Information Systems Development MethodologyFDA163, 2004VT
Course plan
No of lectures
36 h
Recommended for
The course is aimed at PhD-students in information systems development, informatics, software engineering or a similar field.
The course was last given
New course.
The course aims to give an up-to-date overview of the nature and role of methods and processes in information systems and software development (ISD).
An undergraduate course in information systems development and/or software processes, or similar knowledge obtained elsewhere, is required.
The course is comprised of six modules, each addressing an important topic in
relation to ISD methodology (see Contents, below). It is possible to
participate in any number of modules, and each module corresponds to 0.5 credit
points. At the end of the course it is possible to hand in an optional paper
relating to one or more of the modules to get 2 extra credit points. This means
that each participant can get anything from 0.5 to 5.0 credit points
altogether, depending on ones ambition and work put into the course.
During the course, there will be seven “meetings” of combined lectures and
seminars. Each of the first six meetings introduces the different modules and
the assignment to be completed to get the credits for that module. At the
beginning of meetings 2 to 7, one hour (approx.) will be devoted to discuss one
or two of the “solutions” handed in for the module introduced the previous
meeting. This means that to get the credits for a module, the assignment should
be handed in (electronically) 12.00 (twelve noon) the day before the next
meeting (at the latest).
The seventh meeting will be in the form of a seminar where the participants
present their optional papers. For each paper a discussant will be assigned. In
order for everyone to be able to prepare for this seminar, all papers must be
handed in one week before the meeting.
The course is delivered in cooperation between IDA/LiU, Örebro University,
Jönköping International Business School, and University College Borås. The
first meeting will be in Örebro 2004-01-05, 10-16, and the following meetings
in Boras (meetings 2 and 3), Jönköping (meeting 4), Örebro (meetings 5 and 6),
and Linköping (meeting 7). There will be approx. one month between the first
six meetings (January – June). The final seminar (meeting 7) is planned for
The course is structured around the following six topics/modules:
· Historical development of ISD methods and methodology.
· Contemporary understandings of the concept of method in ISD.
· Principles of Method construction/Method engineering.
· Software process improvement.
· Method rationale, rationality and methods in practice.
· Flexibility, agility and method configuration.
Aaen I and Damsgaard J (1998) Software Process Improvement: What Management
Tend to Forget, In IFIP WG8.2 & WG8.6 Joint Working Conference on Information
Systems: Current Issues and Future Changes, Helsinki, Finland, 10–13 December
Ågerfalk P J and Wistrand K (2003) Systems Development Method Rationale: A
Conceptual Framework for Analysis, In 5th International Conference on
Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2003), Vol. 3 (Eds, Camp O, et al.),
Angers, France, pp. 185–190.
Ågerfalk P J, Wistrand K and Karlsson F (2003) Konfigurering Av
Systemutvecklingsprocesser, In Sundsvall 42, Sundsvall, 14-16 October 2003.
Avison D E and Fitzgerald G (2003) Where Now for Development Methodologies,
Communications of the ACM, 46(1), 79–82.
Baddoo N and Hall T (2002) Software Process Improvement Motivators: An Analysis
Using Multidimensional Scaling, Empirical Software Engineering, 7(2), 93-114.
Beck K (2000) Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA.
Brinkkemper S (1996) Method Engineering: Engineering of Information Systems
Development Methods and Tools, Information and Software Technology, 38(4),
Brinkkemper S, Saeki M and Harmsen F (1999) Meta-Modelling Based Assembly
Techniques for Situational Method Engineering, Information Systems, 24(3),
Fitzgerald B, Russo N L and Stolterman E (2002) Information Systems
Development: Methods in Action, McGraw-Hill, Berkshire, UK.
Goldkuhl G (1991) Stöd Och Struktur I Systemutvecklingsprocessen, Research
report in Swedish, Deptartment of Computer and Information Science, Linköping
Goldkuhl G (1994) Välgrundad Metodutveckling (in Swedish, Well-Grounded Method
Development), Linköping university, Linköping, Sweden.
Goldkuhl G, Lind M and Seigerroth U (1998) Method Integration: The Need for a
Learning Perspective, IEE Proceedings - Software, 145(4), 113–118.
Herbsleb J, Zubrow D, Goldenson D, Hayes W and Paulk M (1997) Software Quality
and the Capability Maturity Model, Communications of the ACM, 40(6), 30–40.
Humphrey W S (2000) Software – a Performing Science?, Annals of Software
Engineering, 10(1–4), 261–271.
Iivari J and Lyytinen K (1998) Research on Information Systems Development in
Scandinavia: Unity in Plurality, Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems,
10(1&2), 135–186.
Iivari J and Maansaari J (1998) The Usage of Systems Development Methods: Are
We Stuck to Old Practice?, Information and Software Technology, 40(9), 501–510.
Introna L D and Whitley E A (1997) Against Method-Ism: Exploring the Limits of
Method, Information Technology & People, 10(1), 31–45.
Karlsson F, Ågerfalk P J and Hjalmarsson A (2001) Process Configuration with
Development Tracks and Generic Project Types, In Proceedings of the 6th
CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modelling Methods in
Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’01).
Karlsson F and Wistrand K (2003) Method Components: Extending the Vision, In
26th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS 26), Haikko
Manor, Finland.
Kruchten P (1999) The Rational Unified Process: An Introduction,
Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.
Kumar K and Wellke R J (1992) Methodology Engineering: A Proposal for Situation
Specific Methodology Construction, In Challenges and Strategies for Research in
Systems Development, (Eds, Cotterman W W and Senn J A) John Wiley & Sons,
Washington, DC.
Nandhakumar J and Avison D E (1999) The Fiction of Methodological Development:
A Field Study of Information Systems Development, Information Technology &
People, 12(2), 176–191.
Pollice G (2001) Using the Rational Unified Process for Small Projects:
Expanding Upon Extreme Programming, White Paper, Rational Software Inc.,
Cupertino, CA.
Ralyté J, Deneckère R and Rolland C (2003) Towards a Generic Model for
Situational Method Engineering, In Proceedings of 15th International Conference
on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE 2003), Klagenfurt, Austria,
June 16–18, 2003, (Eds, Eder J, et al.) Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany,
pp. 95–110.
Rossi M, Tolvanen J-P, Ramesh B, Lyytinen K and Kaipala J (2000) Method
Rationale in Method Engineering, In Proceedings of the 33rd Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-33), IEEE Computer Society
Siau K and Rossi M (1998) Evaluation of Information Modeling Methods: A Review,
In Proceedings of the Thirty-First Hawaii International Conference on System
Sciences, Kohala Coast, HI, 6–9 Jan 1998, Vol. 5 IEEE Computer Society Press,
Los Alamitos, CA, pp. 314–322.
van Slooten K and Hodes B (1996) Characterizing IS Development Projects, In
Method Engineering: Principles of method construction and tool support, (Eds,
Brinkkemper S, et al.), Chapman & Hall, pp. 29–44.
This reading list may be extended.
Göran Goldkuhl, Pär J Ågerfalk, Mikael Lind, Ulf Seigerroth,
Fredrik Karlsson
Göran Goldkuhl, Pär J Ågerfalk
It is possible to participate in any number of the six modules. Each module corresponds to 0.5 credit points. At the end of the course it is possible to hand in an optional paper relating to one or more of the modules to get 2 extra credit points. Such a paper should clearly indicate knowledge of and familiarity with the material discussed throughout the course.
0.5 – 5.0 points
January – September 2004
Page responsible: Anne Moe