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Functional programming


Status Cancelled
School National Graduate School in Computer Science (CUGS)
Division TCSLAB
Owner Wlodzimierz Drabent

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Course plan

No of lectures

20 h + 20 h of supervised practicals

Recommended for

PhD students in computer science

The course was last given

2010 (in a different form)


Provide a solid introduction into functional programming.

Together with a companion course on logic programming, the courses present two programming paradigms, which differ from that of mainstream programming (i.e. procedural and object oriented). The latter can be seen as still related to the architecture of computer hardware. Its main concept - a mutable variable - is an abstraction of a RAM memory cell. In such languages, roughly speaking, programs are descriptions of sequences of computational steps. The role of the steps is to modify the state.
In contrast, programs in (pure) logic or functional programming describe the tasks of the computations. There is no state and mutable data; this makes it easier to reason about complex programs.

Functional programming (FP) is a programming paradigm where the central abstraction mechanism is a function. FP has solid mathematical foundations. Many elegant programming techniques are specific for FP. Compilers for modern functional languages, such as Haskell, OCaml and F#, can today both generate highly efficient code and discover many programming errors at compile time. FP has in the last decades mostly been used in academia, but has lately gained an increasingly interest within industry (e.g. Erlang and F#).


Good programming background; in particular, fundamental concepts such as recursion and static typing, and familiarity with standard data structures such as (linked) lists and trees.
Some mathematical maturity, for instance given by introductory courses on discrete mathematics, formal languages and automata theory, and logic.


Part I (intensive):
* Lectures and supervised practicals
* Exercises, assignments

Part II (optional):
* Project

Part I will be given as an intensive (full time) course over 1 week in the time frame 7 - 18 September 2015, preceded by an introductory assignment.
Part II is self-directed, about 2 weeks of work, and ends with a presentation.


* Mathematical foundations: the lambda calculus.

* Central concepts, such as: referential transparency, eager vs. lazy evaluation, higher-order functions, algebraic data types, pattern matching, purely functional data structures, type inference, parametric polymorphism, type classes, monads.

* Advanced concepts and practical applications, such as: type-level programming for strong static guarantees, embedded domain-specific languages, functional reactive programming, declarative programming of video games, concurrency

The pure, lazy functional language Haskell is used as a medium of instruction throughout. Each participant is assumed to bring along a laptop with an installation of a recent version of the Haskell Platform.


Articles, handouts, book chapters.


Henrik Nilsson (School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham)


Henrik Nilsson


Part I: Participation in lectures and practicals. Assignments, some of which may be examined during the practicals, the number of students permitting. The assignments focus mainly on the mathematical foundations and central concepts.

Part II: Small project with a presentation. The project should relate to one or more of the advanced concepts or practical applications.


2 hp (assignments and participation) + 3 hp for the project


Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies