Last updated: Tue, 02 Dec 1997 11:02:37
Andersson, J. and Helander, B. (1993). Ekonomistyrning för små företag. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-37, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: Den ekonomiska information som idag används i företag är i första hand riktad mot externa intressenter dvs aktieägare, skattemyndigheter m fl. Fokus bör istället vara det verksamhetsanpasade informationsbehovet och den externa rapporteringen blir då ett nödvändigt bivillkor.De metoder som trots allt finns för ekonomistyrning är avpassade för stora företag, främst av den anledningen att den mesta forskningen inom området har bedrivits på större företag. Det skulle underlätta betydligt för småföretagaren om han fick enklare och mer lättförståelig redovisning, kalkyler, nyckeltal mm. Syftet med denna artikel är att beskriva faktorer som har betydelse för ett litet företags förutsättningar för och behov av ekonomistyrning. Fokus ligger på hur småföretagsledarens beslutsprocess ser ut och hur ekonomisk information påverkar dennes beslutsfattande.Studien har genomförts i två faser som dels omfattar en genomgång av litteratur och dels en empirisk undersökning.Resultaten ur studien ger vid handen att företagen i vissa fall följer den traditionella modellen för ekonomistyrning. De ekonomiska modeller eller verktyg som används tillämpas till stor del schablonmässigt.Trots att de flesta företagare anser att formella styrningstekniker skulle vara till hjälp för dem prioriteras andra arbetsuppgifter ofta högre. Anledningen till detta är i de flesta fall brist på tid. Trots synliga mätbehov har företagsledarna inte utvecklat mätsystemet. En förklaring är att företagsledaren kan till viss del kan tillfredsställa informationsbehovet med hjälp av invanda beslutsregler förvärvade genom en stor erfarenhet av verksamheten. Simons teorier om begränsad rationalitet verkar till mycket stor del stämma på företagsledare i små företag. Vi kan alltså förklara företagsledarens beteende med hjälp av teorierna, men kan vi använda Simons teorier i normativt syfte?
Bäckström, C. and Nebel, B. (1993). Complexity Results for SAS+ Planning. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-34, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. A short version of this report appears in the Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Chambery, France, Aug 29 - Sep 3, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: We have previously reported a number of tractable planning problems defined in the \SASx\ formalism. This \paper\ complements these results by providing a complete map over the complexity of \SASx\ planning under all combinations of the previously considered restrictions. We analyze the complexity both of finding a minimal plan and of finding any plan. In contrast to other complexity surveys of planning we study not only the complexity of the decision problems but also of the generation problems. We prove that the \SASx-PUS problem is the maximal tractable problem under the restrictions we have considered if we want to generate minimal plans. If we are satisfied with any plan, then we can generalize further to the \SASx-US problem, which we prove to be the maximal tractable problem in this case.
Bennet, T., Helander, B., Ollinen, J., and Villegas, J. (1993). Business Modelling. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-24, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: Idag finns det en allmän uppfattning om informationssystem som ett konkurrensvapen och strategisk resurs i större företag. Strategisk planering av informationssystem kräver att flera olika utvecklingsprocesser, bl a strategiutveckling, verksamhetsutveckling och systemutveckling ska samverka med varandra för att dessa strategiska system ska stödja affärsstrategin.I doktorandkursen Business Modelling undersöktes hur de konkreta modeller och metoder som finns till hands för respektive utvecklingsområde samverkar med varandra. Syftet var att försöka hitta beröringspunkter mellan strategierna och modellerna och integrera metoder för affärsutveckling med metoder för systemutveckling. För detta har metamodellering använts för att kunna avbilda och jämföra affärs- och systemutvecklingmodellerna utifrån mål, begrepp och flöden.Vi har studerat Porters Värdekedja (Competitive Advantage) som ett exempel på en metod för strategiutveckling, RP (Redovisningsplan) som ett exempel på en modell för utveckling av den ekonomiska verksamheten och Mini-SIV som ett exempel på en systemutvecklingsmetod där informationssystem realiseras med standardsystem. Hur dessa områden samverkar i praktiken undersöktes i tre fallstudier.
