LiU > IDA > Real-Time Systems Lab


[28 Aug 2024] Johannes Wilson from RTSLAB was awarded the Best Paper Award at ARES 2024.

[15 Sep 2023] Roland Plaka from RTSLAB was awarded the Best Young Author Award at CRITIS 2023.

[17 May 2022] The prize for the best master thesis in 2021 was awarded David Lantz examined at RTSLAB.

[14 May 2020] The prize for the best master thesis in 2019 was awarded Carl Folkesson examined at RTSLAB.

[14 May 2020] Two Bachelor students supervised for their final year project at RTSLAB won the best Bachelor thesis award for 2019.

[18 December 2019] A paper written at RTSLAB was awarded the best paper award at the UCC2019 conference more ...

[14 May 2018] A bachelor student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from IDA - Alexander Ernfridsson. more ...

[16 May 2017] A bachelor student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from IDA - Tim Hultman. more ...

[12 May 2016] A master student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from IDA - Alexander Alesand. more ...

[12 May 2016] A bachelor student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from IDA - Mathias Almquist and Viktor Almquist. more ...

[25 May 2015] A master student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from IDA - Klervie Toczé. more ...

[26 May 2014] A bachelor student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from IDA - Simon Andersson. more ...

[31 May 2012] A masters student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from IDA - Ulf Magnusson. more ...

[27 February 2008] A masters student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from IDA - Johan Sigholm. more ...

[03 March 2004] A masters student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from IDA - Tobias Chyssler. more ...

[01 Jul 2003] For second year in a row a masters student at RTSLAB was awarded the best thesis award from SNART - Mehdi Amirijoo. more ...

Master and Final year theses

Title:Reducing Power Consumption For Signal Computation in Radio Access Networks: Optimization With Linear Programming and Graph Attention Networks
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Cloud RAN, Constrained optimization, Mixed integer linear programming, MILP, Machine learning, Graph neural network, Graph attention network, GAT
Author(s):Martin Kristoffer Nordberg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Load Balancing In The Edge Cloud With Service Degradation: Combining Application-level Service Degradation With Load Balancing in a Kubernetes-based Edge Cloud
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Kubernetes, Service Degradation, Edge Cloud, Cloud, Load Balancing, Brownout, Resource Limitation, Overloading, Self-adaption
Author(s):Rachel Homssi and Jacob Möller
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Improving customer support efficiency through decision support powered by machine learning
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Machine Learning, AI, NLP, Natural Language Processing, GPT-3, GPT-4, Recommendation System, Decision Support, Semantic Textual Similarity, Text Similarity, Customer Support Tickets, Case Study, Customer Support Efficiency, Healthcare, Medical Technology
Author(s):Simon Boman
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Predicting Vulnerabilities in Third Party Open-Source Software using Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Machine Learning, Data Mining, Software Security, CVE
Author(s):Frida Andersson and Albin Öberg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Telemetry for Debugging Software Issues in Privacy-sensitive Systems
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Telemetry, privacy, distributed tracing, debugging, privacy-sensitive system, tracing
Author(s):Kasper Landgren and Payam Tavakoli
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Mapping, demonstration and mitigation of common vulnerabilities in popular web servers
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Demonstration, Vulnerability, Web Server, Cyber Security
Author(s):Matyas Barocsai and Johan Can
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:A decentralized Git version controlsystem : A proposed architecture and evaluation of decentralized Git using DAG-based distributed ledgers
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Blockchain, Distributed ledger technology, Git, Version control systems, Software Security, Web3, Misuse cases
Author(s):Christian Habib and Ilian Ayoub
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Early Automated Risk Assessment of CVE Descriptions
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Risk Assessment, Security, CVE, Automation
Author(s):Felix Nyrfors and Ludvig Sandholm
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Evaluation of the Proof-of-Location Scheme Vouch : in a Real-World Environment
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Vouch, proof-of-location, VANET, staleness, 5G, mobility-aware classification, detection accuracy
Author(s):Felix Säfström
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Implementing a Distributed Solution for the Message Broker LavinMQ (Implementation av en Distribuerad Lösning i Meddelandehanteraren LavinMQ)
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Consensus, Message Broker, Raft
Author(s):Dahlén Christina and Weistrand Erica
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Security in Rootless Containers : Measuring the Attack Surface of Containers
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Rootless container, container security, attack surface, Docker, Podman
Author(s):Matilda Engström Ericsson
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Transformation of Directed Acyclic Graphs into Kubernetes Deployments with Optimized Latency
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:BBU, Virtualization, Kubernetes, Container Scheduling, Optimization
Author(s):Robert Almgren and Robin Lidekrans
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Sensor fusion between positioning system and mixed reality
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Mixed Reality, Positioning, Transformation
Author(s):Anton Lifwergren and Jonatan Jonsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Evaluating the Single Sign-On Protocol OpenID Connect for an Electronic Document Signature Service From a Security Perspective
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:OIDC, Single sign-on, Security
Author(s):Ludvig Thor
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Anonymization of smart meter data
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Clustered k-anonymisation, time series, smart meter data
Author(s):Elin Thorgren
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Fuzz testing on eNodeB over the air interface: Using fuzz testing as a means of testing security
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:fuzz testing, eNodeB, 5G, Vulnerability analysis
Author(s):Anna Pestrea
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:A Model-Based Approach to Hands Overlay for Augmented Reality
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Augmented Reality, Hands Overlay, Remote Guidance
Author(s):Fredrik Adolfsson
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Arguing Assurance in Trusted Execution Environments using Goal Structuring Notation
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Assurance, Trusted Execution Environment, TEE, Goal Structuring Notation, GSN, Keystone
Author(s):Nigel Cole
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Design and Evaluation of an E-learning Platform to support Active Learning
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Active learning, E-learning, web design, soft skills, motivation, engagement, learning, UX
Author(s):Emma Algotsson
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Detection of side-channel attacks targeting Intel SGX
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Security, Trusted execution environment, Intel SGX, side channel attacks, Load value injection, detection, performance counters
Author(s):David Lantz
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title: Enriching the user experience of e-learning platforms using responsive design : a case study
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Björn Möller Ehrnlund
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Implementation And Evaluation of Gamification Elements In An E-learning Platform For Engineering Education
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Erica Ahlqvist
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Runtime Monitoring on a Real-Time Embedded System
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Anton Landor
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:The Latency Effects of Utilizing a Microservice Architecture in a Time-Critical System
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Microservices, Software Defined Networking, SDN, Latency, OpenFlow, Mininet, Ruy, Beacon
Author(s):Anton Hölscher
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title: TUF on the Tangle : Securing software updates using a distributed ledger
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Security, Software, Update, Distributed, Ledger, IOTA, TUF, The update framework, Tangle
Author(s):Oliver Johns and Anton Andell
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Generating Datasets Through the Introduction of an Attack Agent in a SCADA Testbed: A methodology of creating datasets for intrusion detection research in a SCADA system using IEC-60870-5-104
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:SCADA, dataset, iec-60870-5-104
Author:August Fundin
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Security Auditing and Testing of two Android Client-Server Applications
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Security audit, Security testing, Android Client-Server, OWASP Top 10 Mobile Risks, Automated tools, MITM attack, SSL, Authorization
Author(s):Matilda Engström Ericsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Improving Performance of a Mixed Reality Application on the Edge with Hardware Acceleration
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:CUDA, Mixed Reality, Edge
Author(s):Jesper Eriksson and Christoffer Akouri
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Availability of Smart Contracts that Rely on External Data
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:blockchain, smart contract, oracles
Author(s):Tjelvar Guo and Daniel Han Herzegh
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Defending against denial of service attacks in ETSI ITS-G5 networks
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Keep Alive Forwarding, KAF, Decentralized Environmental Notification Message, DENM, ITS-G5, VANET
Author(s):Oskar Lind
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Low Latency Fog Computing Architecture for a Fire Safety Application
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Simon Mehari
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Scheduling in a Blockchain
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Fabian Petersen
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Measuring and stimulatingphysical movement using interactive media
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords: Motion games, camera, physical movement
Author(s):Martin Sjödin Jonsson and Ammar Alderhally
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Speeding up a mixed reality application: A study of two encoding algorithms
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Mixed reality, response time analysis, encoding algorithms, VP8, H.264/H.265
Author(s):Jesper Elgh and Ludvig Thor
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Undersökning om hur machine learning kan användas för att förutspå fel i en databas
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Jonatan Vilhelmsson
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Using gamification in a mobile application to treat children with obesity : Increasing the motivation to select healthy food
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:gamification, user engagement, UES, overweight treatment
Author(s):Erik Grundberg
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Formally Verifying the Robustness of Machine Learning Models: A Comparative Study
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:machine learning, critical systems, formal verification, robustness
Author(s):Linnea Lundström
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Visualization of machine learning data for radio networks : A case study at Ericsson
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Visualization; Qt; GUI; C++
Author(s):Bingyu Niu
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Edge computing for mixed reality
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:edge computing, mixed reality, MR, augmented reality, AR, distributed computing, Android, ARCore
Author(s):Johan Lindqvist
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Mobility optimization for energy-efficient 5G networks
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:5G, mobility, handover, energy-efficient
Author(s):Oskar Gustafsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Anonymization of directory-structured sensitive data
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:data anonymization, data privacy, directory-structured data, k-anonymity, l-diversity, t-closeness, differential privacy, GDPR
Author(s):Carl Folkesson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Representing attacks in a cyber range
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:cyber range, IT security, information security, penetration testing, SVED, CRATE
Author(s):Niklas Hätty
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Performance Evaluation of a Blockchain-based Traceability System: A Case Study at IKEA
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:blockchain, traceability, supply chain
Author(s):Tobias Sund and Claes Lööf
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Vehicular Group Membership Resilient to Malicious Attacks
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:SLMP, distributed system, security, VPKI
Author(s):Benjamin Fischer
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:A study of slow denial of service mitigation tools and solutions deployed in the cloud
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Slow rate DoS, slowloris, slow post, slow body, elastic load balancer
Author(s):Niklas Larsson and Fredrik Ågren Josefsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Testing and Improving the Security of a Mobile Application
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Security testing, Android, penetration testing, MITM attack, SQL injection
Author(s):Sofia Gyulai and William Holmgren
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Decentralized Identity Management for a Maritime Digital Infrastructure: With focus on usability and data integrity
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Decentralized identity, Decentralized Public Key Managemet, Decentralized Identifiers, Usability, Integrity, Hyperledger Indy, Distributed Ledger Technology
Author(s):Theodor Flemming
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Heuristic minimization of data latency in offline scheduling of periodic real-time jobs
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Scheduling, heuristics, data latency, jitter, single-processor scheduling
Author(s):Ariyan Abdulla and Erik Andersson
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Decentralized firmware attestation for in-vehicle networks
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:firmware, attestation, verification, ECU, vehicle
Author(s):Mohammad Khodari
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Random testing with sanitizers to detect concurrency bugs in embedded avionics software
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:fuzz testing, software testing, AFL, american fuzzy lop, embedded systems, santizer, threadsanitizer
Author(s):Viktor Johansson and Alexander Vallén
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Permissioned Blockchains and Distributed Databases: A Performance Study
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Permissioned blockchain, Distributed Database, Cassandra, Latency, Distributed Systems
Author(s):Sara Bergman
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:A Security Analysis of a Credit Card Payment System for Bitcoin Transactions
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:bitcoin, cryptocurrency, payment system, transaction, cryptocurrencies, transactions, analysis, security analysis, security
Author(s):Niklas Grundström
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Slow rate denial of service attacks on dedicated- versus cloud based server solutions
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Denial of Service, DOS, Slow rate, Apache, Cloud
Author(s):Oscar Andell and Albin Andersson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Functional and Security Testing of a Mobile Client-Server Application
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Security, Android, Mobile application, Python, Flask, Server, Software testing, Functional testing, Reverse engineering, Fuzz testing, Monkey testing, RESTful API testing, Sniffing, SQL injection, Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Reliability, Esp
Author(s):Daniel Holmberg and Victor Nyberg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Converting an existing .NET Framework ground control software into a cross-platform application
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:.NET, cross-platform, ground control software
Author(s):Erik Boman
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Implementation of a Water Flow Sensor Node and Energy Evaluation of 2G Transmission Strategies
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Johan Levinsson
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Evaluation of a synchronous leader-based group membership protocol
Link:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Anton Tengroth and Chi Vong
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Mapping out dependencies in network components in critical infrastructure
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:critical infrastructure, system dependencies, scada network, dependency analysis, mapping components, system modeling
Author(s):Karl Andersson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Analysis of a Bitcoin debit card: Design of a novel Bitcoin payment system
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Bitcoin, Blockchain, Security
Author(s):Jakob Lövhall
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Sammansättning av ett privat moln som infrastruktur för utveckling
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:OpenStack, OpenNebula, CloudStack, Eucalyptus, Docker, Kubernetes, IaaS-plattform
Author(s):Alexander Ernfridsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:End-to-end Security Enhancement of an IoT Platform Using Object Security
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Object security, COSE, IoT security, End-to-end security, CoAP, LWM2M, Bluetooth Low Energy, BLE security
Author(s):Hampus Tjäder
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Design and evaluation of a system that coordinate clients to use the same server
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Per Gustavsson and Erica Gavefalk
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Signal-aware adaptive timeout in cellular networks: Analysing predictability of link failure in cellular networks based on netwo
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:channel quality indicator, adaptive timeout, cellular networks, LTE
Author(s):Martin Larsson and Anton Silfver
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Functional and Security testing of a Mobile Application
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Functional Testing, Espresso, Coverage, Fuzz Testing
Author(s):Johan Sjöstrand and Sara Westberg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Evaluating performance of a fault-tolerant system that implements replication and load balancing
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:load balancing, fault tolerance, performance, replication
Author(s):Rickard Hellenberg and Oskar Gustafsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Vertically Scaling Agile: A Multiple-Case Study
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Agile development, Decision-making, Agility, Scaling Agile, Agile management
Author(s):Nicklas Östman and Rasmus Lindström
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Extension of EnergyBox for LTE networks
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:LTE, energy consumption, energy efficiency, traffic patterns
Author(s):Gunnar Berg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Abusing Keep-Alive Forwarding to flood a VANET: When safety messages become a safety risk
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems, DENM, KAF, DoS
Author(s):Johan Billman, Victor Hellström
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Ad-hoc Routing in Low Bandwidth Environments
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Ad-hoc, Routing, Network, Simulation, AODV, DSDV, DSR, OLSR
Author(s):Emil Berg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Sårbarheterna med Bluetooth inom hälsotillämningar
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Tobias Nilsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Estimating Time to Repair Failures in a Distributed System
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Matilda Söderholm and Lisa Habbe
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Adaptive Checkpointing for Emergency Communication Systems
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:checkpoint, adaptive, passive, replication
Author(s):Christoffer Nilsson and Sebastian Karlsson
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Hadoop Read Performance During Datanode Crashes
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:hadoop, read performance, datanode, crashes, impact, file size, block size, number, crashed, nodes, distributed systems
Author(s):Fabian Johannsen and Mattias Hellsing
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Design and Evaluation of a Reliable Group Communication Protocol
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Distributed Systems, Reliable Communication, Group Communication Protocol, Reliable Multicasting
Author(s):Albin Odervall and Philip Montalvo
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Autonomous Indoor Navigation System for Mobile Robots
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:autonomous, indoor navigation, robot navigation, automatic control, PID, vehicular
Author(s):Antymos Dag
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Signal-Aware Route Planning
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:signal-aware route planning, connectivity-aware route planning, signal-aware, connectivity-aware, signal aware, connectivity aware, signal shortest path, connectivity shortest path
Author(s):Tim Hultman
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Optimizing Communication Energy Efficiency for a Multimedia Application
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:3G, energy consumption, energy efficiency, traffic patterns, software testing, test automation, Spotify
Author(s):Jens Olander Green
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Estimating Internet-scale Quality of Service Parameters for VoIP
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Voice over IP (VoIP), Quality of Service (QoS), cost estimation, QoS-driven routing
Author(s):Niemelä Markus
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Android Machine Interface: Integrating anAndroid Mobile Device into an Industrial Control System
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Erik Brunnerby
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Energy-Efficient Mobile Communication with Cached Signal Maps
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:3G, energy-estimation, signal maps, RSS, signal strength, energy consumption, mobile
Author(s):Rasmus Holm
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:A Cross-platform Picture Transfer Protocol for Linux-based Camera
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:USB, Embedded Linux, USB Security
Author(s):Marcus Högberg
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Emulating 3G Network Characteristics on WiFi Networks
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Emulation, Network Emulation, Network Testing, Software Testing, Testing, UMTS, 3G, Spotify
Author(s):Aleksander Alesand
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Anomaly Detection in SCADA Network Traffic
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Robert Udd
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Network protocol for distribution and handling of data from JAS 39 Gripen
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Network, distribution, publish, subscribe, broker, ZMQ, zero message queue, pthreads, protocol
Author(s):Jonathan Karlsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Increasing the availability of a service through Hot Passive Replication
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Fault tolerance, Hot Passive Replication, Process crash fault, Fault detection
Author(s):John Bengtson and Ola Jigin
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:A study on Android games: 3G energy consumption, CPU-utilization and system calls
Keywords:Android games, 3G, communication, energy, CPU-utilization, system calls
Author(s):Mathias Almquist and Viktor Almquist
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Functional Reactive Programming as programming model for telecom server software
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:reactive-banana, functional reactive programming, maintainability, performance, object-oriented programming, LTE, telecom application
Author(s):Klervie Toczé
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:3G Transmission Energy Savings through Adaptive Traffic Shaping Policies
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Henning Hall and Christian Luckey
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Avoiding Unnecessary 3G Data Transmission Through Mobile Sensors
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:3G, Android, Sensors
Author(s):William Danielsson and Sebastian Waldmann
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Estimating Application Energy Consumption Through Packet Trace Analysis
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:energybox, application, energy, consumption, 3g
Author(s):Joakim Eriksson and Samuel Nilsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Development of a remote control application for a set-top box on a Windows 8 tablet PC
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Patrick Persson
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:EnergyBox: Tool improvement and GUI
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:EnergyBox, energy measurement, mobile 3G/WiFi, energy estimation, transmission energy, 3G, WiFi, JavaFX
Author(s):Rihards Polis
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Web-based Real-Time Communication for Rescue Robots
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Real-Time Communication, WebRTC, Rescue Robots
Author(s):Akaitz Gallastegi
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Implementing extended functionality for an HTML5 client for remote desktops
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:HTML5 remote desktop
Author(s):Samuel Mannehed
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Energy Consumption Studies for 3G Traffic Consolidation on Android using WiFi and Bluetooth
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Traffic consolidation, 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, power consumption
Author(s):Ugaitz Moreno Arocena
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Adaptive Indoor Localization System for Android Smartphones
Author(s):Brieuc Viel
Contact:Mikael Asplund

