Courses which are planned to be given spring 2001

Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Computer Systems (AIICS)
Modern AI Planning (ECSEL)
Databases and Information Techniques (ADIT)
Model Based Database Application Development (ECSEL)
Human-Centred Systems (HCS)
Cognitive Systems Engineering (HMI)
Innovative Vizualisation Design (intensive course) (HMI)
Qualitative Approaches to HCI (intensive course) (HMI)
Informationssystem och Management (ISM)
Aktuella redovisningsfrågor
Kunskap och handling
Kunskapsprojektering och vetenskapsteori
Strategic IS and OR
Teoridriven, induktiv och modelleringbaserad forskning (TIM)
Software and Systems (SaS)
Advances in Real-Time Systems
Code generation for instruction-level parallel architectures
Composing Software Components
Hybrid Systems (ECSEL)
Real-Time Operating Systems
Selected Notions in the Theory of Computing (ECSEL)
General courses (IDA all)
Industrial Project Management
Notion of Infinity - Seminars in the history of science
Presentationsteknik (intensive course)