Berggrund, T., Larsen, K., Moberg, A., and Saven, B. (1993). Business Modelling - integration av metoder för affärs- och systemutveckling. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-25, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: Vid beslut som har stor inverkan på organisationen är det viktigt att ha en så bra bild av verksamheten som möjligt. Beslutsfattare på olika nivåer använder sig av modeller och metoder av skilda slag för att analysera utifrån sitt perspektiv på verksamheten. Inom området för affärsutveckling finns flera metoder för strategisk planering och aktivitetsbaserad utveckling. Vidare har systemutvecklarna tagit fram egna modeller för att få överblick över verksamheten vid utveckling och införande av informationssystem. Ofta saknas samarbete mellan dessa utvecklingsprocesser och risken är att man strävar åt olika håll.I doktorandkursen Business Modelling var syftet att försöka hitta beröringspunkter mellan strategierna och modellerna och att integrera metoder för affärsutveckling med metoder för systemutveckling. Utifrån en sådan helhetsansats ökar möjligheterna att nå konsistens i organisationens utvecklingsprocesser. Metamodellering används här som ett verktyg för att avbilda och jämföra affärs- och systemutvecklingsmodellerna, utifrån mål, begrepp och flöden.De studerade modellerna är Porters värdekedja som exempel på metod för strategiutveckling, Process management som en modell för analys av aktiviteter på verksamhetsnivå samt Objectory som ett exempel på en modell för systemutveckling. En slutsats från detta arbete var att Objectory i sin helhet ej passade ihop med de två andra metoderna.Avslutningsvis beskrivs hur två företag bedriver strategi, verksamhets- och systemutveckling i praktiken. I båda fallen arbetar man relativt fristående från metoder på verksamhetsutvecklingsnivå. Någon uttalad koppling mellan mål och strategier å den ena sidan och konkreta åtgärder å den andra verkar vara ovanliga.
Blom, S., Mattsson, L., and Noghabai, M. (1993). Business Modelling en studie av förändringsprocesser från strategisk planering till systemutveckling. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-26, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: Idag finns det en allmän uppfattning om informationssystem som ett konkurrensvapen och strategisk resurs i större företag. Strategisk planering av informationssystem kräver att flera olika utvecklingsprocesser, bl a strategiutveckling, verksamhetsutveckling och systemutveckling, ska samverka med varandra för att dessa strategiska system ska stödja affärsstrategin. I doktorandkursen Business Modelling undersöktes hur de konkreta modeller och metoder som finns till hands för respektive utvecklingsområde samverkar med varandra. Denna studie har utförts utifrån förändringsparadigmet, dvs synen på strategisk planering som en kontinuerlig utvecklingsprocess där formella planer och analyser är endast en del av en process som ställer stora krav på de berördas aktiva engagemang.Vi har studerat Kompassprocessen som ett exempel på en metod för gemensam strategiutveckling, RP (RedovisningsPlan) som exempel på modell för utveckling av den ekonomiska verksamheten, SIV (Standardsystem I Verksamheten) som exempel på systemutvecklingsmetod där informationssystem realiseras med standardsystem. Den teoretiska samverkansmöjligheten har analyserats med hjälp av metamodellering och hur dessa områden samverkar i praktiken undersöktes med hjälp av två fallstudier.
Bol, R. and Degerstedt, L. (1993). The Underlying Search for Magic Templates and Tabulation. 1993. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-01, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Has been accepted at the International Conference on Logic Programming, Budapest, June 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to present a framework for tabulated SLD-resolution that allows a strict separation between search space and search. We introduce the notion of a search forest to model the search space, and we define what we understand by a search strategy for it.We present some basic search strategies and discuss how a particular tabulation technique, OLDT-resolution, and a particular transformation technique, Magic Templates, relate to our approach. This comparison also reveals an inherent difference between the tabulation and the transformation approach.
Boye, J., Paakki, J., and Maluszynski, J. (1993). Dependency-Based Groundness Analysis of Functional Logic Programs. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-20, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. A short version accepted to PLILP'93 under the title Avoiding dynamic delays in functional logic programs, Tallinn, Estonia, August 26-28, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: Many Prolog systems offer the facility of calling external functions written in non-logic programming languages. A basic requirement is often that the arguments of the functions must be ground at invocation time, otherwise an error is reported, or the call is delayed until the arguments are sufficiently instantiated. The drawback of the latter method is twofold: (1) the arguments might never be instantiated, and (2) the dynamic checks used by the delaying mechanism are expensive. This paper presents a method, which for a given program identifies a class of atomic goals for which (1) will not occur. Moreover, we describe a method for transforming a program into an equivalent program, for which dynamic delays are avoided.
Brolin, A., Cronholm, S., and Fristedt, D. (1993). Business Modelling. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-41, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Brolin, A., Cronholm, S., and Fristedt, D. (1993). Business Modelling - en empirisk studie. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-40, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: Vi har undersökt tre metoder; en för strategisk planering, en för verksamhetsbaserad utveckling samt en för systemutveckling för att se om dessa går att på ett bra sätt kombinera inom ett företag. Metoderna som har studerats är Kepner-Tregoe, FA/SIM och REFLEX. För att kunna identifiera eventuella överlappningar eller motstridigheter mellan metoderna beskrev vi de tre metoderna med samma notationssätt, dvs vi gjorde metamodeller över metoderna. Detta har gjorts i rapporten Business Modelling (Brolin mfl, 1992). Utifrån ovan nämnda helhetsansats har vi genomfört en empirisk studie. Studien bestod av att utröna hurvida företagen idag använder sig av metoder för de olika nivåerna och om dessa kopplas samman. För att få tag på denna information har vi intervjuat representanter från två företag är kallade Alfa och Beta.Resultatet visar att företag inte arbetar strikt efter metoder, som vi hade trott, men man arbetar ändå på ett strukturerat sätt. Vi har identifierat andra kopplingar än vad vi hade förväntat oss och de var av mer informell karaktär.
Cheikes, B. A. (1993). Methodological Issues in the Design of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-03, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to Proceedings of the First International Conference on Intelligent and Cooperative Information, Rotterdam, Maj 12-14, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: The goal of this paper is to examine the question "To what end do we study cooperative dialogue?" Based on an analysis of previous work, I argue that despite more than a decade of research in Artificial Intelligence, our understanding of the general principles governing cooperative discourse has improved very little. Furthermore, I suggest that the standard approach of modeling examples has produced technology that is too often restricted to the chosen domain or application context and consequently difficult or impossible to generalize to other settings. I characterize two perspectives from which principles of cooperation can be formulated, and argue that if progress on understanding cooperative dialogue phenomena is to be achieved, the dominant questioner-based perspective should be abandoned and a respondent-based perspective adopted instead.
Cheikes, B. A. and Ragnemalm, E. L. (1993). Simulator-Based Training-Support Tools for Process-Control Operators. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-29, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. To appear in the Proceedings of NATO Workshop on Natural Dialogue and Interactive Student Modeling, Varenna, Italy, 12-16 October 1992. (bibtex),
Abstract: Dynamic process simulators are increasingly being used in industry to support employee education and training. For nearly as many years as the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has existed, researchers in AI and Education have been investigating designs for computer-based tutoring and training systems, with the aim of developing instructional systems comparable in their effectiveness to expert human instructors. Only in the last few years, however, have simulator-based training system designs begun to be seriously explored. This article describes a research project focusing on the design of simulator-based tools to assist the training of process-control operators in the paper industry. In particular, we discuss the design of tools that operators could use to improve their skills in diagnosis and repair tasks.
Drabent, W. (1993). On Completeness of SLDNF-Resolution. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-38, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. This material was presented at a poster session at International Logic Programming Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, October 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: In this paper we prove completeness of SLDNF-resolution for arbitrary programs, fair computation rules and non-floundering queries. For this we need an appropriate notion of floundering. We introduce two versions of this notion, one simple but crude, the other more sophisticated. We also show how the 3-valued completion semantics can be expressed in terms of the classical 2-valued logic.
Eles, P., Kuchcinski, K., Peng, Z., and Minea, M. (1993). Two Methods for Synthesizing VHDL Concurrent Processes. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-22, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: This paper presents two methods for high-level synthesis of VHDL specifications containing concurrent processes, that were implemented in the CAMAD high-level synthesis system. Our synthesis subset, called S'VHDL, accepts a large subset of standard VHDL including the concurrent features of the language. A primary concern was to preserve simulation/synthesis correspondence during synthesis and to produce hardware that operates at high performance with low complexity. One of the main difficulties lies in the fact that signal assignment semantics is defined in standard VHDL in terms of the simulation cycle. We first developed a method that allows a practically unrestricted use of signals and wait statements, by producing a synchronous hardware with a global control of process synchronization for signal update. The resulted hardware can be controlled either by a single state machine or by a collection of FSMs working synchronously together. The second method allows hardware synthesis without the strong synchronization imposed by the VHDL simulation cycle, by preserving at the same time simulation/synthesis correspondence. S'VHDL descriptions written according to the style accepted by this method are synthesized to asynchronously operating FSMs. We present in the paper the internal representation and solutions for synthesis according to both methods, as well as results obtained with the CAMAD system
Fahl, G., Risch, T., and Sköld, M. (1993). AMOS - An Architecture for Active Mediators. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-13, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems (NGITS'92), Haifa, Israel, June 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: AMOS (Active Mediators Object System) is an architecture to model, locate, search, combine, update, and monitor data in information systems with many work stations connected using fast communication networks. The approach is called active mediators, since it introduces an intermediate level of `mediator' software between data sources and their use in applications and by users, and since it supports 'active' database facilities. A central part of AMOS is an Object-Oriented (OO) query language with OO abstractions and declarative queries. The language is extensible to allow for easy integration with other systems. This allows for knowledge, now hidden within application programs as local data structures, to be extracted and stored in AMOS modules. A distributed AMOS architecture is being developed where several AMOS servers communicate, and where queries in a multi-database language are allowed to refer to several AMOS databases or other data sources. An overview is made of the architecture and components of AMOS, with references to ongoing and planned work.This paper presents an approach to object view management for relational databases. Such a view mechanism makes it possible for users to transparently work with data in a relational database as if it was stored in an object-oriented (OO) database. A query against the object view is translated to one or several internal queries against the relational database from which the answer is formed. The object view can also store its own data and therefore it must be possible to process queries that combine local data residing in the object view with data retrieved from the relational database. Keywords: Object-Oriented Query Processing, Object-Oriented Federated Databases (Presented at Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems (NGITS'93), Haifa, Israel, June 1993.)
