European Colloquium on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, ECSTER
Division researchers, main page, 9.9.1995

Directory of active researchers in the field

For those researchers who have a WWW home page, the directory only indicates the name, the university or other affiliation, the country, the E-mail address, and a link to the home page. For those researchers not having such a home page known to us, the directory indicates in addition the full affiliation and address whenever known.

At present this directory only contains the participants at the first HG/LAC workshop and a few others. The intention is of course to extend it so that it becomes a comprehensive dictionary of researchers in this area.

Ortographic conventions for person names, city names, and university names are found in [notn].

Brzoska, Christoph, Uni. of Karlsruhe, Germany, [].

Cunningham, Jim, Imperial College, London, England, [].

del Val, Alvaro, see under "V", click here.

Doherty, Patrick, Linköping Uni, Sweden, [].

Drakengren, Thomas, Linköping Uni, Sweden, [].

Frühwirth, Thom,, [Fruehwirth], ECRC, München, Germany, [].

Giunchiglia, Enrico, Uni of Genoa, Italy, [].

Hanks, Steve, Uni. of Washington, Seattle, USA. []. <articles>.

Karlsson, Lars, Linköping Uni, Sweden, [].

Kartha, Neelakantan, Uni. of Texas at Austin, USA, [].

Levesque, Hector, Uni. of Toronto, Canada, [].

Lifschitz, Vladimir, Uni. of Texas at Austin, USA, [].

Lukaszewicz, Witold, Uni. of Warsaw, Poland, [].

Martelli, Alberto, Uni. of Torino, Italy, [].

Masseron, Marcel, Uni. of Paris 13, Paris, France, [].

McCarthy, John,, [J.McCarthy]. Stanford Uni., USA, [].

McCarty, L. Thorne, [Th.McCarty]. Rutgers Uni., USA.

McDermott, Drew, Yale Uni., USA. [mcdermott-drew@CS.YALE.EDU].

Porto, Antonio, Uni. of Lisbon, Portugal, [].

Reiter, Ray, Uni of Toronto, Canada, [].

Sandewall, Erik, Linköping Uni., Sweden, [].
<articles>, <books>.

Schaerf, Marco, Uni. of Rome 1, Italy, [].

Shoham, Yoav, Stanford Uni., USA. [].
<articles>, <books>.

Schwind, Camilla, Uni. of Marseille, France, [].

Shanahan, Murray, Imperial College, London, England, [].

Thielscher, Michael, TU Darmstadt, Germany, [].

del Val, Alvaro, Autonomous Uni. of Madrid, Spain, [].

Vauzeilles, Jacqueline, Uni. of Paris 13, France, [].

, , [].