Linköping University

Department of Computer and Information Science

Publication Register

Articles reported during 1996
as published or accepted for publication

Subset: articles originating in CADLAB during 1996

The IDA publication register contains information about articles written by researchers at IDA. The usual bibliographic references are combined with links to on-line copies of those articles whenever available and known. The links marked "[ALP]" and "[ECP]" are explained at the end of the present page.
If the article you are looking for is not in this list, then
maybe it as already reported last year - see last year's list.

Jakob Axelsson.
Hardware/Software Partitioning Aiming at Fulfilment of Real-Time Constraints. .
Journal of Systems Architecture 42(6-7):449-464, 1996.

Petru Eles, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Zebo Peng, A Doboli.
Post-synthesis Back-Annotation of Timing Information in Behavioral VHDL, .
Accepted for publication in Journal of System Architecture, The EUROMICRO Journal (special issue on Design of Hardware and Software Systems).

Petru Eles, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Zebo Peng.
Synthesis of Systems Specified as Interacting VHDL Processes, .
Accepted for publication in INTEGRATION the VLSI journal.

Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, A Doboli.
Hardware/Software Partitioning with Iterative Improvement Heuristics, .
9th International Symposium on System Synthesis, La Jolla, USA, Nov 6-8, 1996.

Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, A Doboli.
Hardware/Software Partitioning of VHDL System Specifications, .
EURO-DAC'92, Sept 16-22, 1996, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 434-439.

Petru Eles, Zebo Peng, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, A Doboli.
System Level Hardware/Software Partitioning Based on Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search. .
Accepted for publication in Kluwer Journal DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR EMBADDED SYSTEMS.

P Gruen, Petru Eles, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Zebo Peng.
Automatic Parallelisation of Petri Net Based Design Representation .
for High-Level Synthesis, 22nd Euromicro Conference, Prague, Sept 2-5, 1996.

X Gu, Erik Larsson, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Zebo Peng.
A Controller Analysis and Enhancement Technique, .
Accepted for European Design and Test Conference, March 17-20, 1997, Paris, France.

M Larsson.
An Engineering Approach to Formal Digital System Design, .
In T. F. Melham and J. Camilleri, editors, Higher Order Logic Theorem Proving and its Applications, volume 859 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 300-315. Springer-Verlag, Sept. 1994. (extended version) of the conference paper)

M Larsson.
An Engineering Approach to Formal Digital System Design. .
BCS Computer Journal, 38(2):101-110, 1995.

M Larsson.
Improving the Result of High-level Synthesis Using Interactive Transformational Design. .
In J. von Wright, J. Grundy, and J. Harrison, editors, Theorem Proving in Higher Order Logics, volume 1125 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 299-314. Springer-Verlag, Aug., 1996.

J Öberg, Petru Eles, A Hemani, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Zebo Peng.
Specifying Local Timing Constraints for HLS of Digital Systems in VHDL, .
The Third Asia Pacific Conference on Hardware Description Languages (APCHDL 96), Jan 8-11, 1996, Bangalore, India.

Article Locator Pages

In some cases, the database maintains relatively extensive information about an article: links to the journal, conference, or publisher where the article was published, links to several generations of the article, etc. Fort this reason, the publication register constructs Article Locator Pages (ALP), that is, HTML pages containing up-to-date information about the publication status of the article in question and, as often as possible, links to the full text of that article.

It is intended that the ALP shall be permanently usable as a key to the full article and to current information about it. ALP:s have a systematic naming; an ALP noted below as number 002 under the headling 1997 is represented at the URL

E-Press Cover Pages

For those articles published by the Linköping University Electronic Press, the table above also indicates the E-Press cover page, using the ECP. The ECP is used by the E-Press to characterize the instance of an article as published by them. It contains links to various versions or aspects of the article: abstract, postscript, PDF version, etc.


Users at IDA please click here for information about how to enter your article into the register and to modify the information about it.

This page is maintained by [EMTEK]; latest update 4 August 1997.