European Colloquium on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning, ECSTER
Division bibliography, main page, 9.9.1995

Bibliography, with links to full electronic manuscripts

This bibliography is a listing of articles, books, etc. in the current area which have been published after peer review. It contains the usual bibliographic descriptor for each listed article. Articles are listed under the first author, and indicated with first author name + year + a letter separating articles during the same year. The ordering within a year is arbitrary. For papers with multiple authors, there is a cross-reference from each researcher to articles where he or she was a second author. Finally, the bibliography contains the following links whenever applicable: to the electronically stored article under [ftp], to the electronically stored abstract under [abstract], to publisher or other source of the paper copy under [order], to public reviews of the article under [reviews], to a Bibtex reference under [bibtex], and to an appearance chart under [appear]. The appearance chart specifies the successive places where the same article may have appeared (departmental report, conference, journal, etc), and the exact time of each of those appearances.

Note that articles which are in the repository of research reports, by virtue of having appeared as departmental reports, are not automatically included in the bibliography. However, they may be included e.g. if one or several reviews of it appear.

At present this directory only contains a small number of sample items.


Sandewall, Erik

See also: [directory], <articles>.

[Sandewall94A] Features and Fluents. An Introduction to the Theory of Dynamical Systems. Oxford University Press, 1994. [order]

Shoham, Yoav

See also: [directory], <articles>.

[Shoham88A] Reasoning about Change MIT Press, 1988.

Journal and conference articles

McDermott, Drew

Also co-author of: [Hanks86A], [Hanks87A].

Hanks, Steve

See also: [directory],

[Hanks86A] (with D. McDermott): Default reasoning, nonmonotonic logics, and the frame problem. In National conference on artificial intelligence, 1986, pp. 328-333. [header] [bibtex] [abstract]

[Hanks87A] (with D. McDermott): Nonmonotonic logics and temporal projection. In Artificial Intelligence, vol 33, nr 3, pp 379-412 (1987). [header] [bibtex]

Sandewall, Erik

[Sandewall94B] (with Y. Shoham): Non-monotonic temporal reasoning. In D. Gabbay et al, editors: Handbook of Logic in Artificial Intelligence and Logic Programming, pp 439 - 498. Oxford University Press, 1994. [header] [bibtex]

See also: [directory], <books>.

Shoham, Yoav

See also: [directory], <books>.

Publicly available theses