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A Study of Instrument Reuse and Retargeting in P1687

Farrokh Ghani Zadegan
Urban Ingelsson
Erik Larsson
Gunnar Carlsson

IEEE Twelfth Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT 2011), MNIT Jaipur, India, November 25-26, 2011.

Modern chips may contain a large number of embedded test, debug, configuration, and monitoring features, called instruments. An instrument and its instrument data, instrument access procedures, may be pre-developed and reused and instruments may be accessed in different ways through the life-time of the chip, which requires retargeting. To address instruments reuse and retargeting, IEEE P1678 specifies a hardware architecture, a hardware description language, and an access procedure description language. In this paper, we investigate how P1687 facilitates instrument access procedure reuse and retargeting.

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[GILC11] Farrokh Ghani Zadegan, Urban Ingelsson, Erik Larsson, Gunnar Carlsson, "A Study of Instrument Reuse and Retargeting in P1687", IEEE Twelfth Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT 2011), MNIT Jaipur, India, November 25-26, 2011.
( ! ) perl script by Giovanni Squillero with modifications from Gert Jervan   (v3.1, p5.2, September-2002-)