System Safety and Control of RiskFDA165, 2004VT
Course plan
To be defined
Recommended for
The course is aimed at doctoral students and practitioners who are involved with the design of complex systems and the analysis and prediction of the performance deviations and failures in these contexts, specifically relating to the human-technology interaction.
The course was last given
HT00 - as HMI 605, but then called Barrier Analysis and Accident Prevention.
The present course is an upgrade of the previous one.
To provide instrumental knowledge of principles and methods that can improve efficiency and safety of complex socio-technical systems, including interactive systems/devices. The course shall enable the participants to perform such analyses on their own.
Preferably a licentiate degree or corresponding. Practical experience from a domain or close contact to practical applications is highly appreciated.
Lectures mixed with practical exercises.
The course will focus on why performance deviations in complex, safety-critical processes sometimes become a cause of system failures, by examining the variety of technological, organisational and cognitive factors that together determine performance quality and safety. The course will teach the participants how critically to review, analyse and learn from system failures, how systematically to identify risks and predict system failures in existing or future technological installations, and how to determine appropriate precautions or barriers. It will discuss the concepts and methods required for practical risk analysis, barrier design, and accident prevention. It will specifically provide an introduction to the concepts and methods required to explain function failures of the past (accidents, incidents, and near-misses), to analyse function failures of the present (design vulnerability and risk identification), and predict function failures of the future (risk analysis, reliability analysis).
To be defined
Erik Hollnagel
Erik Hollnagel
A written report that documents either an accident analysis or a system risk analysis.
5 p.
Page responsible: Anne Moe