Translations for segment 7

Это тело лишенное им жизни была их любовь первый период их любви

JC: the body he had deprived of life was their love the first period of their love (View alignment)

RE: the body he had robbed of life was their love the first stage of their love (View alignment)

CG: that body robbed by him of life was their love the first stage of their love (View alignment)

DM: the body he had deprived of life was their love the first stage of their love (View alignment)

ALM: the body he had deprived of life was their love the first period of their love (View alignment)

RST: the body of the victim war their love the first period their love (View alignment)

LW: this lifeless body was their love- the first epoch of their love (View alignment)