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The third Swedish symposium on Multimodal Communication is arranged by the Linköping University Natural Language Processing Laboratory (NLPLAB) October 15-16. It is the third in a series of symposia alternating between Swedish universities. The first symposium was held in Gothenburg in 1997, and the second in Lund 1998.

invited speaker

Sharon Oviatt
Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology

Pierre Feyereisen
Unité de neurospychologie cognitive,
UCL Louvain-le-Neuve

Symposium on Multimodal Communication
Natural Language
Processing Laboratory
Department of Computer
and Information Science
Linköping University
Organizing committee:
Arne Jönsson
Nils Dahlbäck
Annika Flycht-Eriksson
Pernilla Qvarfordt