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Organization Management and Work Psychology
(HMI 603)

ca 30 h

Recommended for
Graduate Student status or well qualified undergraduate.

The course was last given:
Spring 1999.

To give knowledge in theoretical models and study approaches useful in the study of human work in organizational settings and systems development, particularly aspects related to psychological and sociopsychological conditions.

Graduate Student status or well qualified Undergraduate.


To make the course participant acquainted with the basic body of theories and assessment
methods within the field of work psychology for analyses and evaluation of human work and related attitudes, forms of coping and communication, and implications for human work of organizational change.

Argyris, C. 1994. Good communication that blocks learning. Harvard Business Review, 72(4),
Cascio, W.F. 1995. Whither Industrial and Organizational Psychology in a Changing World of Work? American Psychologist, 50(11), 928-939.
Eagly, A.H. & Chaiken, S. 1993. Th psychology of Attitudes. Chapt. 1 and 4. Harcourt Brace College Publishers.
Klein, Lisl. 1994. Sociotechnical/organizational design. I. Karwowski, W. & Salvendy, G. Organization and Management of Advanced Manufacturing. New York: Wiley.
Porras, J.I. & Robertson,.P.J, Organizational change and Organizational Development. I. Dunnette,M.D. & Hough,L.M. (eds) 1994. Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. vol 3, chapt 12. Consulting Psychologists Press, Calif. Palo Alto
Stiwne, D. Vad är en grupp? Om att definiera gruppbegreppet. Nordisk Psykologi, 1995, vol 47, no 3, 182-196
Westlander, G.& Pingel, B. (1997). The Effectiveness of a "Break Experiment" from a Long-Term Perspective. A retrospective study of female participants' and management's conceptions of a training program for skills development in a manufacturing industry. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, vol 3, no 1-2, pp. 58-76.

Westlander, G. .1996. People at Work. A Socio-Psychological Context. (in press). Translated from Swedish: Socialpsykologi, Tankemodeller om människor i Arbete. Göteborg: Akademiförlaget.
Westlander, G. 1994. The KIBA Manual. Solna: The National Institute of Occupational Health. (2nd revised ed.)

Gunnela Westlander, IKP

Gunnela Westlander, IKP

Sept 19, 2000 - Jan 9, 2001.
Seminars: Sept. 19, Oct. 3, 17, 31 , Nov. 14, 28, Dec.12, Jan. 9 - Time: 1.30 - 5.00 P.M.

To acquire 5 points is requested: Active participation in the seminars and a final course paper
based on a mini-study conducted during the term.

5 credits

Page responsible: Director of Graduate Studies