Translation by Joel Carmichael (1960)
I. The Opening Sentence (Part One, Ch. 1)
Happy families are all alike every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way
II. The Ball Scene (Part One, Ch. 23)
Anna smiled- and the smile passed on to him
She became thoughtful and he turned serious
Some supernatural force drew Kitty’s eyes to Anna’s face
In her simple black gown anna was enchanting enchanting were her full arms with their bracelets enchanting her strong neck with its pearl necklace enchanting the straying curls of her loose hair enchanting the graceful light movements of her small feet and hands enchanting her beautiful animated face: but there was something terrifying and cruel in her enchantment
III. The Seduction Scene (Part 2, Ch. 11)
but what he felt was what a murderer must feel looking at the body he has deprived of life
the body he had deprived of life was their love the first period of their love
there was something horrifying and repulsive in the recollection of what had been paid for this dreadful price of shame
the shame she felt at her own spiritual nakedness crushed her and communicated itself to him
but in spite of all the murderer’s horror in the face of the murdered body that body had to be cut in pieces and hidden away the murderer had to make use of what he had gained by the murder
and just as the murderer in a fury as though with passion flings himself on the body and drags it along hacking away at it so vronsky too covered her face and shoulders with kisses
IV. The Suicide (Part 7, Ch. 31)
she tried to fall under the middle of the first freight car as it drew level with her
but the red handbag which she had started taking off her arm hindered her and by then it was too late: the middle of the car had passed her
she had to wait for the next car
a feeling gripped her like the one she had had on getting ready to go into the water when bathing she crossed herself
the familiar gesture of making the sign of the cross evoked in her mind a whole series of memories from childhood and girlhood and suddenly the gloom that hid everything from her broke and for a second life appeared to her with all its bright past joys
but she didn’t take her eyes off the wheels of the second car which were coming nearer
and just at that moment when the middle point between the wheels drew level with her she flung aside the red handbag and drawing her head down between her shoulders she fell underneath the car on her hands and with a light movement as though she were preparing to get up again at once she sank to her knees
and just at this moment she was horror-struck by what she was doing
where am i
what am i doing
she tried to get up to throw herself back but something huge and implacable struck her on the head and dragged her down
lord forgive me for everything she murmured feeling the impossibility of struggling
a little peasant was working at the rails muttering something to himself
and the candle by which she had been reading that book that is filled with anxiety deceit sorrow and evil flared up with a brighter flame than ever before lighted up everything for her that had previously been in darkness flickered dimmed and went out forever