TDDE32 Professionalism in Computer Science
Course information
Seminar 7: Systems thinking in IT system design
Read at least the following two texts:- Becker, C. et al. (2016). Requirements: The key to sustainability. IEEE Software, 33(1):56?65.
- Nardi, B. et al. (2018). Computing within limits Communications of the ACM, 61(10).
- The executive summary of the 2019 report and literature review Decoupling Debunked from the European Environmental Bureau.
- Becker, C., Chitchyan, R., Duboc, L., Easterbrook, S., Penzenstadler, B., Seyff, N., and Venters, C. C. (2015). Sustainability design and software: the Karlskrona manifesto. In IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), volume 2, pages 467-476. IEEE.
- Lago, P., Kocak, S. A., Crnkovic, I., and Penzenstadler, B. (2015). Framing sustainability as a property of software, Communications of the ACM, 58, 70-78.
Note: Submission in Collaborative Workspace.
Revise sections 1-2 of your essay based on feedback, and write sections 3-4 according to the instructions.
You are to review each others' submissions at the seminar in your teams.
Page responsible: Arne Jönsson
Last updated: 2021-05-04