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Cognitive Aspects of Learning and Design of Educational Technology


Status Archive
School Nationell Forskarskola i Kognitionsvetenskap (SweCog)
Owner Annika Silvervarg

The course is given by SweCog, the national graduate school in Cognitive Science.
The course is given in English if there are student who do not speak Swedish.
The course may include travel to other Universities in Sweden. SweCog pays for travel and accomodation ONLY for gradute student in SweCog.
Other students are welcome to the course but must finance the travel by other means.

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Course plan

No of Lectures

One day in April with introduction to the course.
Intensive course work with lectures, seminars and labs during 10-13 June.
One day for examination in August.

Recommended for

PhD students in cognitive science and PhD students in related areas with interests in learning.

Masters students that have completed at least one year of studies in a Master’s program in Cognitive Science.

The course was last given

The course has not been given before.


The course focuses on learning in an educational setting from a cognitive science perspective. It covers different theories, models and current research from both the humanities and natural/technical sciences. It also includes theoretical and practical aspects of educational technology.
Students who have completed the course will be able to:

explain, compare and evaluate different pedagogical approaches, eg. learning-by-teaching, peer learning, social learning.
summarise and exemplify factors known to influence learning, such as the role of the teacher, feedback etc., and
discuss how these approaches and factors can and should be realized in the design of educational technology.


Basic knowledge in cognitive psychology and computer science. The course aims to provide an introduction for those with little knowledge of the area of learning and educational technology, but also be an advanced course for students who are doing research in the area.
OBS! Since litterature and material is in Swedish working knowledge of Swedish is a prerequisite.


An initial meeting in April with an introductory lecture will give an introduction to the area and the course. During this meeting we will aslo present a list of literature which should be read in advance
before the week of intensive course work. The student will choose 2-3 topics from the literature that she/he is willing to “teach”. During the intensive course week students will be responsible for holding short lectures and seminars on their topics together with another course participant. The course work will thus be examples of working with learning-by-teaching, peer learning and collaborative learning
in practice. The course work will also include some hands on workshops with examples of educational technology.


See goals.


Lusten att förstå av Peter Gärdenfors
Synligt lärande - Presentation av en studie om vad som påverkar elevers studieresultat.


Agneta Gulz
Annika Silvervarg


Agneta Gulz
Annika Silvervarg


Preparation before and active participation during the intensive course work the 10-13 june. Written assignments and a report. Please note that participation the 10-13 June is mandatory, students who cannot attend these days cannot pass the course.


7,5 hp

Page responsible: Anne Moe