Current Topics in Human-Computer Interaction2013VT
Course plan
No of Lectures
One day in April with introduction to the course.
Three days intensive course work with lectures and seminars during June 3-5.
One day for examination in August.
Recommended for
SweCog students, but open to all graduate students.
The course was last given
Spring 2005 (in another version).
To inform about and discuss sub-areas, theories and research methods in
human-computer interaction (HCI). Students will after the course be able to:
- Explain, compare and evaluate different approaches in HCI research.
- Conduct a limited research study in one sub-area of HCI with a solid
foundation in established research methods, models and theories.
At least one previous course in design (product, media or interaction), HCI, usability, user interfaces or interactive systems.
An initial meeting in April with an introductory lecture will give an introduction to the area and the course. During this meeting we will aslo present a list of literature which should be read in advance before the week of intensive course work. The student will choose topics from the literature that she/he wants to be responsible for (one theory, one research method and one sub-area of HCI). During the intensive course week students will holding short lectures and seminars on their topics together with another course participant. At the end of the course, students will conduct a limited research study in selected topics (individually or in groups).
Theories, models, and research methods in HCI. Different sub-areas of the filed.
Carroll, J. (2003). HCI Models, Theories, and Frameworks: Toward a
Multidisciplinary Science. Morgan Kaufmann.
Cairns, P., & Cox. A. L. (2008). Research Methods for Human-Computer
Interaction. Cambridge University Press
Sears, A., & Jacko, J. A. (2007). The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook:
Fundamentals, Evolving Technologies and Emerging Applications (Second Edition).
CRC Press.
Mattias Arvola, Johan Åberg, Stefan Holmlid.
Mattias Arvola
Preparation before and active participation during the intensive course work in June. Research study report (individual or group).
7,5 hp
Page responsible: Anne Moe