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Qualitative research methods in information systems

FDA104, 2004VT

Status Archive
School Management and IT (MIT)
Division ISM
Owner Alf Westelius

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Course plan


15-16 dec 2003; 19-20 jan 2004; 19-20 feb 2004; inlämning 11 feb 2004

Recommended for

Doctoral students who have chosen or begun to choose topic and have an interst in qualitative methods

The course was last given



This course is designed as a seminar on qualitative research as it is used in the field of information systems. The course balances the acquisition of basic knowledge about the conduct of qualitative research with the application of that knowledge to research on information systems. The balance is reflected in the reading material, which consists of basic texts and advanced research reports from journals in information systems. This course develops skills in designing, evaluating, and understanding qualitative research methods. Students will also acquire skills in developing research proposals, making and justifying methodological choices, writing qualitative research reports, and understanding how to publish qualitative research in information systems.


No prerequisites, but it is preferable that you have at least started to think about a specific researcch topic.


The course is open for students from all around the country, and will probably take place in Stockholm. Seminars and lectures are therefore concentrated in time, with a two-day session in December (15-16), another in January, (19-20), and a third and final in February, (19-20).


Qualitative research, research traditions and research communities in the IS field, qualitative research in theory and practice, writing and evaluating qualitative research.


For the first session, there will be assigned readings (Journal articles and book chapters). There is also an inspirational, optional reading list. For the second session, pairs of students are expected to research a qualitative method they are unfamiliar with, and present that method to the group.


Alf Westelius


Alf Westelius


Active participation, oral presentation of a qualitative method and written executive summary, written report on your own research method, oral discussion of other students' reports.


5 credits


Page responsible: Anne Moe