A randomized heuristic approach to register allocation

Christoph W. Keßler, Wolfgang J. Paul, Thomas Rauber

Proc. of 3rd Int. Symposium on Progr. Lang. Implementation and Logic Programming (PLILP'91), Passau, Germany, Aug. 1991, Springer LNCS 528.


We present a randomized algorithm to generate contiguous evaluations for expression DAGs representing basic blocks of straight line code with nearly minimal register need. This heuristic may be used to reorder the statements in a basic block before applying a global register allocation scheme like Graph Coloring. Experiments have shown that the new heuristic produces results which are about 30% better on the average than without reordering.


This was my first conference paper, summarizing a part of my master thesis work done 1989/90 at Saarbrucken University. In contrast to the title, its main concern is about instruction scheduling, as it contributes a heuristic solution to the so-called MRIS problem (minimum register instruction sequencing). Later I developed several other solutions for this problem.


@string{PLILP = { Int.\ Symposium on Programming Language Implementation and Logic Programming}}
@string{PROC={Proc.\ }}

 author = {Christoph W.\ Ke{\ss}ler and Wolfgang J.\ Paul and Thomas Rauber},
 title = {A {R}andomized {H}euristic {A}pproach to {R}egister {A}llocation},
 booktitle = PROC # {3rd} # PLILP,
 location = {Passau (Germany)},
 publisher = {Springer LNCS vol.\ 528},
 year = {1991}, month = {Aug.},
 pages = {195--206}


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Christoph Kessler