The LAC HyperGuide, September 1995

Table of contents in the HyperGuide

The table of contents does not represent a recommended order of reading the materials. Reading order is better determined by the "entry points" which are found on the hyperguide index page. The purpose of the table of contents is to provide one comprehensive overview of all the contents in the hyperguide.

The definitional preorder is a partial ordering of the essential contents of the hyperguide (apart from lists of contents and other organizational pages), and specifies an order where the definition of a concept always precedes its use. (Reference to a documentation of the definitional preorder to be added here).


Standard multi-sorted FOPC [logics/standard]
Nonmonotonic extensions of FOPC [logics/nonmonotonic]
Extensions for reasoning about actions and change [logics/change]
Modal logics [logics/modal]
Linear logic [logics/linear]

and so on for other kinds of logic...


The HyperGuide Reference Language [frameworks/hgrl]
(Proposed name; name was left open at meeting)
Action description languages [frameworks/adl]
The "Features and Fluents" approach
[frameworks/faf] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting)
Transformations and subsumptions between chronicle notations
[frameworks/relations] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting)

Semantic issues

Basic semantics concepts and constructs

Time and related concepts[semantics/time]
Includes: states and state transitions, and their formulation in logic; timepoint domains and Herbrand situation spaces; interval time domains, branching time, metric time, continuous time.
[semantics/actions] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting) Semantic character of actions, composite actions, actions with restricted domains.
[semantics/objects] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting) Semantic character of objects, objects with limited life-length, creation and desctruction of objects.
Domain constraints
[semantics/constraints] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting) Static domain constraints, used (a) as integrity constraints, (b) for ramification i.e. side-effects, and (c) for indirect qualification. Also, dynamic domain constraints.

Extensions of expressiveness beyond strict inertia

Ramification [semantics/problems/ramification]
Qualification [semantics/problems/qualification]
Concurrent actions[semantics/problems/concurrency]
Natural events
[semantics/problems/events] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting)
Delayed effects; causation between natural events
[semantics/problems/causation] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting)
Multiple agents
[semantics/problems/multiagent] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting)
[semantics/problems/misperception] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting) Unreliable observations and events

Representative examples


Integrated approaches

Each integrated approach is characterized by its choice of logic, its choice of chronicle syntax, and its choice of semantics. Path [approaches/...]

Situation calculus with Herbrand situations

Original situation calculus
Lifschitz, Gelfond, Kartha, et al
Reiter et al

Situation calculus with state situations


Explicit time described as timepoints

Sandewall et al (Features and fluents)

Explicit time described as intervals

Allen et al
Kowalski et al (Event calculus)


Entailment methods and their assessments

Strict definitions of entailment methods
[methods] (Proposed, in addition to what was said at the meeting)
Implementations [implementation]
Validation and assessment of entailment methods [assessment]
Application of entailment methods to representative examples (Discuss usefulness and limitations of this approach)

Knowledge base(d) change

Belief revision [kb-change/revision]
Update (of world state) [kb-change/update]

Types of reasoning about actions and change

Planning [planning]