Fritzson, P., Auguston, M., and Shahmehri, N. (1993). Using Assertion in Declarative Models for Automated Debugging. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-12, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: Our previously developed GADT method was the first declarative algorithmic debugging technique for procedural imperative languages with side-effects. GADT is generally applicable to procedural languages, and is not dependent on any ad hoc assumptions regarding the subject program. The original form of algorithmic debugging, introduced by Shapiro [Shapiro-82], is however limited to small Prolog programs without side-effects. Another drawback of the original method is the large number of interactions with the user during bug localization.To our knowledge, the extended GADT presented here is the first method which uses powerful operational assertions in algorithmic debugging. In addition to providing support for local-level bug localization within procedures (which is not handled well by basic algorithmic debugging), the operational assertions reduce the number of irrelevant questions to the programmer during bug localization, thus further improving bug localization. Previously, we have enhanced the bug localization properties of GADT, using lookup in a category partition testing database. In addition, we use program slicing, a data flow analysis technique, to dynamically compute which parts of the program are relevant for the search.A prototype of the GADT has been implemented in Pascal, supporting debugging in a subset of Pascal. An interpreter of FORMAN assertions has also been implemented in Pascal. During bug localization, both types of assertions are evaluated on execution traces.
Goldkuhl, G. (1993). Att Förändra Informationssystem-En Verksamhetsinriktad Grundsyn. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-06, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepterad till Linköpings Informationssystem Seminarium 1992-LISS 92, Linköping 21 maj 1992. (bibtex),
Abstract: Datorbaserade informationssystem spelar en allt större roll i många olika organisationer. Utveckling av informationssystem innebär allt oftare vidareutveckling av befintliga system snarare än helt nyutveckling. Systemutveckling är alltså nu för tiden ofta systemförändring. Vad innebär detta skifte i karaktär på systemutvecklingsarbete? I rapporten undersöks begreppet systemförändring. Inledningsvis beskrivs ett verksamhetsinriktat synsätt på informationssystem och systemutveckling. Därefter identifieras jag olika fall av systemförändring. Rapporten innehåller en fördjupad diskussion kring systemförvaltning (som ett fall av systemförändring).
Goldkuhl, G. (1993). Contextual Activity Modelling of Information Systems. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-05, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to Third International Working Conference on Dynamic Modelling of Information Systems, Noordwijkerhout, Holland, June 9-10, 1992. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Goldkuhl, G. (1993). On the Relations between Information Systems and Organizational Activities: Integration and Separation as Thought Models. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-18, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to the 15th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS), Larkollen, Norway, 9-12 August 1992. (bibtex),
Abstract: Integration is often taken for granted in studies on information systems. The paper investigates the concept of integration and its dialectic opposite separation. These two concepts are analysed in relation to the two concepts of information system and organizational activity. The integrated view of an information system is critized. Different strategies for information systems are analysed and related to the concepts of integration and separation: the IRM approach, the VBS (Activity based IS structuring) approach (by Hugoson) and the HIS (Human-scale IS) approach (by Nurminen). Different methods for IS development are studied with respect to their implicit on integration and separation. In many methods (as e.g. ISAC and Structured Analysis) there is an a conception of IS as a unified whole. This integrated view is questionned and a contextual view of IS is presented as a descriptive alternative. One method following this contextual view is the CONTACT method with Action Diagrams which is briefly presented in the paper.
Goldkuhl, G. and Cronholm, S. (1993). Customizable CASE Environments: a Framework for Design and Evaluation. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-42, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to COPE IT'93/NordDATA, Copenhagen, Juni 14-16, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: The existence of new computerized tools (CASE) for information systems development means a computer implementation of the earlier paper and pen methods. This paper deals with customi-zable CASE environments (CASE shells). Such tools are possible to adapt to different methods. motives and requirements on such tools are investigated. A framework for method-governed information systems development is presented. This framework can be used as a basis for design and avaluation of CASE shells.
Goldkuhl, G., Cronholm, S., and Krysander, C. (1993). Adaptation of CASE Tools to Different Systems Development Methods. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-17, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to the 15th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS), Larkollen, Norway, 9-12 August 1992. (bibtex),
Abstract: Many CASE tools contain support to systems development methods.Some tools are closed standard packages for standard methods. There exist other tools which are possible to adapt to different methods. Such adaptable tools are often called CASE shells. The Paper presents a conceptual framework of methods and tools in systems development. The character of systems development work with method supported documentation is investigated. Different research approaches to the study of CASE shells and method adaptation are described. Some preliminary conclusions from the research project PRIMCASE are presented.
Goldkuhl, G., Pettersson, K., and Eriksson, O. (1993). Hur studera realisering och konsekvenser av strategibaserade informationssystemarkitekturer?. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-19, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Jönsson, A. (1993). A Method for Development of Dialogue Managers for Natural Language Interfaces. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-16, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. In Proceedings of the AAAI-93 Conference, Washington DC, USA, 13-15 July 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: This paper describes a method for the development of dialogue managers for natural language interfaces. A dialogue manager is presented designed on the basis of both a theoretical investigation of models for dialogue management and an analysis of empirical material. It is argued that for natural language interfaces many of the human interaction phenomena accounted for in, for instance, plan-based models of dialogue do not occur. Instead, for many applications, dialogue in natural language interfaces can be managed from information on the functional role of an utterance as conveyed in the linguistic structure. This is modelled in a dialogue grammar which controls the interaction. Focus structure is handled using dialogue objects recorded in a dialogue tree which can be accessed through a scoreboard by the various modules for interpretation, generation and background system access.A sublanguage approach is proposed. For each new application the Dialogue Manager is customized to meet the needs of the application. This requires empirical data which are collected through Wizard of Oz simulations. The corpus is used when updating the different knowledge sources involved in the natural language interface. In this paper the customization of the Dialogue Manager for database information retrieval applications is also described.
Kuchcinski, K. and Peng, Z. (1993). An Integrated Design Methodology for Digital Systems. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-31, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to the Workshop on Design Methodologies for Microelectronics and Signal Processing, Gliwice-Cracow, Poland, Oktober 20-23, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Lambrix, P. and Rönnquist, R. (1993). Terminological Logic Involving Time and Evolution: A Preliminary Report. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-10, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Trondheim, Norway, June 15-18, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: Although terminological logics as well as temporal reasoning has received considerable attention in the knowledge representation community in the last years, few attempts have been made to integrate those fields. We study the combination of the temporal logic LITE and a terminological logic to obtain a temporal terminological logic. We emphasize defining a terminological logic (T-LITE) where the extensions of concepts are time-dependent in the following sense : first, the individuals belonging to a concept are appearances of objects in a temporal context; secondly, we allow concepts to be defined in terms of developments of objects. Formal semantics for T-LITE are provided.
Loborg, P., Risch, T., Sköld, M., and Törne, A. (1993). Active Object Oriented Databases in Control Applications. Alsso to appear in the Proceedings of the 19th Euromicro Conference 1993, Barcelona, September 1993. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-28, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: This paper describes a unified architecture for control applications using an extended object-oriented database system with queries and rules. We specify the requirements that control applications demand on the database, and how they are met by our database system architecture. The database system, AMOS, is a main memory database that provides information sharing, powerful data access via an object oriented query language (AMOSQL), data independence, and reactive behavior by active rules. The application considered is a robot and manufacturing instruction system, ARAMIS, which is a task level programming system. The presentation uses a specific scenario related to manufacturing control.
Malec, J. (1993). On Formal Analysis of Emergent Properties. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-45, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to Second European Workshop on Planning (EWSP'93), Vadstena, Sweden, 9-11 December 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: Brooks postulates in his papers [6, 7] the possibility that intelligence can emerge out of a set of simple, loosely coupled behaviours. This possibility is conjectured on the basis of experiments with a set of robots equipped with subsumption-based control systems. In this paper we briefly present The Behaviour Language (BL) used for programming subsumption systems and we show that any BL program is equivalent to a statechart. Then we analyze a simple emergent behaviour and argue that it actually is obtained through appropriate tuning of delays defined in the controlling BL program. The conclusion is that emergent properties arise (if at all) due to the complex dynamics of interactions among the simple behaviours and that this emergence is to a large extent accidental.
Malec, J. and Morin, M. (1993). An AI-based Design of a Driver Information Unit. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-35, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to Vehicle Navigation and Information Systems -93, Ottawa, Canada, October 12-15, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: The paper describes an Artificial Intelligence-based approach to th design of a driver information unit (DIU). As the amount of information to be processed by a module presenting the information to the driver is huge, and conventional design methods do not sufficiently take into account driver workload and timing problems, it seems appropriate to use artificial intelligence techniques when designing such a system. A three-layered software architecture an a set of layer-specific software engines are used to facilitate the design process. The paper focuses on presenting the software architecture, the software tools developed and their applicability to the design of Driver Information Unit.
Malec, J. and Morin, M. (1993). A Pre-intelligent Driver Information Unit. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-14, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles'90 Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, July 14-16 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: This paper describes an Artificial Intelligence-based approach to the design of a driver information unit (DIU). The system should be able to provide the driver with accurate, reliable, necessary and sufficient, and timely support on the basis of unreliable and limited input information. Moreover, the system is to function in a development environment under the assumption of incrementality. In the design of the DIU we build on a three-layered architecture suitable for implementing real-time systems with a considerable amount of autonomy and intelligence. We show how the support tools developed in that architectural framework facilitate rapid development and incremental changes of the DIU. The current version of the DIU implements a fixed reflexive behaviour, but the architecture readily allows more elaborate reasoning, planning and prediction tasks (in the artificial intelligence meaning of the terms) to be added.
Malec, J. and Österling, P. (1993). Driver Support System for Traffic Manoeuvres. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-21, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to the Artificial Intelligence in Traffic Engineering. Editors: G Ambrosino, M Bielli, M Boero, VSP International Science Publishers Zeist, The Netherlands, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Minea, M. (1993). A VHDL Compiler for a High-Level Synthesis System. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-23, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Orsborn, K. (1993). Modeling of Product Data Using an Extensible O-O Query Language. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-15, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: This work shows how a state-of-the-art object-oriented extensible query language, AMOSQL, can be used to model and manage product information. An example presents an outline of a product model for single sheet metal parts. It is further shown how the query language can be used to model, retrieve and update the product model. It is also shown how the query language can be extended with additional functionality, required by the domain. The implemented mod el describes a subclass of product models for mechanical designs which for instance are valid within the aircraft indus try. The work has been carried out in cooperation with Saab Military Aircraft AB. The concept of product models and data management systems for engineering data are becoming increasingly impor tant in industry to support rational product development and manufacturing. It is possible to make considerable reduc tions in production costs and development time, and an efficient information management is becoming a strategic issue. A product model should be able to represent a sufficient level of structure and behaviour of the real product in order to make fair judgements of its characteristics in the real world and to be able to provide it with these characteris tics. The advantages of the product model concept for managing engineering data includes - besides these explicit ad vantages in using such a system - an increase in efficiency for development and maintenance of these systems. Object-oriented techniques, including object-oriented databases and query languages are well suited to reduce sys tem complexity. Their applicability are especially suitable to engineering applications which consists of large amounts complex data and relationships. Specifically, a main-memory object-oriented database, like AMOS, is combining high-level modeling with high execution efficiency. The use of deductive object-oriented queries offers several advan tages over conventional programming. A declarative description of product data is more transparent and flexible than a procedural and thus becomes more efficient. Declarative models are easier to describe, inspect and understand and thus become more transparent. A declarative modeling with an object-oriented query-language is compact and (de)composable and make the domain modeling very flexible and powerful. This problem-oriented modeling approach will naturally be isomorphic to the problem domain. Query languages also makes it possible to make advanced ad hoc queries concerning the contents of the database. This might be demanded by advanced users and is quite useful since it is impossible to foresee the complete information need. Advanced object-oriented query-languages also provides ob ject views capabilities, supporting data independence and evolution. The extensibility of AMOSQL provide powerful means for flexible domain modeling and a rule system is being included that provides a mechanism for knowledge management. The advantages of these features are, of course, varying for different phases in the system or application life-cycle and for different types of application users and system developers. However, the declarative modeling using an object- oriented extensible query language supports an incremental and iterative development, maintenance and evolution of product models as well as product modeling systems. It will also facilitate a reuse and evolution of design, including domain conceptualizations and knowledge, in its ability of application and data independent representation.
Paakki, J. (1993). Multi-Pass Evaluation of Functional Logic Programs. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-02, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted for the 21st ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL), January 1994, Portland, Oregon. (bibtex),
Abstract: An operational semantics for logic programming languages with external functions (procedures) is presented. The external procedures stand for arbitrary functions, implemented in any programming language. In addition to ordinary constructor terms, a program written in a functional logic language includes special functional terms that represent calls to external functions. The central dynamic requirement is that external functions can be called only with ground constructor terms as arguments. Methods are presented for statically analyzing the groundness of functional terms, and for arranging the corresponding external function calls into a proper execution order. The methods are based on techniques developed for attribute grammars. Consequently, execution of a functional logic program is divided into two phases: first an incomplete skeleton of a proof tree is constructed in conjunction with a modified SLD-resolution scheme, and then the skeleton is completed into a proof tree by traversing its labels and executing the associated function calls. The analysis guarantees that whenever a term is subject to functional evaluation, all its arguments are ground. The completing traversal phase can consist of multiple passes over the skeleton. The execution scheme is generated from an annotated version of the program, based on dividing the arguments of predicates into inherited and synthesized ones and on analyzing the data dependencies between them in the spirit of attribute grammars. Algorithms are given for automatically inferring a proper (partial) annotation. Several special program classes are defined. One-pass programs, such as L-annotated and one-sweep programs, can be executed during the modified SLD-resolution phase without building and traversing an explicit skeleton. This is not possible for general multi-pass programs, such as absolutely non-circular programs, that always require an explicit skeleton to be constructed due to complex mutual data dependencies between different atoms of the program.Finally, implementation and optimization methods in terms of the operatio- nal semantics are discussed.
Peng, Z. and Törne, A. (1993). A Petri Net Based Modelling and Synthesis Technique for Real-Time Systems. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-11, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to the 5th Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, Oulu, Finland, June 22-24, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: This paper presents a general approach to model, analyze and synthesize real-time systems. It describes a basic model for specifying real-time systems based on an extended timed Petri net notation, which can be used to study and verify several important characteristics of the modelled system. The model consists of a timed Petri net representing the controlling sub-system and an activity diagram representing the controlled sub-system. Designers can use both top-down and bottom-up synthesis techniques to carry out the design tasks based on the model. This paper presents mainly the application of the proposed method in modelling and synthesizing flexible manufacturing systems. Our ultimate goal is, however, to develop a general design environment for systematic modelling and design of large real-time systems.
Pettersson, K. and Goldkuhl, G. (1993). IRM på Byggföretag - en Fallstudie om Strukturering av Informationssystem. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-46, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Föredrag presenterat på VITS Höstseminarium, Universitetet i Linköping, 28-29 september 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Pettersson, K. and Goldkuhl, G. (1993). VBS på Pappersbruk - en Fallstudie om Strukturering av Informationssystem. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-47, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Pettersson, M. (1993). Main-Memory Linear Hashing-Some Enhancements of Larson's Algorithm. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-04, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Poignant, L. (1993). Uppskattning av antalet arbetsplatser i Stockholmsområdet som kan avskiljas med hjälp av informationsteknologi. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-36, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: Rapporten är en beskrivning av faktorer som påverkar lokalisering av organisationer samt en uppskattning av hur många arbetsplatser som skulle kunna avskiljas i Stockholmsområdet med hjälp av informationsteknologi. För företag kan alternativa lokaliseringar innebära kostnadsbesparingar, då orter utanför Stockholmsområdet har lägre personalomsättning och lägre hyreskostnader. Den nödvändiga kommunikationen inom företag och mellan företag och marknad underlättas av informationsteknologi, vilken således möjliggör alternativa lokaliseringar av arbetsplatser inom vissa branscher. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer av arbetsgivare inom olika branscher i Stockholm. Resultatet visar att decentralisering inom företag motverkar möjligheten för företag att avskilja t.ex. administrativa eller stödjande verksamheter. Totalt uppskattas att mellan 10.000 och 39.000 arbetsplatser kan avskiljas i Stockholmsområdet, vilket motsvarar 2-8 anställda på arbetsställen med fler än 50 anställda.
Röstlinger, A. (1993). Några Problem vid Utvärdering och Förändring av Datorstödda Kommunala Verksamheter. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-07, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepterad till Linköpings Informationssystem Seminarium 1992-LISS 92, Linköping 21 maj 1992. (bibtex),
Abstract: Under hösten 1991 genomfördes en mindre explorativ studie kring datorisering i kommuner. Studiens fokus var frågeställningar kring utvärdering och förändring av kommunala datorstödda verksamheter. Sju kommuner av varierande storlek i Östergötland har ingått i studien. Resultat från studien sammanfattas i denna rapport. Följande frågeställningar behandlas: Hur sker utvärdering av datasystem i kommuner? Hur fattas beslut om förändring av datasystem? Hur ser man på datasystem och verksamhet? Hur används datasystem i verksamheten? Hur hanteras datatekniken? Hur är relationen till leverantörer? Hur involveras användarna i datoriseringsarbetet? Vilka metoder och tekniker för systemutredning används?
Röstlinger, A. (1993). Verksamhetsinriktad Värdering av Datasystem inför Förändring. Metod och Erfarenheter. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-44, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Föredrag presenterat på Sundsvall 42, 19-21 oktober 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: Systemförvaltning innebär förändring av datasystem och verksamheter. Inför beslut om förändring bör man ha kunskap om vilka funktioner som är lämpliga att förändra i datasystemet. Man måste känna till systemets styrkor och svagheter, på vilket sätt systemet bidrar till att uppnå viktiga mål för verksamheten. En utvärdering av datasystemets användning i verksamheten kan då genomföras för att ställa en diagnos över systemets potential. I rapporten beskrivs kortfattat en metod för utvärdering av datasystem i verksamheter.
Röstlinger, A. and Pettersson, K. (1993). Utvärdering och Förändring av Datorstödda Kommunala Verksamheter. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-43, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: Datorstöd får en allt viktigare betydelse för olika kommunala verksamheter. Att utveckla datasystem innebär i dagens läge ofta vidareutveckling och förändring snarare än helt nyutveckling. Förändring av datsystem kräver kunskaper om datasystem och övrig verksamhet. Hur sker utveckling och förändring av datorstödda kommunala verksamheter i dag? Finns det behov av kunskapsutveckling och metoder, för att man vid utveckling och förändring på ett bra sätt skall tillvarata potentialen i existerande datasystem och dess användning i verksamheten?
Sandewall, E. (1993). The Range of Applicability of Nonmonotonic Logics for the Inertia Problem. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-08, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to IJCAI'93, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1993, Chambery, France, 28aug-3sep. (bibtex),
Abstract: We introduce and use a new methodology for the study of logics for action and change. The methodology allows one to define a taxonomy of reasoning problems, based in particular on the properties of the actions in those worlds where the actions take place, and on the autoepistemic assumptions that are being made. For each of a number of previously proposed logics, we have identified a corresponding class in the taxonomy, and proved that for reasoning problems within that class, the logic is guaranteed to obtain exactly the intended set of conclusions.
Sandewall, E. (1993). Systematic Assessment of Temporal Reasoning Methods for Use in Autonomous Agents. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-27, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to the International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS)'93, Trondheim, Norway, June 15-18, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Shu, H. (1993). The Preferential Semantics of a Multi-Modal Nonmonotonic Logic. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-39, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to 2-nd European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning and Uncertainty (ECSQRU'93), Granada, Spain, November 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Snadewall, E. (1993). Nonmonotonic Temporal Logics and Autonomous Agensta: each Contributes to the Rigorous Basic for the other. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-30, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted to 17. Fachtagung f\x9f r K\x9f nstliche Intelligenz (invited paper) Berlin, Germany, September 13-16, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: There is a mutual relationship between the software architecture of an intellgent autonomous agent and a logic for reasoning about action and change. The logic can be used as a formal basis for the software, and at the same time the design of the agent defines the reality that the logic is supposed to describe.In the work reported here we have defined the relationship between the software architecture and the logic in a formal fashion, and used it for the formal analysis of several proposed logics. The same software architecture has also been used as the guiding principle for an implementation project. On this basis it has been possible to identify upper as well as lower bounds on the range of applicability for several of the logics which have previously been described in the literature.
Strömberg, J.-E. and Nadjm-Tehrani, S. (1993). Towards Reliable Models of Hybrid Systems. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-48, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: In this paper we address the question of adequacy of hybrid representations of computer systems embedded in physical environments. Within a proposed modelling framework we describe how reliable models for physical systems from the area of dynamic systems can be incorporated into models of hybrid systems with minimal effort. These models can be automatically derived based on descriptions of the physical system in the language of bond graphs. This inter-disciplinary modular modelling is only possible if the formalism used for description of hybrid systems is compositional and sufficiently expressive.We propose a modular variant of transition systems, Hybrid Transition Systems, for representation of hybrid systems. For this formalism a binary composition operator is defined, and an operational semantics provided. Two novel aspects of the formalism are separation of the input and state variables, and adoption of algebraic equations for description of the change in the value for some continuous variables.We illustrate the application of this formalism to representation of three realistic examples. We provide some example requirements specifications, and for one safety property we briefly sketch the needed analysis over the continuous state spaces. In another example it is illustrated that a hybrid formalism is even needed for the representation of the plant in isolation.
van Harmelen, F., pez de Ma' ntaras, R. L., Malec, J., and Treur, J. (1993). Comparing Formal Specification Languages for Complex Reasoning Systems. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-32, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. Accepted as a chapter in the book: Formal Specification of Complex Reasoning Systems. Publischer: Ellis Horwood, 1993, Editors: J Treur and Th Wetter, 1993. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available
Wire'n, M. and Rönnquist, R. (1993). Fully Incremental Parsing. Accepetd to the Third International Workshop on Parsing Technologies, Tilburg, The Netherlands 2 Dubruy, Belgium, 10-13 August 1993. Technical Report LiTH-IDA-R-93-33, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Sweden. (bibtex),
Abstract: No abstract available