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Real-Time Operating Systems


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Recommended for doctoral students in computer science and engineering students with a basic background in real-time systems or operating systems.

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New Course


The aim of this course is to give students insight in recent research advances in the area of operating systems designed for real-time and embedded systems.


Undergraduate course in real-time systems and operating systems.


The format of the course is a seminar course, given in a crash course format. The course will be given as three 2-3-day seminars. Lectures are given by the examiner. Participants are expected to actively participate in discussions and present papers during the course.

The opportunity of doing an optional assignment will be given. The assignment will give 1 or 2 credits.


This is a course on advanced issues in operating systems, high-lighting the state-of-the-art in the area. The course is about theoretical and practical aspects and requirements of operating systems that are to be used in real-time and embedded computing systems. The theoretical part will cover required/desirable time-cognizant mechanisms. In particular, the course will focus on the following: fault-tolerance support at the operating system level; distributed operating systems mechanisms: migration protocols and distributed scheduling/allocation protocols; resource management and process synchronization; and thread support.

We will study the state-of-the-art with respect to commercial real-time operating systems and their research counterparts. Similarly, we will distinguish general-purpose operating systems (e.g., Windows NT, Solaris, and HP-UX) vs application specific operating systems (e.g., VxWorks, OSEDelta, and EPOC, RT-Linux, pSOS, ulTRON etc).


Research papers.


Jörgen Hansson and invited lecturers.


Jörgen Hansson.


Spring 2001.


Preparation of written questions based on material studied before lectures. Term paper.


3 credits + 1-2 credits for optional assignment


The condensed format of the course will facilitate external participation. The course will be offered to ARTES students. ARTES is a national Swedish strategic research initiative in Real-Time Systems supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)

Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies