Translations for segment 24

Гoсnоди пpoсти мнe вce проговорила онa чувствуя невозможность борьбы

JC: lord forgive me for everything she murmured feeling the impossibility of struggling (View alignment)

RE: god forgive me everything she murmured feeling the impossibility of struggling (View alignment)

CG: lord forgive me all she said feeling it impossible to struggle (View alignment)

DM: lord forgive me everything she cried feeling the impossibility of struggling (View alignment)

ALM: god forgive me everything she said feeling the impossibility of struggling (View alignment)

RST: lord forgive me everything she murmured feeling the futility of the struggle (View alignment)

LW: lord forgive me all she murmured feeling the struggle to be in vain (View alignment)