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Age of Information: Foundations and Applications


Status Active - open for registrations
School IDA-gemensam (IDA)
Division IDA
Owner Nikolaos Pappas
Homepage TBD

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Course plan

No of lectures

It is expected to have around 8-9 lectures.

Recommended for

Advanced master students and PhD students.

The course was last given

It is the first time it will be given as a PhD course. In the past, I gave tutorials related to this topic in summer schools and also in major international conferences such as IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, and IEEE SPAWC.


This course will introduce the concept of age of information to the audience. Furthermore, it will provide the mathematical tools to analyze age and value of information in communication networks. Furthermore, depending on the students' interest we will select specific research papers that will be relevant.


A basic background on probability theory and stochastic processes.


The first part will cover the fundamentals, the second part will cover more advanced topics, and the third part will be the project by the students.


Introduction to Age of Information (AoI)
Graphical Decomposition Approach for AoI Analysis
Markov Chain modelling for AoI Analysis
Information Freshness Metrics beyond AoI
Applications of Information Freshness:
Real-time Sampling, Estimation, and Control,
AoI in Real-time Supervised Learning,


The following two books will be utilized:
1) N. Pappas, M. A. Abd-Elmagid, B. Zhou, W. Saad, H. S. Dhillon, Age of Information: Foundations and Applications. Cambridge University Press, in press. Dec. 2022.

2) A. Kosta, N. Pappas, V. Angelakis, ‘‘Age of Information: Metric of Timeliness", Foundations and Trends in Networking: Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 162–259.

There will be also research papers to match the interest of the students.


From the content field above, one lecture is expected for each item.
In addition we will have a final day with the presentations of the projects.


A project-based examination where each student can analyze and implement a topic on age of information. A presentation is expected along with a written report.


Nikolaos Pappas




Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies