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TDTS06 Computer Networks

Lab assignments

Required (mandatory) assignments

The lab series consists of a series of programming assignments to be presented gradually to a lab assistant. To pass the lab series you need to have passing grade on all required (mandatory) assignments. General guidelines can be found here.

The assignments should be handed in before their respective deadlines, as outlined below.

For most people there will NOT be enough time during the lab times to solve all the assignments. As some of the later assignments can be demanding, and require programming, you are responsible to work hard outside of the allocated lab times to keep up with the labs. Based on past courses, we strongly encourage you to work hard from the first week of the course. Students that fall behind often struggle to catch up.

IMPORTANT about deadlines (updated 31/8/2014):
  • October 17 is the recommended semi-hard deadline for the assignments. You are strongly recomended to have all assignments completed by this time, as this greatly will improve your chances to pass the assignments.
  • October 24 is the first hard deadline for the assignments. This is the last date for demonstration of, and handing in the code for, the assignments. From this date up until the exam, the TAs will not answer any questions about the labs. Please use this time to study for the exam.
  • For those assignments that still require "more work", the final, hard deadline is on November 7, at 17.00. This is the last date for demonstration of, and handing in the code for, the assignments. Contact your lab assistant and schedule a suitable time.
  • After the deadline you will only be allowed to hand in assignment solutions during the exam periods for the TDTS06 course in January, but only if you have previously passed at least assignments 1 and 2. The hard deadline to hand in the assignments during the January exam period will be at the date of the TDTS06 exam (during that period).
  • From the date of the hard deadlines, there will be a two week window during which you have one chance to address the TA's concerns and resubmit an improved version. (One week for the TA to mark the assignment and one week for you to address his/her concerns.)
  • Finally, please take the TA's concerns seriously and address them as carefully as possible. If you have problems keeping a deadline, please contact your lab assistant as soon as possible.
Other notes and advice for the assignments (updated: 1/9/2013):
  • For all emails regarding the assignments, you should use your LiU email and cc your lab partner.
  • Advice: The first assignment is relatively straight forward, is intended as a warmup exercise that helps you get prepared for the second assignment. It is expected to be done very quickly in the first week, so that you can hit the second assignment running. The second assignment can be much more time consuming and it is strongly recommended that you start it as soon as possible and work hard, so that you can solve, demonstrate, and report the results within before the September deadline. Of course, doing assignment 1 carefully will help here.

Registering in Webreg
  • Register here
  • Deadline: September 5 (or as soon as possible!!)
  • NOTE (30/8/2013): Unfortunately, non-registered international students have occasionally had problem to register in WebReg. If you have problem registering in the course, please try at the student center. Once you are registered for the course AND verified your selections on the student portal you should (supposedly) be able to sign up in WebReg. (Unfortunately, it also appears that you may have to wait a day or so for the registrations to get through the system and your IDA accounts to be activated.) In the meantime, I would strongly suggest that you start doing the assignments (and attend the lab sessions).

Assignment 1: "Wireshark lab: Getting started + HTTP" (1 time slot)
  • Instructions (available)
  • Deadline: Sept. 5 (for purpose of priority)

Assignment 2: Net Ninny (3 time slots)
  • Instructions (available)
  • Deadline: Sept. 26 (for purpose of priority)

Assignment 3: Transport-layer and TCP friendly protocols (2 time slots)
  • Instructions (available)
  • Deadline: Oct. 10 (for purpose of priority)

Assignment 4: Distance vector routing (2 time slots)
  • Instructions (available)
  • Deadline: Oct. 17 ("semi-hard" for all assignments, please see deadline for labs above)

Optional (bonus) assignment

Solving an optional assignment during the course can render you up to 4 extra points to be used for the written examination (on October 31, 2014).

  • Instructions (availible)
  • Deadline: Oct. 17, 16:59 (hard deadline)

Old assignments

Previous year's assignments can be found here: 2010, 2011, 2013.

Page responsible: Andrei Gurtov
Last updated: 2015-08-30