verification in System Level Based Design" (Abstract) 2004: December 16 at 15:15 in Alan Turing Prof. Luca Benini, University of Bologna, Dept. of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems, "Addressing MPSoC Hardware/Software platform challenges" (Abstract) December 10 at 14:15 in Systemet Prof. Georges Gielen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, "Analog Performance Modeling for Analog Circuit Synthesis" (Abstract) September 10 at 9:15 in Systemet Dr. Zhu, "Taming Pointers -- A Symbolic Approach" (Abstract) September 8 at 10:15 in Visionen(Hus B) Professor Harry Veendrick, Deep-Submicron Electrica Design Cluster at Philips Research Labs, Eindhoven, "The future of Semiconductors Moore or less" (Abstract) September 6 at 13:15 in Alan Turing (Hus E) Dr. Jakob Axelsson, Volvo Car Corporation, "Complexity Issues in System Development: Examples from Automotive Electronics" (Abstract) June 3 at 13:15 in Alan Turing (Hus E) Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Duke University, USA, "Droplet-Based "Digital" Microfluidic Systems: Computer-Aided Design, Testing, and Applications" (Abstract) June 2 at 10:30 in Visionen Viktor Öwall, "Overview of research in CCCD Lund" Maj 12 at 13:15 in Alan Turing (Hus E) Bengt Werner, Virtutech "Virtutech® Simics - a full system simulation platform" (Abstract) April 20 at 10:15 in Alan Turing (Estraden) Petru Eles, "Distributed Heterogeneous Embedded Systems: Analysis and Optimization" (Abstract) April 6 at 10:15 in Alan Turing (Estraden) Gong Shaofang, Research Activities at the Communication Electronics group at Campus Norrköping March 23 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Jakob Carlström, Xelerated, "40Gb/s network processor chip", also presented at ISSCC2004. February 27 at 08:15 in Visionen (IDA/ISY) Mats Thulin from SwitchCore, "Design of a Large Scale ASIC - an industry perspective on tools and methodology" (Abstract) February 10 at 10:15 in Visionen Lars Wanhammar, "Forskningen på Elektroniksystem" 2003: December 3 at 10:15 in Algoritmen Sven Mattisson from Ericsson Mobile Platforms Lund. About Sven Mattisson November 7 at 10:15 in Visionen (IDA/ISY) Peter Sandberg, "Designing System-On-Chips at 90nm and Below: Issues and Methodology Break-Throughs" (Abstract) and Christer Svensson, "The first 6 months of Stringent - did we see any output?" October 7 at 10:15 in Visionen (IDA/ISY) Peter Caputa, "Report from internship at Intel". September 16 at 10:15 in Visionen (IDA/ISY) Jörg Kliewer, "Joint Source-Channel Coding for Robust Transmission of Multimedia Signals over Noisy Channels" (Abstract) June 17 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Daniel Karlsson, "Formal Verification in a Component-based Reuse Methodology". June 3 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Stefan Andersson, "Low Noise Amplifiers for Multistandard Wireless Receivers". May 19 at 13:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Dr. B. Shung from Broadcom Corp. May 6 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Sorin Manolache,"Performance Analysis of Real-Time Systems with Stochastic Task Execution Times". April 22 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Atila Alvandpour, "High-performance and Low-power Challenges for Sub-70nm Microprocessor Circuits" March 25 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Erik Larsson, "System-on-Chip Test Solutions" February 25 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Per Holmberg, Ericsson, "Computer Architecture Challenges in Communication Control System" February 11 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Mikael Rudberg, Infinion, "Infinion - a presentation" Peter Caputa January 28 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Magnus Danestig, Acreo, "Introduction to Acreo" Jonas Carlsson, "GALS" January 14 at 10:15 in Glashuset (ISY) Christer Svensson, "STRINGENT" Daniel Wiklund, "SoC BUS" |
Last modified on Wednesday October 24, 2007 by Alexandru Andrei |