Translations for segment 12

Она хотела упaсть под поровнявшийся с ней серединою первый вагон

JC: she tried to fall under the middle of the first freight car as it drew level with her (View alignment)

RE: she wanted to fall half-way between the wheels of the front truck which was drawing level with her (View alignment)

CG: she tried to fling herself below the wheels of the first carriage as it reached her (View alignment)

DM: she wanted to fall midway between the wheels of the first truck which was drawing level with her (View alignment)

ALM: she wanted to fall half-way between the wheels of the front truck which was drawing level with her (View alignment)

RST: she wanted to drop down in the middle of the first carriage that came up (View alignment)

LW: she was going to throw herself under the first car as its center came opposite where she stood (View alignment)