Introduction to Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Technologies2023VT
Course plan
20 hours
Recommended for
Doctoral students in Computer Science
The course was last given
HT 2020
After the course the student should:
* Be able to understand and explain the basic ideas of Knowledge Graphs and
Semantic Web Technologies, including Linked Data and ontologies, and the
related standards (RDF, OWL, SPARQL,...)
* Be able to understand, retrieve, load in a triple store, query (online or
offline) and use existing RDF-based Knowledge Graphs from the Web
* Be able to use an ontology engineering methodology and ontology engineering
tools to design and formalize a high-quality OWL ontology, based on a specific
usage scenario (set of requirements)
* Be able to evaluate, align, and repair an OWL ontology, using current methods
and tools for ontology alignment, evaluation, and repair
* Be able to understand and to explain how ontologies are typically used in
* Have a basic idea of the current research topics and open research problems
in the field
* General introduction to Knowledge Graphs, the Semantic Web, and Semantic Web
* RDF data model and the SPARQL query language, storing and querying RDF data
* Storing, querying, generating, and providing access to RDF data
* Data quality and data cleaning in the Semantic Web
* Ontologies and ontology languages (RDFS, OWL)
* Ontology engineering
* Ontology evaluation, debugging and repairing
* Aligning ontologies; integrating and interlinking RDF data
* Schema and Constraints Languages for RDF
The course consists of lectures and hands-on sessions; lab assignments, and project or term paper work.
Collection of articles
Patrick Lambrix, Eva Blomqvist, Olaf Hartig
Olaf Hartig
Attendance, lab exercises, and term paper or project
Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies