Theoretical Perspectives on User Experience Design2022VT
Course plan
Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of this 7.5 ECTS credits course, the student will be able to:
- identify, describe, and discuss various user experience design phenomena
(such as the role of context and situation for different kinds of interactive
- make a theoretically informed analysis of the relationship between
experience, design product, and design process
- orally and in writing critically review and relate to theories in user
experience design.
Course Content
The course focuses on theoretical perspectives on the research field of user
experience (UX) design, that is, the design of products, services, and systems
for the experience of using them. In particular it focuses on pragmatic and
phenomenological perspectives. The course covers the following subjects:
- Contextual design
- Experience design
- Pragmatism, UX and cognition
- Phenomenology, UX and cognition
- Post-phenomenology and design
Teaching and Working Methods
The course is based on a series of seven literature seminars, a smaller design work supported by critique sessions, writing of a paper and a presentation seminar.
For a passing grade, participation in five of seven seminars is required. The design work must be completed. A paper that reports the design work in relation to a chosen theoretical perspective on user experience design must also be written.
Two-grade scale, pass/fail.
7.5 ECTS study credits is awarded for this course.
Course Literature
User Experience and Contextual Design (2 seminars):
Hassenzahl, M. (2010). Experience design: Technology for all the right reasons.
Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics. Morgan Claypool.
Holtzblatt, K. & Beyer, H. (2014). Contextual design: Evolved. Synthesis
Lectures on Human-Centered Informatics. Morgan Claypool.
Pragmatism (2 seminars):
Dalsgaard, P. (2014). Pragmatism and design thinking. International Journal of
Design, 8(1), 143-155.
Menary, R. (2016). Pragmatism and the pragmatic turn in cognitive science. In
A.K. Engels, K.J. Frisiton, D. Kragic (Eds.), The Pragmatic Turn: Toward
Action-Oriented Views in Cognitive Science (pp. 219-236). Cambridge MA: MIT
Press. Available from
Höök, K., Jonsson, M.P, Ståhl, A., & Mercurio, J. (2016). Somaesthetic
appreciation design. In Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors
in Computing Systems (CHI '16) (pp. 3131–3142). ACM.
Petersen, M.G., Iversen, O.S., Krogh, P.G., & Ludvigsen, M. (2004). Aesthetic
interaction: a pragmatist's aesthetics of interactive systems. In Proceedings
of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems: processes, practices,
methods, and techniques (DIS '04) (pp. 269-276). ACM.
Wright, P., & McCarthy, J. (2010). Experience-centered design: Designers,
users, and communities in dialogue. Synthesis Lectures on Human-Centered
Informatics. Morgan Claypool.
Phenomenology and Cognition:
Arvidson, P.S. A lexicon of attention: from cognitive science to phenomenology.
Phenom Cogn Sci 2, 99–132 (2003).
Clowes, R.W. Immaterial engagement: human agency and the cognitive ecology of
the internet. Phenom Cogn Sci 18, 259–279 (2019).
Køster, A., Fernandez, A.V. Investigating modes of being in the world: an
introduction to Phenomenologically grounded qualitative research. Phenom Cogn
Sci (2021).
Phenomenology and Design:
Arvola, M. (2014) Interaction and Service Design as Offering Perspectives in a
Space of Action, in Lim, Y., Niedderer, K., Redström, J., Stolterman, E. and
Valtonen, A. (eds.), Design's Big Debates - DRS International Conference 2014,
16-19 June, Umeå, Sweden.
Arvola, M., & Linder, J. (2018). Know thy users by interpretative
phenomenological analysis. Journal of Interaction Science, 6(3).
Poulsgaard, K.S. Enactive individuation: technics, temporality and affect in
digital design and fabrication. Phenom Cogn Sci 18, 281–298 (2019).
Svanæs, D. (2013). Interaction design for and with the lived body: Some
implications of Merleau-Ponty's phenomenology. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum.
Interact., 20(1), Article 8 (March 2013), 30 pages.
Post-Phenomenology and Design:
Kullman, K. (2016). Prototyping bodies: a post-phenomenology of wearable
Design Studies, 47, 73-90.
Skågeby, J. (2018). "Well-behaved robots rarely make history": Coactive
technologies and partner relations. Design and Culture, 10(2), 187–207.
Verbeek, P.-P. (2006). Materializing morality: Design ethics and technological
mediation. Science, Technology and Human Values, 31, 361-380.
Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies