
Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealThyristor Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealGTOThyristor Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealCommutingSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealIntermediateSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealCommutingSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpAmp Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpAmp3Pin Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpAmpLimited Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealDiode Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealTransformer Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealGyrator Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.Idle Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.Short Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpener Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealCloser Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealOpener Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealCloser


This package contains electrical components with idealized behaviour:

Main Authors:
Christoph Clauß <>
André Schneider <>
Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits
Design Automation Department
Zeunerstraße 38
D-01069 Dresden

$Id: Modelica_Electrical_Analog_Ideal.html,v 1.10 2002/12/17 15:10:15 Hans Exp $

Copyright © 1998-2002, Modelica Association and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft.
The Modelica package is free software; it can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Modelica license, see the license conditions and the accompanying disclaimer in the documentation of package Modelica in file "Modelica/".

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealThyristor Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealThyristor

Ideal thyristor



Ideal thyristor ... < description will be added >


Roff1.E-5Closed thyristor resistance [Ohm]
Gon1.E-5Opened thyristor conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model IdealThyristor "Ideal thyristor" 
  extends Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter SI.Resistance Roff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed thyristor resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Gon(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened thyristor conductance";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  Boolean off(start=true);
  Boolean fire(start=true);
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInPort firePort(final n=1);
  fire = firePort.signal[1];
  off = s < 0 or pre(off) and not fire;
  v = s*(if off then 1 else Roff);
  i = s*(if off then Gon else 1);
end IdealThyristor;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealGTOThyristor Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealGTOThyristor

Ideal GTO thyristor



Ideal GTO thyristor ...


Roff1.E-5Closed thyristor resistance [Ohm]
Gon1.E-5Opened thyristor conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model IdealGTOThyristor "Ideal GTO thyristor" 
  extends Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter SI.Resistance Roff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed thyristor resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Gon(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened thyristor conductance";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  Boolean off(start=true) "Position of switch";
  Boolean fire;
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInPort firePort(final n=1);
  fire = firePort.signal[1];
  off = s < 0 or not fire;
  v = s*(if off then 1 else Roff);
  i = s*(if off then Gon else 1);
end IdealGTOThyristor;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealSwitch

Ideal electrical switch



Ideal electrical switch. In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a high resistance and the closed switch has a low resistance.

If the actual circuit has an appropriate structure, the limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance of the open switch could be also exactly zero (i.e. the resistance is infinite). Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero/infinity resistances is not possible.


Roff1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Gon1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model IdealSwitch "Ideal electrical switch" 
  extends Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter SI.Resistance Roff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Gon(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  Boolean off;
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInPort control(final n=1, signal(start={
          false})) "true/false opened/closed switch";
  off = control.signal[1];
  v = s*(if off then 1 else Roff);
  i = s*(if off then Gon else 1);
end IdealSwitch;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealCommutingSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealCommutingSwitch

Ideal commuting switch



The commuting switch has a positive pin p and two negative pins n1 and n2. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control signal. If the control signal is true, the pin p is connected with the negative pin n2. Otherwise, the pin p is connected to the negative pin n1.

In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron. The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.


Ron1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Goff1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model IdealCommutingSwitch "Ideal commuting switch" 
  parameter SI.Resistance Ron(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Goff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Interfaces.PositivePin p;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n2;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n1;
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInPort control(final n=1) 
    "true => p--n2 connected, false => p--n1 connected";
  Real s1;
  Real s2 "Auxiliary variables";
  Boolean off;
  off = control.signal[1];
  0 = p.i + n2.i + n1.i;
  p.v - n1.v = s1*(if (off) then 1 else Ron);
  n1.i = -s1*(if (off) then Goff else 1);
  p.v - n2.v = s2*(if (off) then Ron else 1);
  n2.i = -s2*(if (off) then 1 else Goff);
end IdealCommutingSwitch;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealIntermediateSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealIntermediateSwitch

Ideal intermediate switch



The intermediate switch has four switching contact pins p1, p2, n1, and n2. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control signal. If the control signal is true, the pin p1 is connected to pin n2, and the pin p2 is connected to the pin n2. Otherwise, the pin p1 is connected to n1, and p2 is connected to n2.


In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron.


The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.


Ron1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Goff1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model IdealIntermediateSwitch "Ideal intermediate switch" 
  parameter SI.Resistance Ron(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Goff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Interfaces.PositivePin p1;
  Interfaces.PositivePin p2;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n1;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n2;
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInPort control(final n=1) "true => p1--n2, p2--n1 connected,
         otherwise p1--n1, p2--n2  connected";
  Real s1;
  Real s2;
  Real s3;
  Real s4 "Auxiliary variables";
  Boolean off;
  off = control.signal[1];
  p1.v - n1.v = s1*(if (off) then 1 else Ron);
  p2.v - n2.v = s2*(if (off) then 1 else Ron);
  p1.v - n2.v = s3*(if (off) then Ron else 1);
  p2.v - n1.v = s4*(if (off) then Ron else 1);
  p1.i = if (off) then s1*Goff + s3 else s1 + s3*Goff;
  p2.i = if (off) then s2*Goff + s4 else s2 + s4*Goff;
  n1.i = if (off) then -s1*Goff - s4 else -s1 - s4*Goff;
  n2.i = if (off) then -s2*Goff - s3 else -s2 - s3*Goff;
end IdealIntermediateSwitch;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealSwitch

Controlled ideal switch



The ideal switch is a three-pole. If the third pin voltage exceeds the given parameter Voltage, the pins p and n are open (no current flowing, any voltage possible). Otherwise, p and n are short cut.


level0.5Switch level [V]
Roff1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Gon1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model ControlledIdealSwitch "Controlled ideal switch" 
  parameter SI.Voltage level=0.5 "Switch level";
  parameter SI.Resistance Roff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Gon(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  Interfaces.Pin p "Positive pin";
  Interfaces.Pin n "Negative pin";
  Interfaces.Pin control 
    "Control pin: control.v > level open, otherwise closed";
  control.i = 0;
  0 = p.i + n.i;
  p.v - n.v = s*(if (control.v < level) then Roff else 1);
  n.i = s*(if (control.v < level) then 1 else Gon);
end ControlledIdealSwitch;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealCommutingSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealCommutingSwitch

Controlled ideal commuting switch



The commuting switch has a positive pin p and two negative pins n1 and n2. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control pin. If its voltage exceeds the value of the parameter level, the pin p is connected with the negative pin n2. Otherwise, the pin p is connected the negative pin n1.

In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron. The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.


level0.5Switch level [V]
Ron1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Goff1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model ControlledIdealCommutingSwitch 
  "Controlled ideal commuting switch" 
  parameter SI.Voltage level=0.5 "Switch level";
  parameter SI.Resistance Ron(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Goff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Interfaces.PositivePin p;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n2;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n1;
  Interfaces.Pin control 
    "Control pin: if control.v > level p--n2 connected, otherwise p--n1 connected"
  Real s1;
  Real s2 "Auxiliary variables";
  control.i = 0;
  0 = p.i + n2.i + n1.i;
  p.v - n1.v = s1*(if (control.v > level) then 1 else Ron);
  n1.i = -s1*(if (control.v > level) then Goff else 1);
  p.v - n2.v = s2*(if (control.v > level) then Ron else 1);
  n2.i = -s2*(if (control.v > level) then 1 else Goff);
end ControlledIdealCommutingSwitch;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch

Controlled ideal intermediate switch



The intermediate switch has four switching contact pins p1, p2, n1, and n2. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control pin. If its voltage exceeds the value of the parameter level, the pin p1 is connected to pin n2, and the pin p2 is connected to the pin n2. Otherwise, the pin p1 is connected to n1, and p2 is connected to n2.


In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron.


The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.


level0.5Switch level [V]
Ron1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Goff1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch 
  "Controlled ideal intermediate switch" 
  parameter SI.Voltage level=0.5 "Switch level";
  parameter SI.Resistance Ron(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Goff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Interfaces.PositivePin p1;
  Interfaces.PositivePin p2;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n1;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n2;
  Interfaces.Pin control "Control pin: if control.v > level p1--n2, p2--n1 connected,
         otherwise p1--n1, p2--n2  connected";
  Real s1;
  Real s2;
  Real s3;
  Real s4 "Auxiliary variables";
  control.i = 0;
  p1.v - n1.v = s1*(if (control.v > level) then 1 else Ron);
  p2.v - n2.v = s2*(if (control.v > level) then 1 else Ron);
  p1.v - n2.v = s3*(if (control.v > level) then Ron else 1);
  p2.v - n1.v = s4*(if (control.v > level) then Ron else 1);
  p1.i = if (control.v > level) then s1*Goff + s3 else s1 + s3*Goff;
  p2.i = if (control.v > level) then s2*Goff + s4 else s2 + s4*Goff;
  n1.i = if (control.v > level) then -s1*Goff - s4 else -s1 - s4*Goff;
  n2.i = if (control.v > level) then -s2*Goff - s3 else -s2 - s3*Goff;
end ControlledIdealIntermediateSwitch;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpAmp Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpAmp

Ideal operational amplifier (norator-nullator pair)



The ideal OpAmp is a two-port. The left port is fixed to v1=0 and i1=0 (nullator). At the right port both any voltage v2 and any current i2 are possible (norator).

Modelica definition

model IdealOpAmp 
  "Ideal operational amplifier (norator-nullator pair)" 
  SI.Voltage v1 "Voltage drop over the left port";
  SI.Voltage v2 "Voltage drop over the right port";
  SI.Current i1 "Current flowing from pos. to neg. pin of the left port";
  SI.Current i2 "Current flowing from pos. to neg. pin of the right port";
  Interfaces.PositivePin p1 "Positive pin of the left port";
  Interfaces.NegativePin n1 "Negative pin of the left port";
  Interfaces.PositivePin p2 "Positive pin of the right port";
  Interfaces.NegativePin n2 "Negative pin of the right port";
  v1 = p1.v - n1.v;
  v2 = p2.v - n2.v;
  0 = p1.i + n1.i;
  0 = p2.i + n2.i;
  i1 = p1.i;
  i2 = p2.i;
  v1 = 0;
  i1 = 0;
end IdealOpAmp;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpAmp3Pin Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpAmp3Pin

Ideal operational amplifier (norator-nullator pair), but 3 pins



The ideal OpAmp with three pins is of exactly the same behaviour as the ideal OpAmp with four pins. Only the negative output pin is left out. Both the input voltage and current are fixed to zero (nullator). At the output pin both any voltage v2 and any current i2 are possible.

Modelica definition

model IdealOpAmp3Pin 
  "Ideal operational amplifier (norator-nullator pair), but 3 pins" 
  Interfaces.PositivePin in_p "Positive pin of the input port";
  Interfaces.NegativePin in_n "Negative pin of the input port";
  Interfaces.PositivePin out "Output pin";
  in_p.v = in_n.v;
  in_p.i = 0;
  in_n.i = 0;
end IdealOpAmp3Pin;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpAmpLimited Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpAmpLimited

Ideal operational amplifier with limitation



The ideal OpAmp with limitation behaves like an ideal OpAmp without limitation, if the output voltage is within the limits (VMin < out.v < VMax). In this case the input voltage vin=in_p.v - in_n.v is zero. If the input voltage is vin < 0, the output voltage is out.v = VMin. If the input voltage is vin > 0, the output voltage is out.v = VMax.

Modelica definition

model IdealOpAmpLimited "Ideal operational amplifier with limitation"
  Interfaces.PositivePin in_p "Positive pin of the input port";
  Interfaces.NegativePin in_n "Negative pin of the input port";
  Interfaces.PositivePin out "Output pin";
  Interfaces.PositivePin VMax "Positive output voltage limitation";
  Interfaces.NegativePin VMin "Negative output voltage limitation";
  SI.Voltage vin "input voltage";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  in_p.i = 0;
  in_n.i = 0;
  VMax.i = 0;
  VMin.i = 0;
  vin = in_p.v - in_n.v;
  in_p.v - in_n.v = if (s < -1) then s + 1 else if (s > 1) then s - 1 else 0;
  out.v = if (s < -1) then VMin.v else if (s > 1) then VMax.v else (VMax.v - 
    VMin.v)*s/2 + (VMax.v + VMin.v)/2;
end IdealOpAmpLimited;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealDiode Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealDiode

Ideal electrical diode



Ideal electrical diode. This is an ideal switch which is open, when it is reversed biased (voltage drop < 0) and which is closed, when it is conducting (current > 0). In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened diode has a high resistance and the closed diode has a low resistance.

If the actual circuit has an appropriate structure, the limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance of the closed diode could be exactly zero and the conductance of the open diode could be also exactly zero (i.e. the resistance is infinity). Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero/infinity resistances is not possible.


Roff1.E-5Closed diode resistance [Ohm]
Gon1.E-5Opened diode conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model IdealDiode "Ideal electrical diode" 
  extends Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter SI.Resistance Roff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed diode resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Gon(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened diode conductance";
  Boolean off(start=true) "Switching state of diode";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  off = s < 0;
  v = s*(if off then 1 else Roff);
  i = s*(if off then Gon else 1);
end IdealDiode;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealTransformer Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealTransformer

Ideal electrical transformer



The ideal transformer is an ideal two-port resistive circuit element which is characterized by the following two equations:

    v1 =  n * v2
    i2 = -n * i1

where n is a real number called the turns ratio.


n1Turns ratio

Modelica definition

model IdealTransformer "Ideal electrical transformer" 
  extends Interfaces.TwoPort;
  parameter Real n=1 "Turns ratio";
  v1 = n*v2;
  i2 = -n*i1;
end IdealTransformer;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealGyrator Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealGyrator

Ideal gyrator



A gyrator is an ideal two-port element defined by the following equations:

    i1 =  G * v2
    i2 = -G * v1

where the constant G is called the gyration conductance.


G1Gyration conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model IdealGyrator "Ideal gyrator" 
  extends Interfaces.TwoPort;
  parameter SI.Conductance G=1 "Gyration conductance";
  i1 = G*v2;
  i2 = -G*v1;
end IdealGyrator;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.Idle Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.Idle

Idle branch



The model Idle is a simple idle running branch.

Modelica definition

model Idle "Idle branch" 
  extends Interfaces.OnePort;
  i = 0;
end Idle;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.Short Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.Short

Short cut branch



The model Short is a simple short cut branch.

Modelica definition

model Short "Short cut branch" 
  extends Interfaces.OnePort;
  v = 0;
end Short;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpener Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealOpener

Ideal electrical opener



The ideal opener has a positive pin p and a negative pin n. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control signal. If the control signal is true, pin p is not connected with negative pin n. Otherwise, pin p is connected with negative pin n.

In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron. The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.


Ron1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Goff1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model IdealOpener "Ideal electrical opener" 
  extends Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter SI.Resistance Ron(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Goff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInPort control(final n=1) 
    "true => switch open, false => p--n connected";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  Boolean off;
  off = control.signal[1];
  v = s*(if off then 1 else Ron);
  i = s*(if off then Goff else 1);
end IdealOpener;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealCloser Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.IdealCloser

Ideal electrical closer



The ideal opener has a positive pin p and a negative pin n. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control signal. If the control signal is true, pin p is not connected with negative pin n. Otherwise, pin p is connected with negative pin n.

In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron. The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.


Ron1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Goff1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model IdealCloser "Ideal electrical closer" 
  extends Interfaces.OnePort;
  parameter SI.Resistance Ron(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Goff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.BooleanInPort control(final n=1) 
    "true => switch open, false => p--n connected";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  Boolean on;
  on = control.signal[1];
  v = s*(if not on then 1 else Ron);
  i = s*(if not on then Goff else 1);
end IdealCloser;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealOpener Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealOpener

Controlled ideal electrical opener



The ideal switch has a positive pin p and a negative pin n. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control pin. If its voltage exceeds the voltage of the parameter level, pin p is not connected with negative pin n. Otherwise, pin p is connected with negative pin n.

In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron. The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.


level0.5Switch level [V]
Ron1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Goff1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model ControlledIdealOpener "Controlled ideal electrical opener" 
  parameter SI.Voltage level=0.5 "Switch level";
  parameter SI.Resistance Ron(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Goff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  Interfaces.PositivePin p;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n;
  Interfaces.Pin control 
    "Control pin: control.v > level switch open, otherwise p--n connected";
  control.i = 0;
  0 = p.i + n.i;
  p.v - n.v = s*(if (control.v > level) then 1 else Ron);
  p.i = s*(if (control.v > level) then Goff else 1);
end ControlledIdealOpener;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealCloser Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Ideal.ControlledIdealCloser

Controlled ideal electrical closer



The ideal switch has a positive pin p and a negative pin n. The switching behaviour is controlled by the control pin. If its voltage exceeds the voltage of the parameter level, pin p is not connected with negative pin n. Otherwise, pin p is connected with negative pin n.

In order to prevent singularities during switching, the opened switch has a (very low) conductance Goff and the closed switch has a (very low) resistance Ron. The limiting case is also allowed, i.e., the resistance Ron of the closed switch could be exactly zero and the conductance Goff of the open switch could be also exactly zero. Note, there are circuits, where a description with zero Ron or zero Goff is not possible.


level0.5Switch level [V]
Ron1.E-5Closed switch resistance [Ohm]
Goff1.E-5Opened switch conductance [S]

Modelica definition

model ControlledIdealCloser "Controlled ideal electrical closer" 
  parameter SI.Voltage level=0.5 "Switch level";
  parameter SI.Resistance Ron(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Closed switch resistance";
  parameter SI.Conductance Goff(final min=0) = 1.E-5 "Opened switch conductance";
  Real s "Auxiliary variable";
  Interfaces.PositivePin p;
  Interfaces.NegativePin n;
  Interfaces.Pin control 
    "Control pin: control.v > level switch open, otherwise p--n connected";
  control.i = 0;
  0 = p.i + n.i;
  p.v - n.v = s*(if (control.v > level) then Ron else 1);
  p.i = s*(if (control.v > level) then 1 else Goff);
end ControlledIdealCloser;

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