Title:Indoor robot localization and collaboration
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:search and rescue, indoor localization, robot collaboration, particle filter, real-time
Author(s):Eriks Zaharans
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Integrerad modulär avionik med virtualisering
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Partitionerat system, Virtualisering, Xen, ARINC 653, DO-178C
Author(s):Clas Enkvist
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Monkey Gamer: Automatic Profiling of Android Games
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:mobile games, game profiling, automatic testing, Android games
Author(s):Javier Marian Santos
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Energy Consumption of 3G Transmissions for Instant Messaging on Mobile Devices
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:energy consumption, 3G, mobile, instant messaging
Author(s):Simon Andersson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:An Android application for Meter Terminal Management using Bluetooth Serial Port Profile
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:MBus WMBus Java Android Bluetooth PDA
Author(s):Henrik Nelson and Andreas Karlsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Smart TV front-end application for cloud computing
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Smart TV, cloud computing, user interface, responsiveness
Author(s):Jaime Miguel Montero
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Energy Consumption in Location Sharing Protocols for Android Applications
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Message Queuing Telemetry Transport, location sharing, Android, energy consumption, 3G networks, UMTS WCDMA
Author(s):Mihails Prihodko
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Simulering av bildöverföring från en inbyggd plattform till Android tablet
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:android, nätverksprotokoll, midrange, midrange plattform
Author(s):Anton Sandberg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Implicit Channel Allocation in GSM/EDGE radio networks
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:GSM, EDGE, GPRS packet scheduling, channel allocation, implicit channel allocation, ICA
Author(s):Emily Leiviskä
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Continuous Measurements of Core Body Temperature using Body Sensor Networks
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:body sensor networks, contiki, interpolation, masking
Author(s):Peter Hegen
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Designing and implementing an architecture for single-page applications in Javascript and HTML5
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Javascript, HTML5, SPA, Single-page application, Framework, MinimaJS, Architecture, Software, Web, SEO, Search engine optimization, testing, testability
Author(s):Jesper Petersson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Multi-platform development of applications for mobile devices
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:multi-platform, cross-platform, applications, apps, mobile devices, mobile, android, ios
Author(s):Mattias Sjödin
Contact:Simin Najdm-Tehrani

Title:3G Energy-Efficient Packet Handling Kernel Module for Android
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:energy consumption, mobile devices, kernel, UMTS, Android, scheduling
Author(s):Joseba Sanjuan
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Desktop Integration with a Web Based Application
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:SOA, Integration, Web Services, plug-in
Author(s):Johan Gustafsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Marknadsplatsapplikation för Android
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Simon Arvidsson and Tobias Ekblom
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:PDF Eagle - A PDF viewer in Qt
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:PDF, Mobile devices, Qt, Symbian^3, Server
Author(s):Lukas Gustavsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Network usage profiling for applications on the Android smart phone
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Android, smart phone, Network, applications
Author(s):Jakob Egnell
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Measuring energy consumption characteristics in mobile data communication
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:WCDMA 3G Power consumption Energy savings
Author(s):Anton Thomasson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Avancerad webbteknologi i mobila webbläsare
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Mobile Browsers, AJAX, Comet, User Interface, Mail and Document retrieval, HTML
Author(s):Linus Björk
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Virtual Private Network Communication over a session layer socket protocol (SOCKS)
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:VPN, SOCKS, JAVA, Socket, SSL
Author(s):Carl Richard Soler Avellén
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Rubrik: Lightweight M2M Solution on Android Platform
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:M2M, Machine-to-machine, Android, Cinterion TC65T
Author(s):Magnus Gustafsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Implementation av ett webbgränssnitt för MobisleNotes
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Webbutveckling, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Webbgränssnitt, Google App Engine
Author(s):Dean Pastuhovic
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Behavior-based malware detection system for the Android platform
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Android, Malware, Smartphone, Security, Mobile, Phone
Author(s):Iker Burguera Hidalgo
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:A Linux-based, Web-oriented operating system designed to boot quickly
Keywords:Linux, Boot time, WebOS, Web Operating System, Netbook, Embedded systems
Author(s):Ulf Magnusson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Real-time Location System with Passive RFID for surveillance of trusted objects in a room
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:RTLS, RFID, System Implementation, Location, Data Storage
Author(s):Simon Karlsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Implementation of a Delay-Tolerant Routing Protocol in the Network Simulator NS-3
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):Fredrik Herbertsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Automatic behavioural analysis of malware
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:malware analysis behaviour machine learning
Author(s):Tiziano Santoro
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Smartcard based heart-beat service for M2M communication
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:SIM Toolkit, Java Card, smartcard, SMS, GPRS, heart-beat
Author(s):Marcus Erlandsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:ORWAR: a delay-tolerant protocol implemented on the Android platform
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Delay-tolerant network, DTN, Android, routing protocol, ORWAR, MANET
Author(s):Davide Anzaldi
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Implementation of a manycast protocol for intermittently connected mobile ad hoc networks in disaster areas
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:IC-MANET, Symbian, Random-Walk Gossip, disaster area
Author(s):Ekhiotz Jon Vergara Alonso
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Measuring and Analysing Execution Time
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:WCET, Dynamic timing analysis, CPU load
Author(s):Henrik Liljeroth
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Implementation of a Manycast Protocol in a Partitionable Mobile Ad hoc Network
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:mobile ad hoc network, multi-hop, partition tolerance, random-walk gossip-based many- cast
Author(s):Gustav Nykvist
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Implementing Memory Protection in a Minimal OS
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:MMU, Autosar, OSEK, Memory Protection, Embedded Systems
Author(s):Per Fagrell and Richard Eklycke
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Towards efficient legacy test evaluations at Ericsson AB, Linköping
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:legacy test, test result evaluation, software error reporting, 3Gsim, perl, sql, WCDMA
Author(s):Karl Gustav Sterneberg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Load balancing of IP telephony
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Author(s):David Montag
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Load management for a telecom charging system
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:load management
Author(s):Johan Bjerre
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Automating a test strategy for a protocol decoder tool
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords: Software Test Theory, Test Strategies, Test Automation
Author(s):Henrik Johansson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Introducing TCP in a 3G load generator
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:UMTS, RNC, TCP, load generator
Author(s):Henrik Lönndahl
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Fault handling architecture in embedded automotive systems
Keywords:Fault Handling, Bayesian Decision Theory, Engine Control
Author(s):Fredrik Johansson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Automated Network Node Discovery and Topology Analysis
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Network, discovery, topology, SNMP, XML, regexp
Author(s):Johan Sigholm
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Live network acquisition in a public access scenario
Author(s):Magnus Florán
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Adaptive Control of QoS-Priority Partitioned Real-Time Systems
Keywords:Adaptive control, Quality of Service, Real-time system
Author(s):Per Brännström
Contact:Mehdi Amirijoo

Title:A System for Dynamic Device Control between Linux and OSE
Keywords:Real-time, Virtualisation, Device drivers, embedded systems, hardware, OSE, Linux
Author(s):Erik Nordström
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:QoS-aware MAC layer protocol for wireless ad hoc networks
Keywords:MAC layer, QoS, CSMA/CA, DIFS, Contention window
Author(s):Muhammad Azam Akram
Contact:Calin Curescu

Title:Modelling a network link in VirtualTime
Keywords:Realtidssystem, nätverkssimuleringar, VirtualTime
Author(s):Maja Johansson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Optimization of Data Carousels Distributing Interactive TV Based Applications
Keywords:optimization, data carousel, data broadcast scheduling, demand probability
Author(s):Anders Olsson
Contact:Calin Curescu

Title:Finite Horizon Prediction of Computer System State and its Applications to Reconfigurable Component-Based Real-time Systems
Keywords:real-time, feedback control, component, CBSD, aspect, AOSD, prediction
Author(s):Torgny Andersson
Contact:Mehdi Amirijoo

Title:Demonstration software for the Radio Network Optimization products
Keywords:demonstration software, demo version, simulation, stubs, aspects
Author(s):Per Sandberg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Generalized Performance Management of Multi Class Real-Time Imprecise Data Services
Author(s):Nicolas Chaufette
Contact:Mehdi Amirijoo

Title:Intrusion Detection for Web Services
Author(s):Christofer Wallán
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Extension of a Software IP Telephony Client
Keywords:IP Telephony Client, VoIP, SIP, SIP Communicator, Redirect function
Author(s):Åsa Karlsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:E-fraud, state of the art and counter measures
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:E-fraud, e-commerce, telecom fraud, fraud detection, fraud classifications
Author(s):Bengt Bergman
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Simulator for Resource Allocation in Hybrid Wireless Networks
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Simulation, Hybrid Wireless Networks, Resource Allocation, J-Sim
Author(s):Li Cai
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Adaptive QoS Management in Dynamically Reconfigurable Real-Time Databases
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:real-time databases, dynamic reconfiguration, quality of service, component-based software development, aspect-oriented software development, adaptive feedback control
Author(s):Daniel Nilsson and Henrik Norin
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:A tool for automatic formal analysis of fault tolerance
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Dependability, Fault Tolerance, Esterel, Formal Verification, System Safety
Author(s):Markus Nilsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Configuration tool for component-based real-time databases
Keywords:real-time database system, worst case execution time, generic modeling environment,components, aspects
Author(s):Mu Peng
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Presence aware software using the Session Initiation Protocol
Keywords:SIP,Session Initiation Protocol,Presence,IM,client,server,subscribe,notify,event notification framework,IETF
Author(s):Henrik Leion
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Efficient Overload Management in Real-Time Database Systems
Keywords:real-time systems, real-time databases, overload management
Author(s):Tommy Strandelin
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

ID:LiTH-IDA-EX 04/071-SE
Title:QoS Management in Configurable Real-Time Databases
Keywords:aspect-oriented sofware development, component-based software development, real-time databases, feedback control scheduling, quality of service, freshness guarantees
Author(s):Mikael Björk
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Data Versioning in a Real-Time Data Repository
Keywords:real-time databases, concurrency control, relative consistency
Author(s):Hugo Hallqvist
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Concurrency Control in a Configurable Component-Based Real-Time Database
Keywords:concurrency control, real-time databases, aspect-oriented software development, real-time systems, aspects, components, similarity- based concurrency control, index concurrency control
Author(s):Kristoffer Erlandsson
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Dynamic application download and memory management for an IP-based set-top box
Keywords:dynamic application download, memory management, set-top box
Author(s):Per Andersson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:STCA - an aircraft conflict alert system
Keywords:STCA, Short Term Conflict Alert, Air Traffic, Surveillance
Author(s):Ola Noren Bång
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Code Generation from High-level Models of Reactive and Security Intrinsic Systems
Keywords:reactive systems, code generation, Harel statecharts, model-based development, security intrinsic systems
Author(s):Anders Grahn
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Model based development of an airbag software
Abstract:Click here to read the abstract.
Keywords:Model-based development, UML, Rhapsody, Synchronous data flow, Scade
Author(s):Andreas Eriksson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Evaluation of schedulers using the Enea Advanced Scheduling Framework and improvements of the framework software
Keywords:Real-time, Scheduling, RMA, Enea ASF, Embedded system
Author(s):Markus Malmgren
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Management of QoS in Distributed MPEG Video Systems
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Quality of Service, Distributed Video Systems, Imprecise Computation, Feedback Control Scheduling, Congestion, MPEG Compression Standard
Author(s):Natalia Dulgheru
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Log files analysis tools and open source software
Keywords:log file analysis, analysis tool, open source software, firewall
Author(s):Henrik Gränsman
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Implementing Differentiated Services in a Real-Time Database Simulator
Keywords:Quality of Service, Differentiated Services, Real-time Databases, Simulators
Author(s):Carl Olsson
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Analysis of Intent Specification and System Upgrade Traceability
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Intent Specification, SpecTRM, Upgrades, Traceability, Verification, Component-Based Systems Engineering
Author(s):Jonas Elmqvist
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Användarvänligt skapande av strategier för intelligenta agenter
Keywords: autonomous agents, Robocup, strategy editor
Author(s):Johan Ydren
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Comparison of three agent platforms performance, scalability and security
Keywords:Agent platforms, security, performance, scalability
Author(s):Daniel Garpe
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Reducing False Alarm Rates in Intrusion Detection Systems
Keywords:Intrusion detection, alarm reduction, correlation
Author(s):Tobias Chyssler
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Aspect Analyzer: A Tool for Automated Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of Aspects and Components
Keywords:real-time systems, worst-case execution time analysis, aspects, software components
Author(s):Pernilla Uhlin
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Structuring Aspects in Embedded Database Systems
Keywords:aspect-oriented programming, embedded database system, failure detection, synchronization, error handling
Author(s):Ke Sheng
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Aspect analyser tool verification
Keywords:real-time systems, worst-case execution time analysis, aspect-oriented software development, component-based software development
Author(s):Joakim Bodin
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Test program for ITU-T Q.2630
Keywords:verifying testing Cello itu
Author(s):Oskar Eriksson
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Efficient Data Management in Engine Control Software for Vehicles: Development of a Real-Time Data Repository
Keywords:Real-time systems, real-time databases, real-time operating systems, concurrency control, scheduling
Author(s):Marcus Eriksson
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Methods for presentation of statistics in Teligent Messaging System
Keywords:Diagram, statistic, database, graphical presentation
Author(s):Elin Andersson och Magnus Linderud
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Independent IM server in a mobile environment
Keywords:Instant Messaging, Mobility, Jabber
Author(s):Kenth Fransson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Design of a Mobile Payment Intermediary
Keywords:Mobile payments Mobile Clearinghouse Payment routing Transaction routing
Author(s):Fredrik Ruben
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:SIP-based Support for a Multimedia Mail Platform
Keywords:SIP, multimedia, UM, presence, IP telephony, VoI
Author(s):Johanna Gustafsson, Daniel Hellström
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:High-Level Development and Formal Verification of Reconfigurable Hardware
Keywords:Esterel, FPGA, Formal Verification, Safety-Critical Systems
Author(s):Jerker Hammarberg
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Simulator for Resource Allocation in Future Mobile Networks
Keywords:3G, RNC, simulator, resource allocation, traffic modelling
Author(s):Robert Jonasson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Simulating defence mechanisms in survivable systems
Author(s):Sara Garcia de Andres
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Algorithms for Managing QoS for Real-Time Data Services Using Imprecise Computation
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Quality of Service, Real-time Databases, Imprecise Computation, Feedback Control Scheduling
Author(s): Mehdi Amirijoo
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Analysis of an Engine Control System in Preparation of a Real-Time Database
Keywords:Real-time database, transactions, data validity, engine control
Author(s):Martin Jinnelöv
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Rule System with Adaptive Trigger Conditions
Author(s):Knut Nordin
Contact:Nancy Reed

Title:Distributed simulation with HLA
Keywords:HLA, High Level Architecture, Missile, Simulation, Distributed system,Network
Author(s):Patrik Svensson
Contact:Anders Törne

Title:Load Control in a Radio Network Controller within UMTS
Keywords:3G Mobile communication, load control, user traffic modelling, adaptive QoS
Author(s):Tomas Lingvall
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Integration of real time services into a commercial relational database system
Author(s):David Steen
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Realtidssystems- och schemaläggningssimulator med dynamiska exekveringsprofiler
Author(s):Tobias Forsberg
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Simulatorns livscykel, Integrering av nytt scenarioformat
Keywords:Simulation objects and entities
Author(s):Pia Johansson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Graphic TSS Start Monitor
Keywords:GUI implementation, installation data capture
Author(s):Wang Wei
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Process Migration in OSE
Keywords:process migration, load balancing, distributed real-timesystems
Author(s):Fredrik Gustafsson
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:A Webserver in the Data Transfer Unit of the JAS39 Gripen
Keywords:embedded webserver JAS 39 Gripen
Author(s):Mattias Lindblad
Contact:Nancy Reed

Title:Usable Graphical User Interface for an Installation Process
Keywords:usable HMI, test and simulation, telecom application
Author(s):Marisol Encalada Malibran
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Development of Windows CE based terminal for Retail business
Keywords:databaser, replikerad databas, data synkronisering
Author(s):Björn Haulin
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:WinCE i bilmiljö
Keywords:Real-time operating systems, automotive application, Windows CE
Author(s):Elvira Svensson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Extending HAVi to the Web
Keywords:HAVi, home networks, web interface
Author(s):Stefan Hellman
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Metadata Management of MHO Data
Author(s):Yuan Zhang
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Design av kontakttjänst i ett spontant nätverk
Keywords:Jini, spontaneous networks, QoS
Author(s):Jan Bäckström
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Development of an examination system
Keywords:Authentic examination, on-line examination system, Ada, Client-server
Author(s):Håkan Oswaldsson
Contact:Simin Najdm-Tehrani

Title:Data Collection in Distributed Command and Control Systems with Mobile Agents
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Mobile Agent, Data Collection, Command and Control System
Author(s):Andreas Johansson
Contact:Nancy Reed

Title:Intelligent Agents in an Electronic Auction Context
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Agent Auction
Author(s):Eric Jönsson, Jens Nordberg
Contact:Nancy Reed

Title:Insamling och lagring av data från högupplösande naturresurssatelliter
Keywords:high-resolution satellites
Author(s):Erik Johansson
Contact:Anders Törne

Title:Prestandamätning i CORBA-miljö
Keywords:CORBA, ORB, interceptorer, tidsmätning
Author(s):Jonas Gabrielsson
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Title:Construction of a DFS client for the operating system Linux, for the use with a DFS server in a DCE network
Keywords:Linux, DFS / DCE
Author(s):Tomas Berndtsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Administration av röstbrevlåda
Author(s):Mikael Hulth, Johan Liljegren
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Webbläsartillägg för inhämtning av data
File:Click here to download/view the thesis.
Keywords:Mozilla, Firefox, Webbläsare, Tillägg, Plug-in, Add-on
Author(s):Albin Karlsson
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Assured Selection: A Relaxed Concurrency Control Mechanism
Keywords:assured selection, concurrency control
Author(s):Cinzia Foglietta
Contact:Anders Törne

Title:Interfacing Mach2 hardware with PSCAD/EMTDC simulator
Keywords:PSCAD/EMTDC simulator, Mach2
Author(s):Magnus Carnborg
Contact:Anders Törne

Title:Realtidssimulator för digital lobformning i aktiv/passiv sonar
Keywords:realtidssimulator, lobformning, sonar
Author(s):Maria Majlöv
Contact:Anders Törne

Title:Design of a multi-object real-time simulator kernel
Keywords:real-time simulator
Author(s):Samuel Johannesson
Contact:Anders Törne

Title:Kompislista för WAP-browser
Author(s):Pär Stegander och Magnus Wass
Contact:Simin Nadjm-Tehrani

Title:Metadata Management for Meteorological Data
Keywords:data warehouses, meterological data, hydrological data,oceanographic data, metadata model
Author(s):Yuan Zhang
Contact:Jörgen Hansson

Last modified November 2023. If you have questions or suggestions for the webpages, contact the webmaster