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Design research seminar


Status Active (No more registrations for this school)
School D! school (D!)
Owner Stefan Holmlid

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Course plan


This seminar is part of the cross-departmental research subject Design, that is shared between IDA, IEI and ITN. It is one of the mandatory courses for PhD students in Design.
The seminar will be planned and given by the LiU research network LiU design.


In total, the mandatory requirement is to collect 6 hp.
However, 6hp is too much for one semester, we want the PhDs to participate in the seminar throughout their PhD studies, with variations in degree of participation across semesters.
From a credits point of view 2hp seem to be more realistic to muster as a PhD student, and a better pace for making it possible for many of the faculty to participate.
How this can be done, is not clear.
Either there will be three courses ā n hp, that PhD students need to participate in, or
we need to have one course that runs across many semesters, that the PhD student registers for at the beginning, and gets 6 hp for at the end, or
we can have one course that runs every semester, at n hp, and PhDs register for that course severla times


The seminar series will be planned by the LiU design network, and will consist of invited seminars, reading seminars, and seminars based on work from the LiU design network.

Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies