Learning Probabilistic Graphical Models of Gene Networks and Fault Networks


Jose M. Peña

ADIT, IDA, LiU, Sweden



Updated 14/03/2011


1 Background and Industrial Motivation


Most if not all diseases are not determined by a single factor, but rather by a network of interacting genetic and environmental factors. Knowledge about such a network would allow to develop better early diagnostics and drugs. Recent progress in measurement technology has made it possible to measure gene expression, which enables to compose a rich profile of patients by combining gene expression, clinical and life-style data. The challenge is now to develop sound methodologies for learning the referred network from these measurements. An analogous challenge appears in fault diagnosis. For instance, trucks are expensive items and diagnosing the cause of a fault in the light of some sensor measurements may result in huge savings. However, some faults may cause other faults and even affect the sensors’ outputs. Therefore, learning the network of interacting faults and sensors may result in more accurate fault diagnosis. The motivation of the present project is to address these challenges by modeling the referred networks as Bayesian networks (BNs) and learning them automatically from historical data.


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Let U denote a set of random variables, each of which represents a measurement, e.g. the state of a gene or a sensor. A BN for U represents a probability distribution for U through the factorization p(U) = ∏ X in U p(X|Parents(X)), where p(X|Parents(X)) is a conditional probability distribution for X given its parents in a directed acyclic graph G whose nodes are U (Y is a parent of X if Y → X in G). When U is discrete, p(X|Parents(X)) is a discrete probability distribution over X for each state of Parents(X). When U is continuous, p(X|Parents(X)) is typically a Gaussian probability distribution over X whose mean depends linearly on the value of Parents(X). See the figure above (bottom box) for an example. The lack of an edge between two random variables in G means that the two random variables are independent in p(U) given some other random variables. For instance, some measurements may make some other measurements irrelevant for predicting the disease or fault. Which random variables make two non-adjacent random variables independent can be found from G via a graphical criterion known as d-separation. These independencies entailed by G enable us to efficiently compute probabilities such as p(V|W) for any subsets V and W of U without having to resort to the definition p(V|W) = ∑ U\{V,W} p(U) / ∑ U\W p(U). For instance, p(V|W) could be the probability of a patient being in a particular disease stage (V) given the results of some clinical or genetic tests (W), or the probability of a fault to be present (V) given the readings of some sensors (W). Learning a BN from some historical data boils down to first learning the graph representing the independencies in the data and, then, estimating the corresponding conditional probability distributions from the data. The second step is typically solved by just counting frequencies and, thus, we focus in this project on the first step, which is known to be NP-hard. The learning process is depicted in the figure above.


BNs are the most popular member of the so-called probabilistic graphical models (PGMs), which all share with BNs the principle of representing the independence structure of a probability distribution by a graph that, later, is parameterized to allow computing probabilities of interest. PGMs arose in the 70s at the intersection of computer science and statistics. Since then, they have become one of the most popular paradigms for data analysis and decision support in many domains. See, for instance, www.hugin.com/case-stories for some case studies. Besides BNs, other distinguished PGMs are Markov networks (MNs), which are based on undirected graphs, and chain graphs (CGs), which are based on graphs with both directed and undirected edges and, thus, encompass BNs and MNs. This project aims at studying CGs, from their expressive power to learning algorithms and their application to modeling gene networks and fault networks.


2 Results


The results of the project so far consist in having solved, totally or partially, the following three problems:


1.      Faithfulness: The independence model represented by a CG is the set of independencies represented according to c-separation (a graphical criterion analogous to d-separation). I have shown in [4] that only a tiny fraction of the independence models that can be represented by CGs seem to be exactly representable by BNs and MNs. Therefore, the former models would be much more expressive than the latter if there existed a probability distribution that is faithful to each CG, i.e. a probability distribution that satisfies all and only the independencies in the CG. CGs without faithful probability distributions are uninteresting because they do not represent valid solutions (recall that the bottom line is to use CGs as proxies of probability distributions). The first result of this project is that the faithfulness question has a positive answer: I have proven that every CG has both discrete and Gaussian probability distributions that are faithful to it. These results have been reported in the following two publications:


·        Peña, J. M. (2009). Faithfulness in Chain Graphs: The Discrete Case. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 50 (8), 1306-1313.

·        Peña, J. M. (2011). Faithfulness in Chain Graphs: The Gaussian Case. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2011)


2.      Dependencies: Even if a probability distribution that is faithful to the CG learnt exists, we cannot know if that is the one underlying the learning data: It may be that the distribution underlying the learning data is not faithful to any graph and, thus, the learning algorithm has simply returned the graph that best approximates the distribution. Therefore, the arcs in the graph learnt do not necessarily imply dependencies. Can we develop a graphical criterion for reading dependencies off the graph instead of independencies ? Humans are typically more interested in discovering dependencies between measurements: For instance, discovering that the state of some genes (faults) is informative about that of some other genes (faults) may lead the biologist (engineer) to hypothesize causal relations. In the past, I have studied this problem for MNs [5] and BNs [3]. In this project, I would like to extend these results to CGs. The following two articles, which are a result of this project, are an intermediate step towards that goal:


·        Peña, J. M. (2010). Reading Dependencies from Polytree-Like Bayesian Networks Revisited. In Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM 2010), 225-232.

·        Peña, J. M. (2010). Reading Dependencies from Covariance Graphs. Submitted.


3.      Consensus: Suppose that multiple experts or learning algorithms provide us with alternative CG models of a domain, and that we are interested in combining them into a single consensus CG. Specifically, we are interested in that the consensus CG only represents independences all the given CGs agree upon and as many of them as possible. The following article, which is a result of this project, studies the consensus problem for BNs:


·        Peña, J. M. (2011). Finding Consensus DAGs. Submitted.


In particular, the paper above proves that there may exist several non-equivalent consensus BNs and that finding one of them is NP-hard. Thus, one has to resort to heuristics to find an approximated consensus BN. The paper above proposes a justified heuristic.


3 Ongoing Work


The main lines of current ongoing research are the following ones:


1.      Dependencies: Extending the results discussed above, first, to unrestricted BNs and, then, to CGs.


2.      Consensus: Extending the results discussed above to CGs.


3.      Learning: After having devoted most of the effort so far to the study of the semantics and expressiveness of CGs, the next natural challenge is to develop algorithms for learning CGs from data. Some algorithms already exist but they are not particularly efficient and, moreover, they are based upon strong assumptions. I am working on this problem in collaboration with Dr. Jens D. Nielsen, a postdoctoral researcher in the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Dag Sonntag, a recently recruited PhD student working under my supervision at ADIT, has joined us in this effort. The plan is to extend our BN learning algorithm in [2] to learn CGs from data. In addition to an experimental evaluation of the algorithm, we would like to prove that the algorithm is theoretically correct/consistent under mild assumptions. I believe the latter is a key feature of any well-founded learning algorithm.


In parallel, I am investigating alternative methods for learning CGs from data. I am working on this together with Juan Ignacio Barba, a PhD student at the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) who visited ADIT for four months in the second half of 2010. The visit was very productive and we succeeded in adapting his BN learning algorithm in [1] to learn CGs from data. This approach is radically different from the one described in the paragraph above, because the search for the best CG is not carried out in the space of CGs but in the space of orderings of the nodes. The reason is that the space of orderings is smaller and that learning the optimal CG for a given ordering is simple. We are in the process of writing an article on this.




1.      Alonso-Barba, J. I., delaOssa, L. and Puerta, J. M. (2010). Structural Learning of Bayesian Networks Using Local Algorithms Based on the Space of Orderings. Soft Computing, to appear

2.      Nielsen, J. D., Kocka, T. and Peña, J. M. (2003). On Local Optima in Learning Bayesian Networks. In Proceedings of the 19th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2003), 435-442.

3.      Peña, J. M. (2007). Reading Dependencies from Polytree-Like Bayesian Networks. In Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2007), 303-309. Errata.

4.      Peña, J. M. (2007). Approximate Counting of Graphical Models Via MCMC. In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2007), 352-359. Software.

5.      Peña, J. M., Nilsson, R., Björkegren, J. and Tegnér, J. (2009). An Algorithm for Reading Dependencies from the Minimal Undirected Independence Map of a Graphoid that Satisfies Weak Transitivity. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 10, 1071-1094.