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Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems


Status Open for reserve registrations
School IDA-gemensam (IDA)
Division SAS
Owner Peter Fritzson
Homepage http://www.ida.liu.se/~petfr/ModelicaCourseDescriptionPlanAndReadingInstruction.pdf

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Course plan


32 hours (16 Lectures)
Mainly self-study this time, VT 2022

7 6-hour sessions, e.g.
10.15 - 17.00 or 9.15-17.00

Recommended for

Ph.D. students or practitioners in computer science or systems engineering.

The course was last given

2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012


The course has the following goals:
• Being easily accessible for people who do not previously have a background in modeling, simulation.
• Introducing the concepts of physical modeling, object-oriented modeling and component-based modeling and simulation.
• Providing a not too formal reference on the Modelica language.
• Demonstrating modeling examples from a wide range of application areas.
• Providing an understanding of the compilation techniques used for equation-based languages as well as an understanding of the of the mathematical aspects of dynamic systems.
* Modeling using system dynamics applied to sustainability
* Get a short introduction to Functional Mockup Interface


Some elementary knowledge in programming languages


Object-Oriented modeling is a fast-growing area of modeling and simulation that provides a structured, computer-supported way of doing mathematical and equation-based modeling. Modelica is today the most promising modeling and simulation language in that it effectively unifies and generalizes previous object-oriented modeling languages and provides a sound basis for the basic concepts.

The course presents an object-oriented component-based approach to computer supported mathematical modeling and simulation through the powerful Modelica language and its associated technology. Modelica can be viewed as an almost universal approach to high level computational modeling and simulation, by being able to represent a range of application areas and providing general notation as well as powerful abstractions and efficient implementations.

The course gives an introduction to the Modelica language to people who are familiar with basic programming concepts. It gives a basic introduction to the concepts of modeling and simulation, as well as the basics of object-oriented component-based modeling for the novice, and a an overview of modeling and simulation in a number of application areas.


Lectures mixed with exercises


Fritzson Peter. (2004). Principles of Object-Oriented Modeling and Simulation with Modelica 2.1. Wiley-IEEE Press, 2004.
ISBN 0-471-471631

Donella Meadows. Thinking in Systems. Chelsea Green Publishing, 2008 and 2018.

The DrModelica Interactive Electronic Notebook. Available in OMNotebook in the OpenModelica installer and on the web: http://omwebbook.openmodelica.org/DrModelica

Course Slides and exercises


Peter Fritzson
PELAB - Programming Environment Laboratory
Dept. of Computer and Information Science,
Linköping University, Sweden


Peter Fritzson
(Lena Buffoni)


Examination will include hand-in of solutions of a number of exercises

Examination will also include oral examination with theoretical questions on Modelica and FMI


7 credits (hp)

An extra 1-3 hp are possible for an associated small project

Organized by



Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies