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Causal Inference with Graphical Models


Status Open for interest registrations
School IDA-gemensam (IDA)
Division STIMA
Owner José M Peña

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Course plan

No of lectures


Recommended for

Students in the fields of machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistics, and computational social sciences.

The course was last given



Causal inference comprises the study of cause and effect relationships, e.g. the conditions under which they can be elucidated from observations and/or be used to compute causal effects without actually performing interventions. More specifically, when can we determine from observations if our habits are the cause of a certain disease ? Or, when can we compute from observations the effect on our health of a prescribed treatment ? The goal of this course is to show the students how to answer these questions from observational data with the help of graphical models.

Since predicting the consequences of decisions or actions is necessary in many disciplines, it is not surprising that research on causal inference has a long tradition. Specifically, causal inference can be traced back to the work by Sewall Wright in 1921, where path analysis was introduced for the first time. In path analysis causal relationships are represented with directed edges, and correlations due to unobserved common causes are represented with bidirected edges. Wright showed how to use such a graph-based model (a.k.a graphical model) to perform causal inference. Since then, the field has grown and matured: New graphical models have been proposed, new algorithms for causal effect identification have been developed, and algorithms for learning causal relationships from observations have been devised. Most of these results are reported in the books by Judea Pearl. The goal of this course is to introduce the students to these results.


Basic statistics and probability theory.


The course consists of six lectures. They follow the book by Pearl et al. (2016). Therefore, access to the book is recommended (e.g., LiU library has an online copy). The lectures are mainly theoretical. They are then complemented with a lab to put in practice the theory learned. The students are expected to hand in a report with their lab results. This is the first part of the examination. The second part of the examination consists of a seminar presentation of a scientific article, followed by discussion.


Causal inference, graphical models, interventions, counterfactuals, and mediation analysis.


Hernán M. A., Robins J. M. Causal Inference: What If. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2020.

Pearl, J. Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Pearl, J., Glymour, M. and Jewell, N. P. Causal Inference in Statistics. A Primer. J. Wiley & Sons, 2016.

Peters, J. and Janzing, D. and Schölkopf, B. Elements of Causal Inference: Foundations and Learning Algorithms. MIT Press, 2017.


Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Causal Models and Learning Algorithms
Lecture 3: Causal Effect Identification and do-Calculus
Lecture 4: Direct and Indirect Effects
Lecture 5: Linear-Gaussian Causal Models
Lecture 6: Counterfactuals


Lab report and seminar presentation of scientific paper (both in pairs).


Jose M. Peña




Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies