Linköping University

Department of Computer and Information Science

Publication Register

Articles reported during 2000
as published or accepted for publication

Subset: articles originating in EIS during 2000

The IDA publication register contains information about articles written by researchers at IDA. The usual bibliographic references are combined with links to on-line copies of those articles whenever available and known.
If the article you are looking for is not in this list, then
maybe it as already reported last year - see last year's list.

J. Skåmedal.
Telecommuting and its affect on travel and travel patterns in Sweden.
Presented on the 5th International Telework Workshop, 28th August - 31th August 2000, Stockholm.

L. Askenäs, A. Westelius.
Five roles of IT: implications for regional development.
In the proceedings of the 5th International Telework Workshop i Stockholm, 28 August-1 September, 2000. NUTEK's best paper award för the theme "Telework in small and medium sized enterprises".

S. Bergum.
Managerial communication in telework.
In the proceedings of the 5th International Telework Workshop i Stockholm, 28 Augusti till 1 September 2000.

A. O. El Sawy, S. Gosain, A Malhotra, C-J Petri.
Integrating Supply Chains and Electronic Commerce in a Unified Europé.
In Carnegie Bosch Institute for Applied Studies in International Management

Å. Janson, F. Nilsson, B Rapp.
Implementing Environmentally - Driven Business Development: A Management Control Perspective.
Published in Scandinavian Journal of Management.

M. Kald, F. Nilsson.
Performance measurement at Nordic companies.
Published in European Management Journal 18(1), pp. 113-127.

Y. Merkuryev, B. Rapp, G. Merkuryeva.
Simulation, Gaming, Training and Business Process Reengineering in Operations.
Published in Riga University Press, Riga.

F. Nilsson, B. Rapp.
Creating Competitive Advantage: The Importance of Strategic Congruence and Integrated Control.
Presented at the 17th European Conference on Operational Research in Budapest.

F. Nilsson.
Parenting styles and value creation: A management control approach.
Published in Management Accounting Research 11(1), pp. 89-112.

F. Nilsson, Å. Jansson, M. Kald, B. Rapp.
On creating an environmentally-driven mode of business development: Empirical evidence.
Presented at the 23rd Annual Congress of the European Accounting Association in München.

F. Nilsson, M. Kald, B Rapp.
On Strategy and Management Control: The Importance of Classifying the Strategy of the Business.
Published in British Journal of Management, Vol 11, issue 3, pp 197-212.

T. Ohlin.
Access as value addition.
Kapitel inom Festskrift till prof Janis Bubenko.

T. Ohlin.
A step is taken in Sweden. Slowly increasing citizen influence.
Paper presented at the Second International Congress on Direct Democracy, Athens, June 21-25.

T. Ohlin.
Bredband, ja - men hur?.
Published in Computer Sweden.

T. Ohlin.
Future democracy in the Information Society: Towards more citizen participation in Sweden.
Published in Futures.

N-G. Olve.
"Goda kostnader" i behov av skydd.
Published in Ekonomi & Styrning 1/00, s 30-33.

N-G. Olve.
Borde du inte läsa en bok i stället? Eller gå på teater?.
Published in Headhunter, January 2000. Electronic published in

N-G. Olve.
Den frihet väl kan bära.
Published in Headhunter, SvD 000917. Electronic published in

N-G. Olve.
Increasing the bandwidth in telework control.
Presented at the "Telework 2000" in Stockholm, August 2000.

N-G. Olve.
Intern redovisning viktigare än goodwill.
Published in Dagens industri, 4th May 2000.

N-G. Olve.
Scorecards and new measures of performance - why now?.
Electronic published

B. Rapp.
Simulation: Applications and Education in the Baltic Area. Report No 3.
Published in CONSA. Research Report Series.

B. Rapp.
Simulation: Applications and Education in the Baltic Area. Report No 4.
Published in CONSA. Research Report Series.

A. Westelius.
Hur använder företag intranät för att sprida kunskap och skapa kontakter.
Published in Management of Technology, 2000:2

A. Westelius.
Virtuell kontakt och kunskapsspridning - mot ökad demokrati?: Om intranäts roll i spridning av kunskap och kontaktskapande inom organisationer.
Published in IMIT 2000:112, Stockholm, Electronic published in

Linda Askenäs, Alf Westelius.
Five roles of an an information system: A social constructionist approach to analyzing the use of ERP Systems.
In the proceedings of ICIS 2000, the International Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, December 2000.

Alf Westelius.
Listening, Leading, Learning - on classical music and business.
Published in Reflections - the SoL Journal on Knowledge, Learning and Change; MIT Press - in the theme issue 2:4 on the role of arts in business. The issue will appear in mid-June 2001.

F. Nilsson, Birger Rapp.
Implementing business unit strategies - The role of management control systems.
Published in Scandinavian Journal of Management, vol. 15, pp. 65-88, 1999,

T. Ohlin.
Sprid medborgarmakten!.
Published in Demokratiutredningen, Forskarvolym VII, "IT i demokratins tjänst", 1999.

N-G. Olve, Jan Roy, Magnus Wetter.
Balanced Scorecard i svensk praktik.
Published in Liber Ekonomi, vol. 3, 1999.

N-G. Olve, Paulsson Frenckner.
Controllerfunktionen - nyupptäckt men gammal.
Publicerad i Controllerhandboken, utgåva 6, kapitel 2 i Lars A. Samuelson (red). Industrilitteratur (Sveriges Verkstadsindustrier), 1999.

N-G. Olve, Paulsson Frenckner.
Publicerad i Controllerhandboken, utgåva 6, kapitel 7 i Lars A. Samuelson (red). Industrilitteratur (Sveriges Verkstadsindustrier), 1999.

N-G. Olve.
Dialog som styrmetod:.
Published in Headhunter, September 1999. Electronic published in

N-G. Olve.
Managementläror - hype eller äkta?.
Published in Headhunter, May 1999. Electronic published in

N-G. Olve, Jan Roy, Magnus Wetter.
Performance Drivers - A Practical Guide to Using the Balanced Scorecard.
Japansk version "Strategic Balanced Scorecard", utgiven av Shakai Keizai Seinsansei Honbu, spansk version "Implanatando y gestionando el Cuadro de Mado Integral", utgiven av Gestion. Ytterligare översättningar till portuguisiska och holländska under förberedande, 1999.

N-G. Olve, B. Daven, H. Nilsson, M. Sundling.
Utvecklade styrdialoger för offentlig verksamhet.
Published in Cepro Management Report nr 3. Electronic published in, 1999.

Birger Rapp.
Principal-Agent and Transaction Cost Theories in Business Modelling.
Published in Perspectives on Business Modelling - Understanding and Changing Organisations, Springer Verlag, 1999.

Birger Rapp.
Simulation: Applications and Education in the Baltic Area, Report No 2.
Published in CONSA, Research Report Series, 1999.

Birger Rapp.
Simulation: Applications and Education in the Baltic Area, Report No 1, (Competence Network for Simulation Applications).
Published in CONSA, Research Report Series, 1999.

Birger Rapp.
Flexibla organisationslösningar, Om flexibla arbetsformer och flexibla kontor.
Published in Telematik 2001, KFB & Teledok, 1999.

A. Westelius.
Jag har givits möjlighet att ta ansvar för mitt eget lärande, Här och Nu!.
I Helene Hård af Segerstads (red) CUPs rapportserie Nr 5, Linköpings universitet, 1999.

A. Westelius.
Medförfattare till MÖtesplats för form och design.
SOU 1999:123

A. Westelius, Eva Flogell, Linda Svensson.
Mentor - en kollega som samtalspartner - om lärande i universitetsmiljön, Här och Nu!.
I Helene Hård af Segerstads (red) CUPs rapportserie Nr 5, Linköpings universitet, 1999.

L. Appelgren.
Ekobrott på Internet.
Föredrag vid Länsstyrelsens Internetseminarium, 1999-09-20, Linköping.

F. Nilsson, P. Trossmark.
Det intelligenta styrkortet - styrning som förändrar.
Published in Ekonomi och Styrning, vol. 1, pp. 32-35, 1999.

F. Nilsson, P. Trossmark.
Styrkortets potential utnyttjas alltför sällan.
Published in Dagens Industri (Debatt & Dialog), 15th of April, 1999.

This page is maintained by [EMTEK]; latest update 4 August 1997.