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Research and Popular Science Videos

This page is intended to archive various videos which demonstrate research results.


Members of the UASTech Lab participate in MOVIII which is a Strategic Research Center, funded by SSF, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research.The following popular science clip shows some of the activities in the center, one of which is our work with UAS.

Youtube Video Version


Beyond Tomorrow Science Program

This is a popular science clip from Beyond Tomorrow documenting the UASTech Lab's research activities at Linkoping University. The Yamaha RMAX helicopter system is an experimental test-bed for aerial surveillance and intelligence gathering.

Youtube VideoVersion

AAAI 2007 AI Video Competition

The AAAI Conference started an AI video competition track in 2007. The goal of this competition is to communicate to the World how much fun AI (research and application) is and, in particular, to document exciting research and applications using artificial intelligence.

The following video which demonstrates some of our research with search and rescue missions in catastrophe situations, won 1st place as the best demonstration video at the competition:

UAV Search and Rescue

Another video was also submitted which demonstrates some of the capabilities of our UASTech UAV systems:

Autonomous UAV Capabilities


Page responsible: Patrick Doherty
Last updated: 2014-04-30